Internet Anthropology and the GWOT
We are entering a new era of Internet warfare, "New uses and discoveries for the INTERNET will center on "PROCESS" & "ORGANIZATION".
The Internet can be turned against the Terrorist, but there doesn't seem to be much cooperation
between government agencys. Turf, methods and Intel are still cloistered.
There is a classification of "Security Anthropologist" but the work I do is a little different,
it is Internet Anthropology.
And my studies have take me into the war arena looking for ways to implement this information into methods of Intel collection. With the focus on actionable Intel.
We have written white papers for the Air Force, "Dominating the Internet Domain", to White papers for the Army and Department of Home Land Security.
And an invitation to speak at the Chinese The 16th World Congress of IUAES, on Social Change Engines.
And the International Conference Organized by the Turkish National Police on Democracy and Global Security use our Intel and site in presentations.
Some of my conversations with the Government's genius lead anthropologists Brian R SelmeskiCiv USAF AETC AU/CFA, have been very enlightining, and excitiing.
There is a open field in the study of Internet anthropology and its uses in the GWOT.
Gray Intelligence
Observation, synthesis and action are the essence of applied Anthropology.
The application of these ethnographic studies can make the Internet work against the Terrorists.
We continue to work these advantages and drive new uses for Internet technology.
We have over 100,000 BSU's on call.
And I want to thank our Civilian Battalion ( 4 companies ) for their hard and diligent work.
Internet Anthropologist.
Labels: anthropology, Ethnography, paradigm, Research, Social sciences