Worldview in 20/20
"Paradigm Puzzle" Bee.
Paradigm mating
The Bones don't match.
( Been busy, internal conference, farm,
war driving cleaning up some problems,
fishing next. G )
We, you and me, often get world views from the News.
And piece by piece we develop our world view.
How we see the world fits together.
Of course we add what our politicians say and
views we read on the web.
And over time we "see" the world.
Of course we all "see" different views.
One aspect to our views is to ignore what
"they" say and just examine what they did.
As a separate paradigm.
We here at IATT periodically try and fit all our
paradigms together like in a globe puzzle. Like how
does the Afghan paradigm fit the Paki Paradigm,
and on and out... Iran, Iraq, Russian, China etc.
Usually where there are gaps, over laps and the
pieces don't fit together well then it indicates problems with
the Paradigm's hypothesis.
The following are problematic areas, not that
they are true but they do need a deeper look.
They just don't fit whats being said in this case.
We will tuck into the "Post processing" phase
for a look.
This is part of the processing phase.
Part of our Paradigm Intel engine, is an artificial Intelligence program,
I wrote, This is the “DEAD END Engine”. Its also useful to test for
any missed Paradigms of interest.
It’s a "targeted area", 'random Idea', paradigm generator that functions
on data provided by the user, input by Text in a chat room cyber
environ, the AI program asks you questions, that gleans key information from the user and then then relates “OTHER” paradigm possibilities during a session of conversational texting,
Its quick, sweet and subliminally driven to problem areas by the user.
Work product is a list of other remarkable possible paradigms,
that "fit".
Which we are sharing here.
(Very high security, as it needs no internet connection.G)
Post processing:
Paradigm Hypotheses:
#1) N. Korea doesn’t have a nuclear weapon.
China is not afraid of N. Korea based on its actions
and Military deployment.
N.Korea doesn’t have a nuclear weapon.
China through active or passive operations
knows N.Korea's nuclear tests results have been produced
by dirty high explosive non-nuclear underground tests.
N.Korea is a nuclear paper tiger:
A cheaply produced paper tiger threat, to occupy a large
component of US resources and Military power.
Force projection without merit.
Where are China’s anti-missile defenses?
2) Pakistan knows just what the US is doing,
and agrees it is good for Paki. IE Japan, Germany
WWII, even Iraq
US is currently working with Pakistan
to do a at speed connect between the Core and
the Gap.
It will produce an increased standard of Living
for 90% of the Paki population.
Higher wages, more jobs, better trained workers,
increased health care, a higher standard of living
and longer life spans.
Normally the connection between the Gap and the
Core is much slower process, and not driven by terrorism.
The faster and stronger the connections are between the
gap and the core, the quicker the gap becomes part of
the core the less influence terrorism wields.
( It maybe part of the connection paradigm
to have alot of corruption when connecting the gap to
the core on a fast track. The volume of money
coming in during a fast track connection maybe
as much as a hundred fold or even a thousand fold increase.G)
The partnership between the US and Paki is so strong
the US fires missiles at terrorist in Pakistan.
Both Paki and US are nuclear powers, and the trust
that has to exist for US to fire into terrorist in Paki,
is immense, it demonstrates a very powerful and trusting
relationship on both sides.
#3) Iran isn't a nuke power and US has never
drawn a line in the sand they haven't let Iran
cross. Iran is confused about it's limits, they
have no idea where their limits are.
We were not able to squeeze any juice out on why
US has let Iranian regime pillage and rape all over
the Middle East without any consensuses?
And they are not a nuke power, what would
they be like if Iran got a nuke. It won't be
pretty or easy.
US is setting up a ME bully with unreasonable
expectations and a WMD, huge club..
13th Imam
No limits
Divine Nuclear Mission:
#4) Afghanistan and Russia.
The Taliban were whipped once and drove into
But lets follow the money. At least the political capital.
Who benefits from the US being tied up to Afpak for 10
Who might have a motive to keep this going?
Seems Russia was very reasonable about US
giving the Mujaheddin the power to run Russia out
of Afghan.
Could that be motive?
After Russia left Afghanistan it collapsed, unrelated to
the loss of of the small War in Afghan.
( Yes I've heard the claim that the Mujaheddin brought
down the Russian empire in Afghanistan, NONSENSE. G)
And some of the Russia's regrouped, and US ran the Taliban
out of Afghan a few years latter. So both the Russians and
the Taliban had their tail feathers burned. In effect by the same
flame. The US.
Some ohooo so top secret meetings, nothing on the Internet,
and the secret funding conduit was set up all old school.
FBS to the Taliban?
And the Russian Business Net, RBN breaking into Pentagon
computers for 3 days looking to see if the Putin/FBS regime
and Taliban connection had been discovered?
A wooden tiger, the Taliban, to occupy huge US resources
and Military power for 10 years, for the cost of Bullets?
But even if that was the case it backfired, the US now has
200,000 seasoned combat tested troops and equipment, in urban warfare and high speed core connection technology deployment.
The Russians have only sharpened the US sword.
Epic Fail.
#5) "The Government has its foot on the Neck of BP."
"The US may go after BP dividends"
The White House seems to be posturing.
The anger, the outrage over the oil leak.
BP seems to be working hard at fixing this.
NO one was prepared for a deep oil leak
And so far it seems some front line oil field
personnel cut corners that lead to this disaster,
The investigation will show if this was Company
policy or rogue employees.
But it looks like BP is really trying.
Why wasn't the Governments foot on the neck
of the Wall St Banks, when the banks almost
brought down the world's economies?
why didn't they go after the dividends of the
Wall Street Banks?
Instead the Gov.gave them a handout/bailout.
Allow them to be legal loan sharks 30%cc
and 460% on payday loans.
False balance sheets, caring toxic paper at 100%.
CDS fraudulent insurance without any reserve requirements.
Black trading pools no regulation.
-1,000 pt 10 min decline.
Change bankruptcy laws to trap victims of the loan sharking.
What do you think, is the Foot of Wall St bankers
on the neck of Congress and the Taxpayer. WHY?
#6) There are intelligence agenys pushing to
keep terrorist sites up, to collect intel and make
It reminds me of the "Bait cars" where they leave the keys
in it, engine running and door open, it was in Arizona.
They will always to find some one to arrest in those
conditions, but whom are you catching?
The question is confused.
Should they be making and arresting terrorists?
Or should the question be, about infection,
spreading the terrorism propaganda to infect
new members or stopping the infection.
And I don't mean they literally make terrorists,
but leaving the terrorist sites up, creates an infection
vector. The recruiting continues 'online' and those terrorist
sites can be almost all be shut down.
Once Intel Agencys get this paradigm worked out
Google's You Tube will be cleaning the terrorist
vids up. Google blocked IATT from their adwords
program and the few dollars we got from there,
for posting pics of beheaded Americans.
While they continue to allow posting terrorist vids on
You Tube. I go to our page with the beheaded Americans
every once in a while to remind me, graphically why we
are in this fight, and how evil the terrorist are.
And I am very grateful to Google for all their services
and empowering the web.
#7) US isn't loosing the war on terrorism.
kinetics tools are the best in the world.
Binny, Big Z and Omar have gone deep
underground, taking most of the top leadership
with them. Reason fear of assassination.
Spies are rampant. They hate the drones.
And they have a new toolbox. The Anthro
arm and surveys, Human Terrain system's have
a newly identified benifit is the ability to project
intentions and desires with a survey team.
Setting up fast track core connection system.
And a huge vast Pahstoon spy system covering Paki and
Afghan. The only loyalty the Taliban get is bought or
from fear, privately the Taliban are HATED by the
indigenous peoples in Afpak.
The drones are targeting primarily upper and mid
level Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders, the US has pulled
back on wholesale slaughter of the Taliban rank and
file although they have the capability. Terrorist field
troops are only engaged if they attack.
For the first time the US may have the tools to
win the Peace, besides win the war. If successful
these paradigms combine to form the most powerful
force in the world, to kill "the Enemy" and actually win
hearts and minds of civilians.
They need time to work the learning curve and
test responses.
Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: Kandahar already a huge success.
Just saw “Last Days of Lehman Brothers”
I had the dish served cold 3X, shamefully my
heart soared every time. I sucked at the sweet
taste again and again and it never lost its flavor.
My heart warms and soars to the video.
“Last Days of Lehman Brothers”
It's refrain is such a happy melody.
Where is my HI-res visual jack on my
cell phone? Somebody is going to steal the cell
market, upgrade from 3" screen to a
70" movie screen via
Watch movies ( or the net ) from your
cell on a virtual 70" screen.
Better than your PC.
Internet Anthropologist