US to establish a US nuclear umbrella over Israel. Its not possible, and also immaterial.
To make Israel feel secure in the new reality, Riedel "proposed" four steps for strengthening the Israeli armed forces and lending it a second-strike capability - even against an Iranian nuclear attack.
1. The US must spread a nuclear umbrella over Israel that would entail the installation of American nuclear depots in Israel to show Tehran that a nuclear attack on the Jewish state would meet with a US nuclear response.
2. American nuclear submarines would be supplied to the Israeli Navy as the backbone of its nuclear counter-strike capability. There are two categories - ballistic missile submarines and attack submarines.
3. The Israeli Air Force would receive US F-22 Raptor stealth jets, the most sophisticated warplane in the skies today. They would be equipped with all the systems and ordnance needed to strike the Iranian nuclear program.
4. The US would arrange for Israel's full membership of NATO, so rendering an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel subject not just to US retaliation but a declaration of war by the 26-member alliance.
To qualify for these American security perks, Riedel made it clear that Israel would be required to come to terms with a nuclear-armed Iran and eschew military action against it, a provision whichDEBKAfile's military and Jerusalem sources say the Netanyahu government is most unlikely to accept.
InfoWar is the key to winning the Taliban over to REASON.
The terrorist culture is running a strong, constant, propaganda
campaign, providing false but believable info to the tribal like
sections of the Taliban rank and file.
The people in this film are representative of much of the
Taliban rank and file. They believe they are fighting for
their country and religion.
They also have some doubts, argue about orders, and
which tribe will expend their heavy ammo.
Again I want to emphasis they are reasonable and
subject to logic and reason, but they have been exposed
to only one side of the equation and are easily mislead.
During the film I noticed one fighter wearing argyle socks.
The Western culture can make huge inroads if employed
in an info war, bring on coke cola and Pepsi.
You will notice they bring the male children with
them to battle, they carry the heavy weapons as
heavy load bearers, they are not allowed to shoot.
YET, it is from this demographic and the integration
of children into the fight that will perpetuate the fight
for many years. And leads to the death of children during
counter attacks.
And they embed the children into planning sessions and allow
them to dress as soldiers.
Setting in on a planning session.
They are putting their own children at risk of death.
Some of the Taliban troops do not participate in
and some even use both hands when
eating, pointing to poor hygiene and high rates
of illness.
And even the leader cleans even the small bones of any meat,
a sign of undernourishment.
The leader. A reasonable thinking man.
They fire from ranges so distant they cannot see
the American Troops, from concealed positions
that are long term emplacements. 4 rounds at a
Long term emplacements:
Note stacked and leveled bricks.
If they even hit an US vehicle they count the
it as destroyed, and it appears they are using
WWI anti aircraft weapon, and the leader
was impressed with weapons that could fire
on full auto, but there was some concern about
ammo conservation.
Their attempt at insurgency points to a half
hearted attempt. And some members facial
expressions disclosed doubt about the
cause as the leader was trying to validate
their actions and lead them in prayer
after ward.
Kind of if you don't believe me believe
in Allah. They continue to bastardize Islam.
Only an effective InfoWar can tip their
false mislead belief system the Taliban
The doubt is certain but tentative in the
Taliban propaganda.
And needs to be capitalized on.
The Taliban Paradigm is flipable, it is false, these former farmers can be
brought to peace. Only a good truthful info war can flip them to reason
and peace.
Even the leader is susceptible to PTSD, after
his children were killed.
Even with dead children he is trun-able to PEACE,
even with PTSD he wants a peaceful life, the Taliban
have lead him to endanger his children and their deaths.
Bin Laden still AWOL Yup he has abandoned al Qaeda cult. in a 4000 ft deluxe luxury apartment, hash, wine, porno, and Great food.43 minutes agovia web G .