Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: 7/22/07 - 7/29/07

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    Saturday, July 28, 2007

    Wack a Mole, works

    While Wack a Mole is working, it causes disruption of communications, command and control, recruiting, and funding. It is temporary, but costs them in manpower, lost opportunities and disruption of ops.

    Al Qaeda would have died on the vine except for the Internet, it floated the sparks to other parts of the world.

    Al Qaeda's basic hypothesis regarding their own religion is wrong.
    Killing women. children, bombing Mosques and market places is not allowed.

    If the Al Qaeda webmasters are taken out, no more Wack a Mole.

    Take out the Webmasters and their communications link is DOWN.



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    From new secret al Qaeda site.

    The current offensive by Mypetjawa
    and Internet Haganah and Freepers are having an effect on Al Qaeda, which they admit.
    From new secret al Qaeda site.

    "Finally ask you God to bring back the lifting of this Web servers free reign to goodness everybody This is the least stand in solidarity, which stand in solidarity by the Tawhid and lovers and we will not stop until we explode ourselves"

    Good work guys.

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    Jahidist continue to sucker the Ummah.

    Besides I loved has not imagine my life that I love so that the heart or one of Thus

    كانت البداية عندما تصفحت المنتديات
    When they initially leafed forums

    وإذا بإسمه يشرق في إحداها
    If his name shine in one

    انجذبت إليه وشدتي تلك الحكايا
    Attracted to him and those Cdetti Hakaya

    سبحان الله هل هذه حقيقة أم أنها من نسج الخيال
    Glory to God Is this true, or they figments of imagination

    أغرمت به ولا يمضي علي يوم إلا وأعرج إليه لـأعرف ما هي آخر أخباره
    Keeps do not go on day and turn mechanism to know what the latest news

    حماس وهمة وإيمان والنور
    Hamas, diligence and faith, and Noor

    عطاء وإيثار ومحبة
    Tender and the selfless love

    كان ذلك منتدى يتحدث عن الجهاد
    That was a forum to talk about jihad

    ان أعضاؤه كالشموع المضيئة التي إذا إختفى أحدهم ترك فراغا و حل

    الظلام على ذلك المكان
    The members Kalshmoua glowing that if someone disappeared, leaving a vacuum solution to that place of darkness

    آه ما أحلاها من أيام قضيتها مع أعز الأصداقاء
    Uh, what bad days spent with dearest Alasaddaghae

    سرعان ما انقلب إلى أحزان وهم يقطع الوجدان
    Soon they turned to grief interrupt conscience

    استغل أحدهم سذاجتي وحبي للجهاد وأمنيتي بالشهادة
    Someone took advantage of my naivety and my love for jihad, my testimony

    أخذ يطلب مني المال للمجاهدين كما إدعى
    Taking asks me money for the Mujahideen, as claimed
    (THEY CONNED HIM OUT OF HIS LIFES SAVINGS and they would buy Mosques,weapons,equipment,food )

    تارة يقول سنبني مسجدا للمجاهدين
    Ouattara says will build mosques of the Mujahideen

    وتارة يقول سنشتري الأسلحة والعتاد
    Ouattara says will buy weapons and equipment

    وتارة هم بحاجة للزاد والطعام
    And sometimes they need for increased food

    كنت أعمل المستحيل لكي أحصل ولو على القليل وكم كان يتفطر قلبي عندما
    أعجز عن التحصيل
    I worked impossible to get even a little How my heart breaks when quite the collection

    وكم أذللت نفسي عند السؤال
    How Azllt myself in question

    ولكن شتان بين من أشترى الجنان وبين من ركن إلى الحطام
    But the big difference between buying from the heavens and the corner of the debris (THOUGHT HE WAS BUYING HEAVEN, BOUGHT DEBRIS )

    بعد أن استنزف كل ما لدي وزرع الكره في قلبي للعلماء و الحكام وحتى
    لأقرب الناس لي ولاهلي
    After that sapped all of the planting the ball in the heart of scholars and rulers, and even to the people closest to me and my family

    وبعد أن كنت فضلته وعصبته على نفسي
    After that I preferred to myself and cohorts

    اكتشفت أنه يخدعني ويحتفظ بالمال لنفسه
    He discovered me and kept money for himself

    كان يخدعني ويبذر المال
    It deceive and sow Capital

    فأي خيانة هذه وأي غش وخداع
    Any betrayal of any such fraud and deceit

    هل نعيش في عالم وحوش أم تحت ربى الإسلام ؟؟؟
    Is live in a world of monsters or under Lord Islam? ? ?

    إعلموا يا أخوات ويا إخوان أني لم أقل لكم هذا
    You know sisters Loya Brothers, I did not tell you this

    إلا لكي لا تقعوا فريسة سهلة كما حدث معي ولكي لا تضيعوا الايام
    But in order not to fall easy prey also happened to me and not to lost days

    ******* ******* *******

    هذه قصة مؤسفة لأحد أبنائنا فأين الصادقون وأين الرجال؟؟
    This sad story of one of our honest and Vine Where are the men? ?

    أفيقوا يا شباب الإسلام
    Your senses Oh youth of Islam

    نرى كم هو عدد الذين غرر بهم بإسم الجهاد ؟؟
    !See how many who have been deluded by the name of jihad? ? !

    ترى كم عدد الذين دفعوا وربما ماتوا بعد دفعهم للإنتحار ؟؟
    !See how many who paid and perhaps died after pushing them to suicide? ? !

    والله المستعان
    And God


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    From Arabic forum, AQ "nuke bag."

    Story dirty bomb test

    يبدأ حامد مير الحديث عن القنبلة القذرة التي أدت إشعاعاتها أثناء الاختبار إلى أن يفقد العالم والمهندس المصري "سعد" إحدى عينيه أثناء هذا الاختبار.Hamid Mir starts talking about dirty bomb that led radiating during the test indicated that the world loses and Egyptian engineer, "Saad" one eye during this test. يقول: "تم تهريب المواد المساعدة على صناعة قنبلة قذرة إشعاعية من السوق السوداء في روسيا ومن ثم إلى جورجيا وبعد ذلك إلى أفغانستان حيث تم اختبارها في العام 2000، وصنعت من مواد مختلفة منها اليورانيوم المخصب واشرف عالم ومهندس مصري اسمه سعد عليها وفقد إحدى عينيه نتيجة الاشعاع، وأنا التقيت بهذا المهندس المصري مرة واحدة عندما كانت طالبان في السلطة في كابول عام 2000".He said : "been smuggling assistance to the industry dirty bomb radiation from the black market in Russia and then to Georgia and then to Afghanistan, where he had been tested in the year 2000, manufactured from various materials including enriched uranium and Ashraf scientists, engineers, an Egyptian named Saad, and the result was a kind of radiation, I met this Egyptian engineer, once when the Taliban were in power in Kabul in 2000. "

    وتابع "أسامة هو الذي أخبرني أن لدى القاعدة سلاحا نوويا، وأما الحقيبة النووية أخبرني عنها أيمن الظواهري".He continued : "Osama is telling me that the Al Qaeda nuclear weapon, or pouch nuclear told by Ayman al-Zawahiri." ويزعم حامد مير، نقلا عن قادة القاعدة، أن مقاتلي القاعدة "تمكنوا من تهريب هذه المواد النووية إلى داخل الولايات المتحدة عبر حدودها مع المكسيك مستخدمين جوازات سفر مزورة بأسماء يهودية ومسيحية وكان ذلك قبل إسقاط حكومة طالبان في 2001 وأدخلت إلى مدن كبيرة وهي تنتظر إشارة واحدة لاستخدامها".Allegedly Hamid Mir, quoting Al Qaeda leaders, that al-Qaeda fighters "managed to smuggle nuclear materials into the United States across its border with Mexico using forged passports with the names of Jewish and Christian was before toppling the Taliban government in 2001 and introduced to the large cities and is awaiting a single reference to be used."

    ويشير حامد مير إلى أن قادة وأعضاء القاعدة اخترعوا تعبير "هيروشيما الأمريكية"، وذلك "كناية عن رغبتهم بشن هجمات نووية على مدن أمريكية كما فعلت الولايات المتحدة عندما اسقطت قنبلة ذرية على هيروشيما اليابانية في الحرب العالمية الثانية".According to Hamid Mir, that the leaders and members of Al-Qaeda invented the term "American Hiroshima", and that "a euphemism for their desire to launch nuclear attacks on American cities as it did when the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima the Japanese in the Second World War."

    ضرب المنشآت النووية الأمريكيةStriking nuclear installations America

    "أسامة بن لادن لا يكذب في كلامه"، هكذا يشدد حامد مير أثناء الحوار معه."Osama bin Laden does not lie in his speech," thus underlines Hamid Mir during the interview. ولدى سؤاله عما يقصده أن بن لادن لا يكذب، يضحك الصحافي الباكستاني الساعي لمزيد من الشهرة الصحفية بانتظار كتابه الجديد عن بن لادن، ويقول بإسهاب: "هو يعد لأمر أخطر وأكبر من أحداث سبتمبر 2001 والعالم ليس آمنا. هو لايكذب. عندما سألته عام 1998 إذا كان لديه أسلحة نووية نفى ذلك، وعندما سألته عام 2001 أكد امتلاكه لها، وهم خلال السنوات الأربع الماضية كانوا يعدون لهجوم أكبر من هجمات سبتمبر وأبو حمزة أخبرني حول ذلك. تم التدارس في اجتماع لقادة القاعدة قبل هجمات سبتمبر حول إمكانية أن تقوم إحدى الطائرات المتفق على اختطافها بتدمير منشآت نووية أمريكية، وخاصة طائرة محمد عطا، إلا أن أسامة وفي اللحظات الأخيرة رفض ذلك، وقال هذا ليس هذا الوقت المناسب ولا نريد قتل المزيد من الضحايا الأبرياء مكتفيا بقرار ضرب مركزين للاقتصاد الأمريكي ولكنه قال سنفعل هذه الخطة النووية في وقت آخر، وابو حمزة حارس بن لادن أكد المعلومات حول الحقيبة النووية".When asked on what bin Laden does not lie, cheat Pakistani journalist seeks to further fame releases pending his new book on bin Laden, and says at length : "is the most serious and is the largest of the events in September 2001 and the world is not safer. is Aikvb. when asked in 1998 if he has nuclear weapons denied this, and when asked in 2001 confirmed that it possesses them, They during the past four years had been planning to attack the largest of the September attacks, Abu Hamza told me about this. been in the workshop meeting of the leaders of Al Qaeda before the September attacks on the possibility that an aircraft hijacking agreed to the destruction of American nuclear installations, particularly aircraft Mohamed Atta, but in the final moments of Osama refused, and said that this is not the appropriate time and we do not want killing more innocent victims satisfied with the decision striking two American economy but said this plan will do free time or another, Abu Hamza Haris bin Laden confirmed information about nuclear bag. "

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    Friday, July 27, 2007

    Waziristan, location, action

    Taliban surrounding sniper team, and they KNOW it.

    Inside tribal the areas, vid

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    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    USA's Internet Effort

    Daily Press Briefing
    Sean McCormack, Spokesman
    Washington, DC
    July 26, 2007

    MR. MCCORMACK: Nina.

    QUESTION: Can I ask you a question about -- there's an outfit called the Middle East Media Research Institute here in D.C. and they've got a new project at the moment trying to deal with jihadist websites whereby they're publishing websites on their own site, trying to discourage any American employers -- well, just trying to make people more aware of them, obviously --

    MR. MCCORMACK: Right.

    QUESTION: -- and trying to do something. Have you -- do you know anything about this program or does the State Department have any similar program trying to crack down on these sites?

    MR. MCCORMACK: I personally don't. I'm not familiar with the program. There may be somebody within the Department who's familiar with it. We have an active program within the United States Government to counter the kind of propaganda that you see pop up on these jihadist websites. Where, what active program? We have in the Public Diplomacy Bureau the International Information Programs Bureau, a number of different efforts designed to help counter this propaganda as well as to inform foreign publics. What about the American public? and the foreign public are not getting the message.

    Under Secretary Hughes recently put together the counterterrorism cell in the International Information Programs Bureau. And that's designed to, if you will, produce the software, What software? the messages, that anybody in the U.S. Government can use to help counter the kinds of message -- Where is this info, an RSS feed? what anything? ...messages that are coming out of these jihadist websites.

    We also have individuals, you need an army of surfers, in that bureau who are logging on to chat rooms in Arabic, engaging in discussions with people who may or may not be logged on to these kind of websites, to talk about America's policies, the reasons for those policies, and engage in a dialogue. And we think that that's really important. That's part of what the State Department is doing. Then you have also the rest of the U.S. Government is working on those kind of efforts as well.

    QUESTION: Would you say there's been increased use of these websites in the U.S. recently?

    MR. MCCORMACK: By users in the United States?

    QUESTION: Yes.

    MR. MCCORMACK: I don't know. I don't have any basis for that. I just don't have any data on that. I mean, certainly -- look, they have been the -- those who are engaged in the use of violence and violent extremism have turned to the internet as a way of disseminating propaganda. And they -- in certain instances, you have websites and videos that have pretty high production values.

    So they are, in their world, certainly dedicating quite a bit of effort to it. And we as well as others are looking for ways to counter that which they put up there. And we think that, frankly, just speaking the truth -WHERE, WHEN, HOW, - not only about our values, our policies, but the policies and values of our friends and allies -- is the most effective weapon, because in essence, these people have no message. It's a message of nihilism. It's a message of violence. It's a message of murder and destruction. ON 5000 WEB SITES, FORUMS CHAT BOARDS, AND USA HAS ??? A SPEAKERS BUREAU. WHAT IS USA DOING??

    Now, that may appeal to some segment of some population, and there may be some that are just totally irreconcilable and that message speaks to them. You have to deal with those people in a certain way. But there may be others who may be tempted by this kind of message; but if you can reach out to them and speak to them about a different, more positive message, maybe that -- those jihadist websites are a little less effective.


    What we need to do !

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    cyberwar: attack looks like this: electronic Pearl Harbor


    VETTED: peer reviewed:

    CAIDA's map represents a flattened Earth, with cities positioned around the circle. Tracing the circumference clockwise corresponds to moving from east to west. Each square represents a data hub, which lines up on a spoke with the city in which it is registered. The closer to the center it lies, the more data it traffics.


    The United States owns 74 percent of the 4 billion available Internet protocol (IP) addresses. China's stake amounts to little more than that of an American university. Not surprisingly, China is championing the next wave of the Internet, which would accommodate 340 trillion trillion trillion IP addresses.


    Hubs in Honolulu—and all over the Pacific—connect to only a few other hubs, which means your data are highly unlikely to pass through the Aloha State.


    The concentric rings of squares near the perimeter result from CAIDA's mapping mechanism, which plots a hub's distance from the center according to how many connections it has.


    The farther from the center, the lonelier the hub. The squares closest to the circumference of the circle represent the Internet service providers, or ISPs, that connect home PCs to the Internet. When one of these goes down, customers have no other way to get online.


    UUNet is one of the oldest and largest ISPs; it connects to more than 2,000 other hubs. It is also the most vulnerable to junk mail and hosts more spam-generating gangs than any other ISP.


    If a high-traffic hub goes down, the data will usually find another path. "There are shortcuts everywhere," says CAIDA's Brad Heffaker. If a packet can't find its way, it returns a discouraging message to the sender.



    For weeks, for everyone....

    “electronic Pearl Harbor,”

    Former White House
    Cyber Security advisor, Richard Clarke, for example, observes:
    “We, as a country, have put all of our eggs in one basket. The reason that we're successfully dominating the world economically and militarily is because of systems that we have designed, and rely upon, which are cyber-based. It's our Achilles heel. It's an overused phrase, but it's absolutely true. It could be that, in the future, people will look back on the American empire, the economic empire and the military empire, and say, “They didn't realize that they were building their whole empire on a fragile base. They had changed that base from brick and mortar to bits and bytes, and they never fortified it. Therefore, some enemy some day was able to come around and knock the whole empire over.

    As stated at the outset, cyber warfare, involves units organized along nation-state boundaries, in offensive and defensive operations, using computers to attack other computers or networks through electronic means. In the future, if not already common practice, individual cyber warfare units will likely execute through the wires attacks against targets in a cooperative and simultaneous manner. The overall intent is to seek advantage over an adversary by
    compromising the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of a computing device.29

    To recapitulate, the U.S. economy is becoming networked in a spiraling, complex fashion. This means that an adversary can obtain advantage by remotely accessing such networks through electronic means, compromising data integrity and undermining trust. In addition, according to security experts, trends in both dependency and connectivity overlap; convergence has made U.S. national information networks more vulnerable and therefore more attractive as targets of
    cyber attack. As retired Colonel Marvin Leibstone of the Computer Security and Technological Studies Project aptly puts it, “the more content there is on the Internet, and thus more valuable the contents, the more incentive there is to crack it to dominate it. And, thus, the need grows for additional protective layers and for organizations to work alongside one another.”33 And the U.S.
    National Intelligence Officer for Science and Technology observed in 2001:

    The old studies don't even mention botnets, and now there are in effect botnets without hosts.
    No zombie computers.

    Our current method for accounting for actual botnets falls short of assessing the threat.

    "compromising data integrity and undermining trust" isn't even necessary, by attacking the proper network hubs with enough dos attacks, could the Internet be shut down?

    The capability is out there, we have seen dos attacks on individual
    sites, same method, just Larger numbers, by several factors.

    And Nation states have this ability.

    If DOD is cut off from the WWW, what effect does that have on USA's defense?

    Threat assessment:
    Calculate the total number of bots, for ALL time, subtract those removed, killed.
    Using only the number of active Bots misses the sleepers.
    Total - removed or killed = more accurate estimate of threat.
    Billions ?

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    De-programing Gitmo grads

    1. The Counseling Program for Saudi Security Prisoners

    For the past two years, the Saudi Interior Ministry has been implementing a counseling program for security prisoners in the Saudi jails, intended to encourage prisoners to renounce their extremist beliefs. Up until six months ago, the existence of the counseling project was kept a secret so that "it would bear fruit far from the [eye] of the media." [1]

    According to the head of the counseling committee, Dr. Saud Al-Musaybih, the committee "includes more than 100 ulema and fuqaha and some 30 psychiatrists and psychologists, who are divided among the various districts in the kingdom." He also said that, in addition to counseling sessions with the prisoners, the committee also holds religion classes, with "20-25 participants in each class who study concepts such as al-walaa wal barraa, [2] takfir, and [other] issues that concern them."

    Al-Musaybih added that, at first, "a large percentage [of the prisoners] refused to meet with the fuqaha, [but in time] they began to ask for meetings on their own initiative..." Today, "the committees are achieving a high rate of compliance amongst the prisoners." [3]

    In the past six months, the Saudi Interior Ministry released more than 400 security prisoners based on the assessment of the program counselors, after becoming convinced that they had renounced their extremist views. None of the freed prisoners were planners of terror operations who were under interrogation or standing trial.

    According to Interior Minister Prince Na'if bin Abd Al-Aziz, "the heads of the program assess that it has had a positive impact on the prisoners' tendencies, and that there is evidence that they admit their error and want to repent." [4]

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    "EMC's RSA division, how about terrorist sites?

    "EMC's RSA division plans to launch a new service next month that will help financial institutions take down Web sites associated with malicious Trojan Horse software. The service is planned as an extension to the FraudAction phishing takedown service already offered by RSA, said Louie Gasparini, co-chief technical officer with RSA's Consumer Solutions unit. "We're leveraging the same infrastructure we already have in place... and now we're focusing our attention on how Trojans work,"

    How about working on Terrorists sites?

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    Life of Abdullah Mehsud

    New Paki Company D.
    Recruiting Civilians.

    As a young man, Mehsud fought for the Taleban against the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan.

    He lost a leg in a landmine explosion a few days before the Taleban took Kabul in September 1996.

    New Taliban leader here: Baitullah Mehsud

    He surrendered along with several thousand fighters to the forces of Uzbek warlord, Abdul Rashid Dostum, in December 2001 in Kunduz, northern Afghanistan, and was later turned over to the US military authorities.

    Mehsud studied at a government college in Peshawar before attending a seminary where he befriended Afghan Taleban members and joined their movement. ( see video of Peshawar when he was there, 1990, below )


    Mehsud, whose real name is Noor Alam, is a Pashtun, the same ethnic group as the Taleban and belongs to the Mehsud tribe that inhabits South Waziristan on the Afghanistan border.

    Abdullah Mehsud
    Mehsud declared holy war on President Musharraf

    The BBC's Rahimullah Yusufzai in Peshawar says his long hair and daredevil nature made him a colourful character.

    After his return from Guantanamo, Mehsud became a hero to anti-US fighters active in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    He was a comrade of another tribal militant commander, Nek Mohammad, who was killed by a Pakistani army missile in June.

    Our correspondent says Mehsud sometimes rode a camel or horse while visiting his fighters in the mountains.

    , shockwave-flash@" href="" id="">


    The Taliban/AQAM have collapsed the political administration in North and South Waziristan, and established its own parallel government, with courts, offices, recruiting centers and military forces. Political parties such as Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazlur and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam have provided the Taliban with legitimate cover to establish their political administration and training camps, and sortie attacks against the Pakistani government, Afghanistan, and the West.

    Also note that each of these Taliban leaders commands a significant local force of tribal fighters. Some, like Abdullah Meshud, command 30,000 Taliban and tribal levies, while others may command groups of about 5,000. An American intelligence source estimates the number of fighters under Taliban command at around 200,000. While all of the tribal fighters are not hard-core Taliban, the shear number of fighters under the command of the Taliban is reason why al-Qaeda leaders are quite comfortable with the overall security situation in northwestern Pakistan.

    He would have listened to this music maybe, and this is Peshawar Street Scene, a BIG town to him.

    , shockwave-flash@" href="" id="">

    Commander of Taliban in South Waziristan detonated hand grenade during raid in Baluchistan

    Abdullah Mehsud, one of the most powerful leaders of the Taliban in South Waziristan, has been killed during a raid in the southern district of Zhob in Baluchistan province. The Taliban commander killed himself by detonating a hand grenade as “a team of Law-Enforcement Agencies (LEA) conducted a raid on the house of a Jamait-e-Ulema Islam (JUI)'s local leader,” the Kuwaiti News Agency reported. Abdullah’s death has been confirmed Aftab Ahmed Sherpao, Pakistan’s Interior Minister, The News reported today.

    Several other “militants” were killed in the explosion, while Abdullah’s brothers, Abdul Rahman Mehsud and Muhammad Azam, were captured along with a local Taliban leader, The News reported. The Kuwaiti News Agency reported that the brother and nephew of a Jamait-e-Ulema Islam (Fazl) leader were captured.

    The Jamait-e-Ulema Islam (Fazl) is a principal party in the Muttahida Majlis Amal (MMA), the primary Islamist opposition party in Pakistan which is led by Maulana Fazlur Rehman. Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam (Fazl) recently sponsored a gathering of 10,000 supporters of slain Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah in Baluchistan province.

    Abdullah Mehsud. Click image to view.

    Abdullah Mehsud, born Noor Alam, was a member of the Mehsud clan in South Waziristan, and was a clansman of Baitullah Mehsud, the most powerful commander in the tribal agency. Abdullah fought against the U.S. and the Northern Alliance during the opening days of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, and surrendered to U.S. forces in Kunduz in December 2001. He spent 25 months in custody at Guantanamo Bay, and was later released to the Pakistani government. Abdullah then returned to South Waziristan, where he rebuilt his Taliban cadre and reinitiated attacks against Coalition forces in Afghanistan and the Pakistani government in the Northwest Frontier Province and beyond. Abdullah was believed to have commanded 5,000 Taliban foot soldiers.

    The Pakistani government signed “peace deals” with the Taliban in South Waziristan in 2005 and 2006, but Abdullah continued to consolidate his power in the region. In the spring of 2007, Abdullah was implicated by Interior Minister Sherpao as being behind the flood of suicide attacks across the country. One of the suicide attacks targeted Sherpao in his home district of Charsadda in the Northwest Frontier Province. The Pakistani government had a warrant out for his arrest but failed to execute it until today.

    Abdullah’s death comes as the Pakistani military has fought back against the Taliban in North Waziristan. Fifty-four Taliban fighters have been killed in clashes in North Waziristan since Saturday. The attacks were initiated by the Taliban, however. Well over 100 Pakistani soldiers, paramilitary troops and police have been killed since the Taliban and al Qaeda stepped up attacks in the wake of the government’s raid on the Taliban-supporting Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, in the capital of Islamabad.

    Mahsud (Urdu: محسود) is a famous Pashtun tribe in Waziristan, Pakistan. The Mahsud tribe lives in the very centre of Waziristan, being hemmed by in on three sides by the Darwesh Khel Waziris, and being shut off by the Bhittanis on the east from the Derajat and Bannu districts. Two Pashtoon tribes, Ahmadzai Wazir and Mahsud, inhabit and dominate South Waziristan. There are also some Burkis, a small ethnic group that has been living in between Mahsud tribes and speak a unique language called Burki. Usually they pronounce their name "Mahseed". They are divided into three great clans namely Alizai, Bahlolzai and Shaman Khel.

    The Mahsud tribe are a people who can never even think of submitting to a foreign power. These are the words of Sir Olaf Caroe, who acted as the former governor of the Frontier. From 1860 to 1937, the English forces constantly attacked Mahsud positions in order to subdue them but never got a foothold in the area.

    Mahsud tribe is divided into three subtribes. Mahsud's usually call them Dre Maseed, meaning Three Mahsud. Each tribe has his own Khan. Gee Khan Langerkhel is one of the most prominent personalities of the Mahsud tribe.

    The home of Mahsud is an inhospitable mountainous terrain bordering between Afghanistan and Pakistan. This location has given them the flexibility to maintain some independence from central authorities of both countries. Like all other tribes, Mahsud cherish their independence and are fully conscious of their reputation of 'honour' and 'bravery'. They use these qualities to convey their ethnic superiority. Mahsud efforts to resist any penetration of their enclave was due to their intense independent spirit which almost borders on anarchy. In this 'the Mahsud effort was inspired by a deep-seated instinct which drove the tribe at all costs to resist subjection and to preserve their own peculiar way of life'. Every Mahsud considers himself as an equal to other Mahsud. The sentiment was well expressed by a Mahsud leader Gee Khan Langerkhel who told Evelyn Howell that 'Let it be filed: Blow us all up with cannon, or make all eighteen housand of us Nawabs' suggesting that all Mahsud were equal.

    USA forces in small fire fight:

    , shockwave-flash@!flashvars#autostart=false&token=b9a_1184844640" href="" id="">


    POOR Dumb Bastard, one legged, ex-con, hugged a grenade rather than go back to gitmo.

    al qaeda is doing this to the Afghan Ummah.....

    Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allâh, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of the (false moujadeem), Tâghût (Satan). So fight you against the friends of Shaitân (Satan). Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaitân (Satan the false Moujahedeen ). ] al-Nissa:76. AQ is false.

    Let the Koreans go.

    For Noor Alam:
    , shockwave-flash@" href="" id="">

    Abdullah Mehsud had been a senior Taliban leader in Swat before he was killed during a shootout with Pakistani security forces in Zhob in Baluchistan province. Zainuddin and his followers subsequently accused Baitullah of providing information to the Pakistani military that led to Abdullah's death. Read more:

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    AQ How much virtual? HOW MUCH REAL?

    Virtual Al qaeda, ISI
    maybe a virtual Taliban?

    Just how much of this is REAL?

    The IED attacks and KIA are real.

    But their entire media arm is virtual...

    Re-run old IED vids as new.

    Re edit old vids and run as new?

    On the Internet the same guy can run a dozen web sites. We know some of the Jahidist web site masters run 5 or 6 web sites.

    In the West we tend to view every new web site and PR announcement as a new terror group.

    How many are FAKE.

    How long can Al qaeda persuade the Iraki Ummah to try and kill itself?

    Is al qaeda only 100 guys spread out like armed Avon salesmen trying to recruit others.

    Each man backed by a virtual al Qaeda type web site, probably not, but it isn't ALL real would we know?

    Some force multiplier....


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Wednesday, July 25, 2007

    top militant leader

    Islamabad - A top militant leader commanding pro-Taliban fighters in Pakistan's tribal region bordering Afghanistan on Tuesday blew himself up to evade arrest in southern Balochistan province, officials said. Security forces laid siege to a house in the town of Zhob after receiving information that rebels having suspected links with the Taliban and al-Qaeda were present inside the compound, Balochistan government's spokesman Raziq Bugti told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

    The raiding team directed the inmates to surrender but one of them, who was identified as the militant commander, Abdullah Mehsud, blew himself up to avoid arrest, Bugti said.

    Three other men were also arrested in the raid.

    Military authorities have taken the body into their custody and shifted it to some undisclosed location, local police sources said.

    Mehsud, who lost one leg in a landmine explosion, was detained in the US military's Guantanamo Bay prison for 25 months after he surrendered along with scores of his fighters in Afghanistan's northern province of Kunduz in 2001.

    "A top militant leader commanding pro-Taliban fighters in Pakistan's tribal region"

    Look at the picture again...

    I'm missing something...

    He is dead now: His life:




    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Tuesday, July 24, 2007

    4 insurgent screw ups

    AMERICAN Jahidist, dos gang, Scotlands bombers, Taliban leader ( suicide ) HAT TIP The Jawa Report


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    Noise and Chatter

    "al Qaeda" mentioned in Arabic:

    6 Months:


    Al Qaeda "BRAND" IN DECLINE SINCE 911.

    AQ fears becoming irrelevant.

    At one time "al Qaeda" was the pre-eminent terrorist group, and worked
    hard to remain so. Binny declared war on USA and USA didn't notice for
    one or two years and 3 or 4 attacks.
    Most embarrassing for a world renowned terrorist.

    So Binny kept escalating the violence till he got USA's attention.

    Even the when the war in Iraq threatened their #1 standing they
    reverted to more horrific actions to get the spotlight back, Be-headings.

    al Qaeda dilutes the "brand name" every time they join another group and
    usurp its name.

    Not the REAL al qaeda but the "al Qaeda of Iraq" or the "al qaeda of the

    The Brand name was further soiled when they started killing women,
    children and bombing Mosques and market places.

    The have even resorted to Inventing virtual gangs to try and stay relevant.

    They are loosing, the Brand is FADING..


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    Monday, July 23, 2007

    Our war vids



    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Army Gearing Up for Info War

    Army Gearing Up for Info War (Finally)

    By Noah Shachtman EmailJuly 23, 2007 | 11:16:56 AMCategories: Human Terrain, Info War, Strategery

    The fight against Al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups is primarily an information war, leading counterinsurgency and counterterror officers believe -- one in which the U.S. is still lagging far, far behind. But after years of ignoring the problem, the Army may be starting to take this battle of images seriously; the service is working on a new "information operations" field manual, Inside the Army reports.

    Soldiermediactrdui While it might be tempting to write this off as bureaucratic paper-shuffling, keep in mind: it wasn't until a similar counterinsurgency playbook was finalized that armed services began waging in earnest at a full-blown guerrilla-fighting campaign in Iraq.

    The first step will be to revise the Army's main operations manual, FM 3-0, to address the "important business of influencing and informing populations -- both our own and in the area in which we operate," Training and Doctrine Command chief Gen William Wallace tells Inside the Army.

    [That] in turn, would be used to craft a separate information operations field manual over the course of the next year.

    ... In fighting an insurgency, U.S. commanders on the ground in Iraq have recognized that, in addition to traditional intelligence, “information about the socio-cultural mosaic in their area of operation” is essential to military success, according to Paul Tiberi, director of the Army’s Information Operations Proponent.

    Determining how the disparate groups interact and how various media “influence the perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and . . . behaviors of these peoples” could make or break the U.S. counterinsurgency effort, he added.

    That shift in attitude can't come quick enough, one
    influential counterinsurgency officer tells DANGER ROOM.

    "We still don't see or accept information as an element of power," he writes. "For the enemy, it is THE driving element."

    Why? Because for modern, highly developed democracies the beliefs and opinions of their well-informed populations is their center of gravity. If you cannot simply overpower your opponent physically, then it is the will of the opponent that has to become the target. 100% available modern media is the avenue of approach that your "information bombs and missiles" travel along. [L]iving rooms of registered voters are the impact areas...

    This newly emerged information element of power has the potential to do to highly developed modern democracies what conventional and nuclear weapons could not: compel them to quit. Which is exactly what is happening now.

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Waziristan Erupting

    Waziristan Erupting

    Despite Pervez Musharraf's attempt to put the genie back in the bottle, the Waziristan region continues to erupt with Islamist violence. Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists set off bombs and started firefights that wound up costing them at least 19 fighters today:

    Islamic militants detonated bombs close to military convoys and attacked government positions in Pakistan's restive northwestern tribal region, sparking gunfights that left 19 insurgents dead, government officials said Sunday.

    The fighting was the latest in North Waziristan since militants announced the termination of a peace agreement with the government last week following a deadly military raid on a radical mosque in the Pakistani capital. The tensions have raised concerns over the threat posed by Islamic militants to the military-led government of President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.

    Since the July 10 raid on Islamabad's Red Mosque, suicide attacks and shootings have killed at least 289 people in Pakistan, mostly in the volatile northwest.

    The latest violence in North Waziristan began when militants attacked various security posts overnight near Ghulam Khan, a town close to the Afghan border, said Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad, the army's top spokesman.

    The fighting makes the collapse of the previous truce between Islamabad and Waziristan plain. These attacks do not have the appearance of lone-wolf suicide attacks but careful planning of ambushes. It also demonstrates the lack of skill shown thus far in those ambushes, as the ambushers have sustained most of the losses.

    President Bush noted that he has not taken any options off the table in the war on terror, and the uprising in Waziristan could eventually make some of those options more viable. With the Islamists attempting an insurrection, Musharraf may decide that the benefits of a limited American excursion in the region outweigh the problems it would cause. He's tried to repair the truce for the past two weeks, but as that possibility dims, he may have to bite the bullet and get the nearest help he can find in suppressing the uprising. And the US would be happy to attack the root causes of the Islamist rebellion in Waziristan.

    Mike McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence, noted that al-Qaeda has picked up momentum in Waziristan, a result of Musharraf's hands-off policy in Waziristan. Let's hope he makes better decisions in the near future.

    CORRECTION: Mixed up my Mikes. McConnell is DNI, and Hayden is the director of the CIA. Thanks to CQ commenter ddh for the correction.

    Maps, conditions, vids HERE

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    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    Rick Berman's judo commercials

    Rick Berman's judo commercials ?
    Turn him lose on the suicide bombers and Jihadists.
    On al Qaeda, In Arabic and English, on VOA
    and el jezzera, etc.

    "We don't just change the debate. If necessary, we start the debate. Our success is based on four core competencies: credible research as the foundation for effective messages disseminated via aggressive communications, and creative advertising."

    Youtubed commercials


    Video: on 60 min. NEWS

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Iran's self destruction, Flank speed

    Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki even stated that Iran aspires to become an exporter nuclear fuel, and said that "producing nuclear fuel is our essential goal, for we aim to supply some of the nuclear fuel....

    A June 10, 2007 editorial by Parviz Esmaili, editor of the Mehr news agency and of the Iranian foreign ministry's daily, Tehran Times, stated that Iran was currently operating about 1,640 centrifuges: "...Technically speaking, Iran is [now] in a completely different situation than it was when [Security Council] Resolution 1747 was issued... In the area of uranium enrichment, it has completed the stage of research and laboratory [experiments], and with the activation of 10 cascades and the successful injection of UF6, it has entered the industrial phase..."(31)

    "In April 2004, my students and I stayed at the Isfahan UCF and did not delay our work at all, out of our desire to give the Iranian people a real [nuclear] celebration... We wanted to produce 1,200 [kilograms] of yellow cake, and we [eventually] produced 1,230 kilograms... Once, our [only] wish was to produce [even] a single gram of yellow cake. Now we have 160 tons of UF6, and we are seventh [country] in the world to produce UF6..."(36)

    In a lecture in late May 2007 at Gilan University, Dr. Hassan Abbasi, a theoretician of Revolutionary Guards intelligence, and head of the Revolutionary Guards' Center for Doctrinaire Affairs of National Security, said that the U.S. would eventually be forced to accept Iran's status as a nuclear country, since it has completed the process of attaining nuclear capabilities: "Iran and America," he said, "are like two cars heading towards one another at great speed. Eventually, one of them will have to back down and [swerve]... During the recent period [of confrontation], Iran has been taking a [major] step every three months. First it activated the UCF in Isfahan, then the [Uranium Enrichment] Facility in Natanz and [finally] the heavy water [plant] in Arak, and thus crossed the nuclear threshold..."(37)

    On April 16, 2007, Sobh-e Sadeq published an editorial titled "A Nuclear Fuel Cycle on an Industrial [Scale] – Iran's Practical Answer to Resolution 1747," which analyzed the current state of Iran's nuclear program. The editorial emphasized that, in light of Ahmadinejad's announcement that Iran was producing nuclear fuel on an industrial scale, Iran could shift its nuclear program to a military track at any time, should the leaders of the regime wish to do so. The article also stated that, due to the Western pressures, Iran would develop its nuclear program in secret. (42)

    In parallel to the statements expressing Iran's determination to continue its nuclear program, and in response to the possibility of a Western military strike, Iranian security sources have threatened that such a strike would have dire consequences: America's allies in the Gulf would be attacked; Iran would allow terrorists from Al-Qaeda and other organizations free passage across its borders, thus giving them access to the entire Middle East; U.S. military bases in the region would be targeted; and Iran would cause oil prices to rise to $250 a barrel, which would be "a death blow" to the American and European economies.

    EXCERPTED from:

    IRAN is in for a big SURPRISE.


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Jahidists LAZY

    Some Jahidist are lazy.

    They take the easy way out.

    Blow themselves up in an instant.


    Fight for 50 more years, this is hard.
    Suicide is easy, instant, and leaves others
    around to fight and deal with the problems.

    To jihad in daily life, day after day, year in
    and year out, 10 of years, making progress,
    changes and making life better.

    Or end your struggle in an instant,
    as a munaafiqeen (hypocrite).

    To collapse your life into an easy instant,
    or the work and sucesses of a lifetime of Jahid.

    To work as water wearing the stone away
    drop by drop for a life time. A life time of
    shining Allah's light.

    Or end it as a lazy Flash Bang. A micro-second flash.

    Jihadists do not kill women, children or bomb Mosques
    or Market Places, munaafiqeen do.

    USA wants to leave, six years ago they would have
    left, stop muslims killing muslims and they will leave.

    al Qaeda doesn't want them to leave, AQ has a non-religious
    agenda of power, a caliphate. They do not desire PEACE.
    They keep war going in the land of two rivers in a power
    struggle forcing Muslims to kill Muslims with lies, spin virtual

    AQ views the Iraqi Ummah as their DOGS.

    ps The keefers formed a caliphate without any violence.
    the EU.

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