Statement by 30 Prominent Pakistani Islamic Scholars: "The Taliban Are Not Terrorists;
Bombing Mosques, funerals, market places, political gatherings and ass assassinations, are not terrorist acts in these Scholars eyes, may Allah blind them. G"Cowardice Was Shown Vis-à-Vis the U.S. and India After 9/11;" "Our Troops were Used… Against Our Fellow Citizens;" Pakistan was Set "On an Irreligious Path"
Pakistani were and are Harboring al Qaeda, the very definition of terrorism, G"Most of our [previous] governments have been under the influence of the United States... But the way our government sacrificed itself on the altar of American interests after September 11, 2001, and ruthlessly murdered our national interests by bringing an American-interest war into our country, is an example on its own.
The madrassas are the very ones who teaching allowed al Qaeda to use Paki as a safe haven.G"Our forces were used in military operations against our fellow citizens. Cowardice was shown vis-à-vis the United States and India..."
NO never, used against the Taliban and al Qaeda for, Bombing Mosques, funerals, market places, political gatherings and assassinations.G"On the other hand, efforts were launched with full preparedness to take the nation [Pakistan] on an irreligious path in the name of 'moderation' and 'progressive thinking.' Changes were made in the curricula of the educational system, to make them look good to 'others/foreigners' instead of... [making them appropriate for] our national interests. Completely unjustified amendments were made in hudood law [regarding women,] in the name of women's rights - [amendments] which were not only unrelated to women's rights but also included further injustices against them.
To bring Paki out of the 1600's dark ages thinking, to stop the brutalization of women. G"Vice and nakedness were promoted; centers of vice were patronized practically; and mosques were martyred in Islamabad. Rising inflation and unemployment made it difficult for the poor to live. The storm of killings and lootings is raging in the country, and because of this no one's life and property is safe..
"Can a Suicide Attack be Carried Out to Cause Serious Harm to the Enemy During A Right And Justified War?"
In their statement, the scholars examined the justification of suicide attacks according to shari'a. A thin difference emerges between a suicide committed by an individual in despair and suicide bombings as a tactic of war. They discuss the conditions under which suicide bombings can be justified, stating:
"These are collectively the apparent situations which created irritation in the hearts of some individuals that is appearing in the form of suicide attacks. Insofar as the status of suicide attacks in shari'a is concerned, almost all Muslims know that [individual] suicide is forbidden in Islam, and in this regard the orders of the Koran and the hadith are absolutely clear.
"But can a suicide attack be carried out to cause serious harm to the enemy during a right and justified war? As per jurisprudence and shari'a, there can be two different opinions about this.
"Some scholars think that if a need is realized during a right and justified war, and if targets are not innocent people, then a suicide attack is right. This would be the type of suicide attack [carried out] at the Chavinda Front during the 1965 [India-Pakistan] War, when the soldiers of Pakistan's army tied bombs to their bodies and crashed into Indian tanks, and as a result of which the advance of the tanks was stopped - and tales of this are popular.
"Because this is an issue for ijtihad [reasoning by consensus as a source of legislation in Islam], and if an individual took such a step [i.e. suicide bombing] during a right and justified war, then there is hope that Allah will accept his sacrifice in consideration of the beauty of his intention."
But the Sharia law forbids it, suicide is forbidden in Islam. G
The Problem of Suicide Attacks Cannot Be Resolved by Condemning Them - We Must Consider Why So Many Are Willing to Carry Them Out The scholars discussed the reasons for suicide attacks and ways of eliminating them. They wrote:
"The problem cannot be resolved only by condemning these attacks. The real question is, who is carrying out these suicide attacks? And why?
Foreigners mostly Arabs.G
"Along with completely condemning these actions, it must not be forgotten that those who carry out this kind of attack do it with the knowledge that whether somebody falls victim to it or not, they themselves will first go into the mouth of death. Under normal conditions, life is dear to everybody, and nobody wants to lose his life without extremely extraordinary conditions.
Along with completely condemning these actions" they do condemn these suicide bombers, they will go to HELL according to Allah's Will, G
"Therefore, one needs to think why such a large number of people is prepared suddenly take such an extraordinary step that they do not care about their lives, nor do they have concerns about their children, who will become orphans, their wives who will become widows, their family members who will be sad...
Yes why are foreigners coming to Paki to commit suicide? al Qaeda is bring them. G
"These suicide attacks are in fact irritation and apprehension (which result from complete hopelessness) against the policies of the government. These people have begun [to follow] the path of violence due to their despair from all types of peaceful paths. Among them are youth whose homes have been turned into wreckage in the operations of the government or of the United States, and those who have seen their dear ones dying in these military operations.
They are the result of lies by al Qaeda to the Ummah, and foreigners.G
"This mindset has reached the stage where no oral or written argument succeeds against it. And if more violence is used to fight against such a mindset, it will provoke greater reaction. Therefore, the military operations against the civilian population of Pakistan are not a solution to this situation.
Operations are not against the civilian populations, may Allah forgive them their written lies. G
"In our opinion, the most important and fundamental point is that the government try to see those who are called 'militants' or 'extremists' through Pakistani eyes, rather than looking at them through American eyes. These people, whether they are in tribal areas or in Swat, or in the Malakand Division or in Baluchistan, are indeed our own brothers, our fellow nationals, and from our own religion. They are not enemies of Pakistan; rather, they have always guarded Pakistan's frontiers in the Tribal Areas. But the circumstances created by the government have made them enemies of the government and enemies of every person who is not aligned with them in the enmity of the government."
al Qaeda and their stooges are not your brothers, they are foreigners. G
Admit That the American Strategy has Failed; Military Operations Should Be Stopped; Turn Musharraf's Anti-U.S. Statements Into Policy
In their statement, the Islamic scholars list a series of measures for the consideration of Pakistani government and policy-makers. Some of these measures are:
1. "We [should] admit with open heart that the American strategy we have adopted blindly in the name of the 'War on Terror' has failed completely. This strategy has given us nothing, but has snatched much from us; it is the fundamental reason for our internal conflicts, and because of it, it appears that our dearest nation itself is at stake...."
al Qaeda has been driven out of Iraq, so to can they be driven out of Paki.G
2. "The military operations in the Northern and Tribal Areas [should] be stopped forthwith, and an effort must be made to understand the causes of the insurgency there. Talks should be held with the leaders of those areas with open heart, and importance should be given to their just demands, which they deserve."
Breaking fingers for smoking, no TV, no Radio, no music, no Internet, do you forget Afghanistan under the Taliban? G
3. "Realize this reality: The Taliban are not in fact terrorists, and neither do all of them have extremist sentiments. There are among them elements with whom talks can reasonably be held."
They have no intererity, they make false treatys, they are liars and thieves.G
4. "The moderate ulemaa and elders in the Northern and Tribal Areas are not in favor of violence, but their voice is not effective among the provoked elements because the government is continuing anti-Islamic policies - in the face of which the appeals by moderate ulemaa and elders are ineffective...."
Because Taliban kill them, Taliban has killed 108 tribal leaders so far. G
5. "The people of the Baluchistan province have some real problems and demands, which to a great extent are based on justice. Launching military operations by declaring these demands to be anti-national is not farsighted. The insurgency there can be overcome by starting meaningful talks with [Baluch nationalist] leaders."
6. "Recently some courageous statements have come from President [Pervez Musharraf] about the United States [i.e. that he will not allow military action inside Pakistan], which is what national pride requires. These statements have heartened the people. Instead of keeping these statements merely as words, there is a need to make them the basis of future practical policies."
he scholars conclude their joint statement by saying that President Musharraf should rise above his personal considerations and take the initiative to unite the people of all schools of thought in the interest of national consensus. They add that the political leaders should overcome their differences to save the nation; that the independence of the judiciary be restored as per the requirements of the constitution in order to remove these problems after problems; and that Musharraf should resign for the sake of the nation and the ummah.
Any madrassas run by the mullas below should be closed and banned for lying, and sleeping with Satan. G
The signatories are: Maulana Muhammad Sarfraz Khan Safdar, Maulana Salimuddin Khan, Maulana Dr Abdur Razzaq Askandar, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Rafi Usmani, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Maulana Dr Sher Ali Shah, Pir Muhammad Aminul Hasnat Shah, Allama Syed Azmat Ali Shah Hamdani, Maulana Hafiz Muhammad Salfi, Maulana Nayeemur Rahman, Maulana Ubaidullah, Maulana Abdur Rahman Ashrafi, Maulana Qari Hafeez Jalandhri, Maulana Anwarul Haq, Maulana Mehmood Ashraf, Maulana Mufti Abdur Rauf, Maulana Mufti Syed Abdul Quddus Tirmizi, Maulana Ghulamur Rahman, Maulana Mufti Azizur Rahman, Maulana Fazlur Rahim, Maulana Zahid Al-Rashdi, Maulana Fidaur Rahman Darkhwasti, Maulana Abdul Ghaffar, Maulana Qari Arshad Ubaid, Maulana Muhammad Akram Kashmiri, Maulana Muhammad Siddiq, Maulana Mufti Abdullah, Maulana Abdul Maalik, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Tyeb, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Zahid.
In late January 2008, 30 prominent Islamic scholars and principals of madrassas in Pakistan issued a joint statement, published in Pakistan's newspapers, discussing the state of affairs in the country and suggesting ways to deal with it. The signatories, who belonged to different schools of Islamic thought and who control a vast network of madrassas, affirmed: "We do not belong to any political group; neither do we have any political agenda."
More lies, speaking from the back of their black tongues.G
From Internet Anthropologist:
We seek Your protection against their evil, guide them towards what is Haq.
FEAR ALLAH, And fear the Fitnah (affliction and trial, etc.) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people), and know that Allah is severe in punishment."
(The Noble Qur'an 8:24-25)
"And fulfil the Covenant of Allah (Bai'ah: pledge for Islam) when you have
covenanted, and break not the oaths after you have confirmed them - and indeed you have appointed Allah your surety. Verily, Allah knows what you do."
(The Noble Qur'an 16:91)
Allah said: [O Al-Kâfirûn (disbelievers in Allâh, in His Oneness, in His Angels,
in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in Al-Qadar.)! I worship not that which you worship , Nor will you worship that which I worship And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping. Nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islâmic Monotheism) ] al-Kafirun .
Allah is great,
Who is taking orders from al Qaeda? Taliban,
Allah said : (Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work
righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion -the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: 'They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. 'If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked.) 55,AlNOOR.
'' Honor, power and glory belong to Allah, to his messenger, and to the believers,
but the extremist hypocrites know not. '' For, can a wolf ever guard a flock of
sheep? Call the people towards Allah.
Praise be to Allaah.
Asking the Lord to accept. The overall objective of this bulletin : Brothers and sisters urged to publish this article to relatives and friends, and in the mosques, and every person standing on the Internet Through the printing and distribution of the bulletin, and read on boards and also through sent by e-mail and e-mail Different groups, and chat rooms. , and other ideas that have the positive impact
Taliban leader behind Bhutto assassination
The day, when the Pakistan is propping itself for an unanimous leader through general election, the Rawalpindi police came with the conclusion after wrapping up the investigation that Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud had orchestrated the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
Additional Inspector General of Poli Chaudhary Abdul Majeed, who is investigating the Liaquat Bagh incident, said at a press conference that Meshud had conceived, funded and ordered the Pakistan People's Party Chairperson Benazir Bhutto's assassination.
The name of these five suspects arrested by the joint investigation team is Sher Zaman, Aitzaz Shah, Hussnain Gul, Rafaqat and Abdul Rashid Turabi, who later confessed being facilitators of Bhutto's killing. Shah and Zaman were arrested from Dera Ismail Khan, while Gul and Rafaqat were apprehended in Rawalpindi.
Abdul Majeed said the accused had disclosed that they got
militant training at campus run by madrassas in Waziristan agency in FATA and Mansehra district of NWFP.
Caught in their own black lies, may Allah paint their tongues black, as black as their hearts.GSOURCE:
Labels: 30 Islamic Scholars, tongues., with black