Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: 10/20/13 - 10/27/13
Search our BLOG
Terrorist Names SEARCH:
Google has been sabotaging my ads
in USA for years,
Code is good.
I have no idea why Google is sabotaging my ads,
Google spying on you?
Terrorist Names SEARCH:
You know how when you click
on tweet button in Google news,
all those blank tabs open?
Hold that thought.
You know the code most
pages use to post a tweet?
like this;
Slain teacher remembered - h ttp:// via h ttp://
Well some of Googles tweet code strange;
Syria releases 61 women detainees, activists say - h ttp:// via h ttp://
normal code would look like this;
Syria releases 61 women detainees, activists say - h ttp:// via h ttp://
Now back to those blank pop up tabs, when you
click some tweet buttons in Google news,
this is some coding from those pages;
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just cause your paranoid doesn't mean
somebody isn't following you.