Afghan in perspective.
An Afghan Win within reach.
Afpak victory including post war infrastructure.
President Obama was elected by 53% of popular vote.
In Afghan 63% of the population feel favorable towards
the USA forces and like them in Afghan.
In that light one can view Afghan as a win.
For the hearts and minds, More Support for US forces
in Afghan than for Obama in the US Presidential
election he WON.
Looks better in context doesn't it.
The Taliban have never kept a treaty,
and broken all of the past peace treatys.
The Taliban used the peace treatys to
regroup, rearm and attack again.
Karzi hoped to do a peace deal with the
Taliban and thought he was making significant
progress. It turned out he wasn't dealing with
the Taliban but was being scammed.
And would have been signing his own death warrant
with any treaty with the Taliban.
The Taliban are not a religion, but a political
party using violence and terrorism to try and gain
power, and using a bastardization version of Islam
to dupe the ignorant.
Doubling up of drones and drone attacks
is the one venue the US has to bring pressure on the Taliban
leadership to give up the al Quada cult irregardless of
of Karzi's demented rants and raves in his bipolar disorder
or his menopause, whichever the case maybe.
And is an effective work around the Paki Gov. and their
Great Game.
This policy of attriting the Taliban leadership is working.
And the Taliban both hate and fear the drones.
And are using every and any means at their disposal
to try and stop the drone attacks.
And spend a considerable portion of their Info war
efforts on trying to end the Drone operation against them.
Which signifies the success of the Drones on EVERY
Successful Taliban paradigm of killing all the leadership.
Many people said that if the ISI was sincere with the Pakhtuns it must target-kill the entire Taliban leadership just like the Taliban have done in the case of over 200 tribal leaders and must restore the writ of the government in the Taliban-occupied areas.
The US has the ability to withdraw and place the responsibility
of Afghan and Paki support and aid efforts directly on the
shoulders of the Paki and Afghan Governments, making them
directly responsible for the success or failure of the insurgent
war in their respective countries.
US can switch from a COIN paradigm driven by the Great Game
to a profit driven paradigm directly against the Insurgents.
A self generating AdminSys force with deep motivations for
success. HOW?
The US has in its reach the ability to successfully
conclude the Afpak war in victory, also in post WAR.
Wipe out al Qaeda, and leave a self directed program to
build an infrastructure, based on profits and
anti-terror paradigm.
The failure of this program could be traced to
Afghan or Pakistani faults NOT US ineptitude.
War Anthropologist