Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: 1/13/08 - 1/20/08

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    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    Baitullah Mehsud, artist rendering, mugshot

    Shoulder length hair, center, left, hair and shoulder, from his most recent video.

    Taliban leader. Baitullah Mehsud photo ( our art work )

    He is 4 foot 11 inches tall.

    If he grows a beard, hair color Brown.

    Background:Baitullah Mehsud, Taliban leader.

    Photo source:

    Is he real or virtual 4 of him.


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    Hackers are not YOU.

    from a password protected forum:

    The Turks are teaching hacking, the RATs.


    Welcome to Palestine forums Hacker regret Forum currently closed

    للصيانة والتطوير Maintenance and development

    سنعود قريبا We will return soon

    والعذر منكم جميعا علي أي تأخير أو أزعاج The excuse you all for any delay or inconvenience

    ooops sorry...


    al Jinan planning a comeback. New secret web page.

    We don't think so.


    Ongoing more to come.



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    USSOCOM: new multiple language web sites.

    I was studying "Civilian Irregular Information Defense Group" and posted a comment on
    'Trans-Regional Web Initiative' Friday, 18 January 2008 by cannoneerno4.
    ( Excellent article )

    USSOCOM: new multiple language web sites.

    They are outsourcing the effort to build websites in different languages to counter the Terrorist propaganda, lies, and present USA efforts in balanced terms in support of U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT).

    And I suspect the military are scared as hell of it, will blanket it with all variations of rules, regulations and red tape.

    A blogger in the Military must get permission of 5 or 6 officers before they can post, and each post must be reviewed. These reviews come from Officers in theater in combat, and have much better use for their time. And instead of thousands of Blogs in real time from US military personnel they have close to none.

    The Military's concept of the Internet is utilitarian communications channel, suspect, dangerous
    and high risk.
    They tend not to view the Internet as the ultimate war weapon.
    Intead of viewing the Internet as a "Social Change Engine", a hearts and minds access tool: the Military consensus is the INTERNET is a leak vector, career killer, mine field.
    But it is a start, they will no longer be MIA on the Internet.

    What bench mark would I use to gage its sucess?
    A million hits a year to an Arabic website.

    If you have that kind of traffic they you are hitting the mark/interest of your surfers.
    And you then have an audience to influence, a real chance to connect to the hearts and minds.

    A consideration would be a forum, dual english/arabic, where the Jihadiies can talk directly to
    USA Info warriors. I don't fear what the terrorist say, I fear not answering their lies.
    The expectation is not to convert the hard core, but to influence the 'Lurkers' the visitors who don't post but just read, they out number the posters by at least 4 to 1.
    And your demographic will be the same as the terrorist use to recruit.

    The main site would have an automated news feeds related to Arabic interest in the Middle East.
    VOA type commentary, Drudge type breaking news, and hot viral videos.

    A huge draw would be to match up Terrorist videos, with US videos of same incident, a chance to see the action from both sides. This alone would flood the site with visitors.

    I'm a member of some Military forums, both covert and in the open.
    And the experience has been generally disappointing.

    Innovation, breaking free, exploring new uses, and utilizing the full potential, and concepts of social change are not the de-rigeur, rule bound and archaic web concepts are usually the rule of the day.

    The aspects of the Internet as a social weapon, the context for the concept is generally lacking.
    Process is key to deployment.
    The faulty paradigm is that generally the USA would be un able to influence opinion.
    This thought co-exists with that of a man in a cave running the worlds biggest, and most successful Brand of social change engine in the world, out maneuvering the worlds Greatest multi media force, USA culture.

    This Internet operation is going to be very difficult to engender a success.
    The mixing of the Militarys Oil ( control/order ) with civilian Water, ( savvy/Innovation ) is going to take a very strong civilian counter part to stand against the built in risk aversion/fear attitude the Military has towards the Internet.

    I am defining Internet Anthropology in this case as the study and research of the interactive interfacing of human culture with this technology.

    Observation, synthesis and action are the essence of applied Anthropology.

    Internet Paradigms
    ( From a paper I wrote in 2000 )

    5 Internet Paradigms

    Depth and Breadth of Internet.

    Paradigm #1) Biological paradigm.

    The Internet almost seems alive, it not only knows when someone touches it, but who touched it (IP adr) when and for how long. And ( I'm taking some license here) but can tell me when the data on my web page has passed over the light receptors in your brain. It seems almost alive in terms of telling us when it is being used, where person is, what country, time on site, pages visited, length of time on each page, how they got to my web pages.

    Paradigm #2)

    Law of supply and demand.

    There ARE many examples of new Internet processes. Lets look at a few. The "Wall ST. Journal", January 1, 2000 had an extensive Issue on 'So long Supply and Demand' and 'the New Economy'. As a veteran stockbroker I feel the laws of supply and demand ARE eternal, but ARE they? Lets look and see are these laws slipping?

    1. The Industrial companies of the S&P 500 during the 1990's created $245 BILLION dollars of new wealth by converting atoms to bytes as in software. They send copies of the program over the Internet and rearrange the bytes on your computer. There is almost an unlimited source of atoms & limited demand, and as the software improves it becomes more valuable ($). Under the old laws of supply and demand they worked something like this, supply + demand = price. If there is a small supply the price tends to go up and if there is small demand the price tends to go down. But we have almost a reverse of Supply and Demand, We have an unlimited supply and limited demand. The Internet is presenting us with new paradigm a New Process.

    2. Free.

    Computer programs are given away free over the Internet, (, equal to a $200 stereo system, Free) because they make more money selling cheap but great UPGRADES, and from advertising than if they sold the original product. Another example is giving away Internet service, 100 megs bytes of computer space, because they make more from the advertising they sell on these pages, than if they charged for their products.

    Once you write a computer program each additional copy is almost costless. This is a new process to make money by giving away your base product. These Internet companies carry very little inventory unlike General Motors or a manufacturing corporation, they just move bytes on your computer into the form of their program via the Internet. New corporations with unlimited product supply, computer programs, no inventory, instant delivery, and potential world wide market is a NEW paradigm. We will have stock market corrections, but we are playing with a new economic paradigm. And we have not seen the new mega Internet corps. yet, only the seeds of germination of their seeds, forms and concepts. ( Google went public in 2004 at $100 per share, Friday it was over $600)

    Paradigm #3)

    Third world internet usage.

    It used to be that one had to know a specific computer language just to get a program to run, "msdos", now it is point and click. Even the African, Bushmen in south Africa, ARE helping in a conservation project with 'palm pilots', which have had a Global positioning System added. When they see an animal the push a icon key that relates to that animal, they are able to track herd movements, sizes, directions, deaths etc. even though they don't know any computereese.
    ( Bushmen and jahidies both learned the WWW )

    New process.

    And there ARE many translation programs available that automatically translate a document or web page on the web.

    Paradigm #4 )


    Arbitrage used to be used only in financial and commodity markets. When there were market imbalances, buy low on one market and sell higher on another market. But it now applies to labor markets, Lucent Technologies and Consolidated Edison have turn to India and Ireland for software testing, because of cheaper labor. Just these two points present a potential new process, for a capitalistic motive to place Internet backbone and computers in third world countries for Free because of a profit motive from labor arbitrage.

    Icon oriented programs or translation programs and labor arbitrage opens the door for the possibility of profit from outfitting the third world with computers. Which would also allows the developing world to market finished products world wide via the Internet not just export raw goods with the help of IMF and the World Bank.

    It also places in their hands tools for their own concepts in 'social change engines'. I have seen news reports that Bill Gates has plans to orbit 300 satellites for world wide wireless Internet.( This was 7 years ago )

    5th paradigm,

    What is the internet?

    A book, telephone, magazine, stereo, movie, typewriter, mail, news, stock trading, catalogs, bulletin board, diary, meeting place, business, fax, library, photo album, radio, search engine, etc. No it IS none of these and IT CAN BE ALL OF THESE!

    "New uses and discoveries for the INTERNET will center on "PROCESS" & "ORGANIZATION". ( ie terrorism, process and organization, I didn't see terrorist using it 7 years ago though )

    Using these paradigms we see the Internet is (sic) almost alive, has changed the laws of economics, and will probably encompass the entire world for economic reasons, and its uses and functions are limited only by our imaginations. The point I want to get across is that by putting "intelligence (data)" into a paradigm and tracking its growth our understanding is far more broad and comprehensive and immediate, than just by looking at facts and data. This is very important concept when trying to understand the Internet. There are now more pages on the internet than have been printed since the invention of the printing press.

    Web pages are NOT like: Newspapers, magazine's, video, photo albums, radio, CD's, US mail, telephone, games, library or graffiti. Web sites can be like all of these combined.

    An example of a successful 'social change engine' used only one of these, a book! Upton Sinclare's book "The Jungle" also was a prime example of applied anthropology, there were great changes in the meat packing industry sanitation and for workers conditions as a result of this book.

    Could the Internet be used as a Social Change Engine like Sinclare's book?

    Hegel (1770-1831) may have expressed it best. In his terms, we discover an antithesis and develop a thesis out of which emerge a synthesis, and this dialectical process continues as each generation becomes more enlightened. We seek rational insight not just the ambition to amass a mere heap of facts, an encyclopedia. Like Hegel we believe in the unconquerable faith that reason does exist. However truth exist only as a possibility, a potential. It is only when this idea is accompanied by action that this idea as well as abstract characteristics generally, are realized or actualized. For in and of themselves facts are powerless. A WEB PAGE WITH OUT HITS, followed by action, IS JUST A PILE OF WORDS AND GIFS, images, encyclopedia.

    By Adapting Professor Keyan Tomselli's concepts of semiotics, as presented in his book " Appropriating Images" we are able to track a web sites many messages, i.e. the conceive text, the produced text, and received text. We can track levels of understanding, orders of significance, and any discrepant decoding. And review the pages ORGANIC's, how alive the page is. HOW I can connect it to the visitor, and improve this communication connection to the point of action on the part of the visitor.

    Observation, synthesis and action are the essence of applied Anthropology.
    I am defining Internet Anthropology in this case as the study and research of the interactive interfacing of human culture with this technology, to the point of action.

    Al Qaeda understands this concept and is currently running the Internet Paradigm.Below
    From 6/16/2007 11:06:00 PM
    al Qaeda is different than ever before.
    They have morphed from a controlled corporate structure to a free form franchise.
    Moved on from a centrally controlled payroll to affiliations under the same BRAND.

    They have suffered many defeats which has caused them to switch battlefields
    and methods. They have opened new fronts in Lebanon, Algeria, London, Germany, China, and many other locations because they are loosing troops, cadre in Iraq, but the major shift has been to the Internet.

    The USA is allowing al Qaeda to control the Internet paradigm.
    USA controls the battle field but al Qaeda controls the Internet and consequently the hearts and minds.

    If USA kills them it is called a victory of martyrs.
    If they are jailed they plead torture and disrespect,
    and then they produce videos of them beheading civilians.

    They show videos of USA attacks and claim civilian casualties.
    They show videos of their attacks and claim all USA troops were killed.

    Al Qaeda hide in the shadows and attack easy targets, and call them selves brave.
    USA patrols the most dangerous parts of Iraq protecting the public and AQ call them

    AQ videos an attack with their cell phone, email to their media section and they have it out on the Internet in 30 min. of the attack.

    On balance,
    USA's losses are very good, any KIA, is sad.

    But compared to WWII rates the USA army is doing a remarkable job.

    Around 150,000 troops at WAR, and KIA are 3 or 4 a day.
    And they are not setting around is some safe fort,
    they are out on patrol looking for AQ.

    Hunting AQ, snipered, IED, Shaped charges.

    AQ instruction manuals say to be like dust or a gas, unnoticed and just disappear,
    to always seek a safe easy target.

    USA troops are trying NOT to kill civilians,
    AQ is trying TO kill civilians, Market bombings.

    USA troops are trying to stop a civil WAR.
    AQ is trying to start a civil WAR.

    USA troops are trying to build a country.
    AQ is trying to destroy the country.

    USA troops patrol the streets.
    AQ hides in shadows.

    USA troops are trying to give the Umma the VOTE.
    AQ is trying to KILL the Umma.

    AQ says fighting the USA troops is like trying to run in STEEL RAIN.

    USA troops know the difference between AQ and Islam.

    ( Al Qaeda has managed to brand the USA as the bad guys even in light of ll the above. )

    And USA is loosing the media war, loosing the hearts and minds to al Qaeda...

    They have suffered many failures, many of its top cadre killed, failures in
    attempted take overs of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and attempted
    establishment of government in Somalia.

    By by corrupting the Koran al Qaeda has established a base of followers world wide
    who are subject to his brand of propaganda, even though it violates the very basic principles of the Islamic religion.

    By effectively using the Internet he has established a a cadre of members in Europe, England
    the Maghreb, far and near East and Asia.

    His "Brand " labels him as the primary symbol of terrorism, in the West and the successful
    symbol of resistance in the Muslim world.

    His primary goal is to establish a caliphate and destroy Israel, Jordan, Pakistan,and Saudi Arabia.

    But he mis-calculated on his strategy with the USA, he thought he could lure them
    into a short war in Afghan and defeat them much like the Russians.

    So far USA has focused on attacking al Qaeda not its ideas, or the false brand
    of Islam they have established, which has allowed world wide recruiting.

    Al Qaeda's hypothesis is its Achilles heel, it is in violation of Allah's word the Koran

    And AQ is not being attacked in this quarter.

    AQ media arm is recruiting via the www more wannabees, their social change engine is running at full speed, and the rest of the world has yet to field any social change engine other than military.

    AQ media arm promotes its propaganda daily, and are moving into a NEW PHASE OF PROPAGANDA PROLIFERATION and recruitment and funding. ( Breaking )

    AQ is being defeated militarily every day, but their propaganda proclaim their continually victory.
    The number of their deaths, defeat by western standards, are celebrated as victory's of martyrs.
    While the West talk of pull out.

    The media arm of AQ is more dangerous than AQ in Iraq, The media arm is the deep well for the suicide bombers, cannon fodder and homegrown terrorist, wiping them out will go along way to stopping recruitment and home made wannabes.

    They are not being engaged on the Internet, they are winning on the WWW with USA as a "no show".

    USA needs to deploy the mother of all "Social Change Engines".

    al Qaeda has Weaknesses:

    Pakistan has arrested more high level AQ than any where in the world, because Pakistan is the seat of AQ.
    They still have a base of operations in Pakistan and continue to erode that government.

    When USA does pull out of Iraq all the AQ assets will shift to Afghanistan.

    AQ has become a criminal enterprise with kidnappings, extortion and Bank robberies, They have so much money in Iraq now they can send money back to AQ in Pakistan.

    AQ is trying to create a new state in Western Iraq, in effect seceding form Iraq.

    Hamas has carried out dozens of suicide attacks against Israeli.
    The founder of Hamas supported AQ, but refused an alliance with them.
    Hamas has been independent, and realizes it is an national case not international problem.
    Hamas has rejected the sectarian violence AQ espouses,
    And Hamas won the elections last year and AQ then became critics of Hamas,
    stating they had sold out for wining using a political movement.

    AQ has apologized for Hamas for their surrender to the political answer
    to the violence in Gaza.

    AQ fears a solution to the Arab-Israeli war movement, as it removes a leg of their
    logic in recruiting.
    The Israeli Arab problem is a basic recruiting tool and they do not want an answer, they want cannon fodder, recruits, financing not peace.

    AQ may view Hamas as an enemy if they move towards peace with Israel.
    Any move in that direction will bring Hamas under attack by AQ.

    Iran and AQ have "convergence of interests." and inclined to co-operate, on a temporary basis. When USA leaves Iraq they will become mortal enemies.
    Fighting to corrupt the soul of Islam....

    al Qaeda is vulnerable, these vulneriblities need to be exploited and USA needs to be setting the Internet Paradigm, not al Qaeda. The ammunition is there, use it.

    USA is building civil projects ( water systems ), and inside on their PC they read "the baby killers are building their water system" . NO wonder USA is loosing the war for minds and hearts.
    From 6/16/2007 11:06:00 PM


    "Iraqi Insurgent Media: The War Of Images And Ideas" by RFE/RL
    The book-length report, "Iraqi Insurgent Media: The War Of Images And Ideas" by RFE/RL regional analysts Daniel Kimmage and Kathleen Ridolfo, provides an in-depth analysis of the media efforts of Sunni insurgents, who are responsible for the majority of U.S. combat deaths in Iraq.
    The popularity of online Iraqi Sunni insurgent media, the authors contend, reflects a genuine demand for their message in the Arab world.
    The entire report

    Godspeed on the USSOCOM: new multiple language web sites.

    Paradigm Hunters/Engineers

    al Qaeda setting the Internet terrorism Paradigm

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    Paki: Kite flying is a game of death

    Tahir for action against police for not stopping kite flying

    Staff Report

    LAHORE: Senior lawyer MD Tahir has filed a civil miscellaneous application before the Lahore High Court, seeking registration of criminal cases against the police officials for failing to implement the kite-flying ban.

    He said one Munib Muhammad, 7, fell from the roof of his house in Kamoke on January 16, 2008 while flying a kite and died. He said kites and strings were being sold in markets despite the ban.

    Tahir said after the 'illegal removal' of chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, kite flying had been continuing unbridled. He said the former chief justice had ensured the ban on kite flying. "Kite flying is a game of death and the present interim government is also fond of it," he alleged.

    Imagine, unbridled kite flying... they should make a movie.



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    Friday, January 18, 2008

    Interview with Taliban #3

    Note his two friends in background.

    Interview with a Taliban (No3 in Taliban hierarchy) UNCONFIRMED:
    From arabic to greek to english.


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    Saudi Inflation = oil $100 BBL

    Saudi Inflation Blamed on Falling Dollar

    Listen Now [4 min 53 sec] add to playlist

    If 'Listen now' link doesn't work in your browser go here:

    Morning Edition, January 18, 2008 · In oil-rich Saudi Arabia the price of food is rising, and so is discontent. Ordinary residents of the monarchy are circulating text-messages urging a milk boycott. Inflation has some economists calling on Saudi Arabia to revalue its currency.


    Jeeze I wonder if this has anything to do with oil at $100 BBL?
    Came back to bite them in the ASS.

    Saudis say thank you to OPEC.



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    Taliban Webmaster BURNED.

    clickety click

    Paki Intel and security services, Lieutenant General Nadeem Taj. PLEASE NOTE:

    Taliban webmaster, Adil Watanmal (aka Murchal)

    IP and location:
    Webmaster: director
    for: (English) ( thanks to Jawa for last 3 URLS )

    Adil Watanmal
    Location , , Pakistan (81% likelihood)
    ISP lhr63¸pie¸net¸pk
    IP (202¸125¸143¸67:61310)

    CIA FORM rejected this post.

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    Intel and Ops update

    Syrian Mufti: May Allah Curse Anyone Who Kills An Israeli Child

    In a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Syrian Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Badr Al-Din Hassoun came out with a surprising call: "May Allah curse anyone who kills a Palestinian, Israeli, or Iraqi child or man, because he is killing a person whom Allah honored without connection to his religious belief."

    The mufti added that if the Ka'ba, the Church of the Nativity, or the Al-Aqsa Mosque were to be destroyed, someone would rise up to rebuild them, but when a person was killed no one could bring them back to life.

    Source:, January 16, 2008


    Arab Human Rights Convention Now In Force

    The director of the human rights department in the Arab league, Muhammad Rashed, has announced that the Arab Human Rights Convention is now in force.

    The convention is the first of its kind in the Arab world.

    He said that Egypt and Yemen will join the convention, which has already been ratified by seven Arab countries - the UAE, Jordan, Algeria, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, and the Palestinian Authority.

    Source: Al-Ahram, Egypt, January 15, 2008

    Human Rights Activists Arrested In Syria

    The Committees for the Defense of Democracy Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria reported that two major Syrian human rights activists were arrested on January 12.

    The two are Mazen Darwish, head of the Center for Freedom of the Media and Expression and member of the Committees secretariat, and Hassan Kamal, administrative director of the Center.

    Source:, January 15, 2008


    Senior Saudi Cleric: Suicide Bombers Doomed To Eternal Torment In Hell

    Sheikh Dr. Salah bin Fawzan Al-Fawzan, member of the Senior Ulamaa Council and of the Saudi Fatwa Committee, said that anyone who carries out a suicide attack and calls it jihad in the path of Allah while hoping to die as a martyr is judged as someone who kills himself, and his punishment is eternal torment in hell, because jihad is innocent of such operations.

    Source: Al-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 12, 2008


    Paki Convenience clicks Currency Converter : Drivinig Directions : Money Gram : Paskistan International Airlines : Pakistani Missions Abroad : Western Union : World Clock : World Map


    New Trojan can drain your bank accounts, on the banks web site.


    UN slaps sanctions on 3 Qaeda-linked Kuwaitis
    any connection to the Kuwaiti Death threat against Bush?


    Al-Qaida has little future in the USA franchise


    Most terrorist trails lead back to Pakistan, Britain's MI5 (internal intelligence service) concluded a year ago. An average of some 400,000 Pakistani Brits a year fly back to the old country for vacation or to visit their relatives. From the airports in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, where they land, side trips to the madrasas -- Koranic schools -- where they were originally radicalized, or to a terrorist training camp in the tribal areas that straddle the Pakistani-Afghan border, go undetected. There is no way to keep track of thousands of passengers arriving from the United Kingdom every day. Nor can MI5 cope with up to 1,000 a day returning to their U.K. homes from trips to Pakistan. Germans having same problem with Turkey.


    Extremists led by Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan captured hundreds of Pakistani soldiers and demanded the release from custody of their colleagues in exchange for the soldiers. Governor Aurakzai initiated negotiations with Mehsud and a deal was struck, under which thirty-two 'terrorists' would be released and the Pakistani soldiers would be set free.

    However, when six of the negotiated thirty-two were not released, and one of the released was re-captured from DI Khan, Mehsud accused the government of going back on its word and broke contact. Two senior tribal area advisors to General Aurakzai protested when the deal was violated; both were replaced.

    But one thing should be kept in mind that the United States cannot achieve success without involvement of tribesmen in the operaation. Now the question arises as to who will represent the tribesmen in making a deal? The US should select a leader from the tribal areas for making the war on terror successful. The government officials governing the tribal areas at the moment have failed in achieving the results.


    ( We have an email into author abput the first sentenance? No reply as of yet. )



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    ISI Calling all Cells to assassinate Bush

    ISI called on all cells to attack Bush two days before he left for his Middle East visit.
    And to work around the clock to do it.
    There were no attacks on Bush.
    ISI is 'impotent', in every meaning of the word.

    All Cell now want to work this campaign and inflammatory be round-the-clock and timing were selected starting the campaign now before the date of the visit only two days so as not to leave them enough time

    الأن نريد خلية عمل لهذه الحملة الإعلامية و التحريضية تكون على مدار الساعة و تم إختيار توقيت إنطلاق الحملة الأن أي قبل موعد الزيارة بيومين فقط لكي لا نترك لهم وقت كافي

    Also posted on: In 5 different threads Doctors? again?

    Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the Qassam rockets appeal of the mujahideen heroes....

    كما سيزور بوش أيضا الكويت As Bush also will visit Kuwait

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في الكويت . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in Kuwait.

    والبحرين Bahrain

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في البحرين . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in Bahrain.

    والإمارات The Emirates

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في الإمارات . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in the Emirates.

    والسعودية And Saudi Arabia

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في جزيرة العرب يا اسود الحرمين يا اسود القاعدة في جزيرة العرب هذا يومكم . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in the Arab Peninsula, any black-Haramain any black-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula, this Day.

    ومصر And Egypt

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في أرض الكنانة . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in the land of Egypt.

    قبل عودته إلى واشنطن في 16 يناير/كانون الثاني. Before returning to Washington on January 16.

    Question arises:
    هل سيتم إلغاء هذه الزيارة باللحظات الأخيرة ؟ Is this visit will be cancelled last moment?
    All their calls went unheeded...and it wasn't canceled.
    al Qaeda is loosing influence in Middle East among the Ummah.

    We with held this report while Bush was outside CONUS.


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    Paki army lacks the will

    Pakistani Army: Unwilling or Unable? - ABC News

    Armed Pakistani militants loyal to pro-Taliban cleric Mullah Fazlullah have seized control of much of Pakistan's northwestern Swat Valley and are now battling security forces for the rest. (STR/ AFP/ Getty Images)

    For the second day in a row, Pakistani troops abandoned an army base in South Waziristan, a region along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border that is a stronghold for militants. And this time, the militants didn't even attack.

    One hundred frontier troops in the Chagmalai Fort received threats from militants and apparently decided it was a better idea to flee than to stay and defend themselves, an intelligence source and local residents told ABC News. The fort was filled with heavy weaponry, including artillery guns and rocket propelled grenades.
    Pakistani Army: Unwilling or Unable? - ABC News

    Paki Army just announced they were in control of Swat yesterday after a 3 mo. operation.
    ``Troops have pushed out the miscreants from the Swat Valley to an adjoining isolated area'' in the mountains, Major General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the director-general of military operations, said at a briefing yesterday, according to the official Associated Press of Pakistan.

    Thirty-six soldiers and nine civilians were killed during the offensives, the general said, without saying how many militants died. More than 615 people were arrested, 100 of whom are still being detained, he added.

    ( Guess he shouldn't have let the 515 people go. Most disappointing. )


    The extremists have selected the police and the army, two important pillars of the Pakistani state, as particular targets. (When does the Army target them? g )

    Last week, rockets were fired at an army barracks in Warsak on the city's perimeter, a warning of the power of the militants to strike from Mohmand, a district in the tribal areas adjacent to Peshawar, an area that a few months ago was considered free of the Taliban.

    The army headquarters in the center of the city were struck last month by a bomber who was hiding explosives under her burqa that were set off by remote control. The assassination a year ago of the police chief, Mr. Saad, who was killed while on duty trying to control a religious procession in one of the bazaars, shook the city.

    "It's asymmetrical warfare against an established state," said Muhammad Sulaman Khan, chief of operations for the Peshawar police and a close friend of Mr. Saad. "The terrorists only don't have to lose it, we need to win it."

    Frontier Insurgency Spills Into a Pakistani City, Peshawar.

    UPDATE: 05.31.09
    We may have to take this back, Paki Military seems to be making some
    inroads into Taliban areas, we continue to follow them in detail.

    Paki Army seems unable or unwilling to kill/capture Taliban
    leaders???? So far.



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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    Marines, put that jet back

    Marines you have to watch them all the time.
    Marine, I want a door over THERE !

    How good are those Barricades?

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    anti-RPG force shield

    New Force field, its in the Video!!!


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Bush on NIE

    Bolton on NIE



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    We have been looking for them for a few months, and applying CI methods to our search.

    DOB: Jul 28, 1992
    Missing: Apr 27, 2003
    Height: 150 cm (4'11")
    Eyes: Brown
    Race: White
    Age Now: 15
    Sex: Male
    Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
    Hair: Brown
    Missing From:
    United States
    Child last seen with non-custodial father Moises Dayan in Argentina. Mother given custody by Kings County NY Supreme Court and by the Supreme Court in Argentina.

    DOB: Nov 15, 1986
    Missing: Oct 8, 2003
    Height: 5'2" (157 cm)
    Eyes: Brown
    Race: White/Hisp
    Age Now: 21
    Sex: Female
    Weight: 115 lbs (52 kg)
    Hair: Black
    Missing From:
    United States
    Erica was last seen at home on October 8, 2003. She may have traveled out of state.

    Endangered Runaway

    your putting your sister through hell, call her.

    If you believe that you have seen this person contact
    NYS MECC at 1-800-346-3543.
    DOB: Oct 12, 1987
    Missing: Jan 26, 2005
    Height: 6'2" (188 cm)
    Eyes: Gray
    Race: White
    Age Now: 20
    Sex: Male
    Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)
    Hair: Lt. Brown
    Missing From:
    United States
    Arkadiy was last seen at home on January 26, 2005. He has a pierced left ear and scars on both arms. His nickname is Ark.

    Arkadiy Tashman now missing three years, Staten Island, New York

    Arkadiy's sister has done a post on her blog to mark the third anniversary of his disappearance: Please read it, as well as her older posts!

    A little background on Arkadiy from

    Arkadiy Tashman
    Seventeen-year-old Arkadiy Tashman enjoyed being called by
    his nickname, "Ark". He also enjoyed skateboarding and hanging out with his
    friends. Ark is a strapping youth who stood over six feet tall,
    and attended Port Richmond High School.
    On Tuesday, January 25th, Ark
    left his Mariner's Harbor home to visit a friend who lived nearby. He was last
    seen sometime around 2:45 a.m. the next morning when he left for home. Later
    that morning Ark's parents, Igor and Alla, found an upsetting message he had
    left beneath a TV remote control. "Sorry about this. No wake, no funeral," it
    read. Disturbing messages were also found on his computer.
    Authorities were
    quickly notified about the missing youth. "No one has seen or heard from him,"
    said Ark's 27-year-old sister, Natalya Voskresenskaya. "He had no problems with
    his parents, that's the most confusing part." The missing young man also was not
    on any medications. Law enforcement authorities initially believed Ark had run
    away and his note implied suicide. It was revealed that the day before the
    youth's disappearance, he had broken up with his girlfriend and was very upset.
    Family members said Ark had never before threatened to run away, or to commit
    suicide. Authorities immediately began to search for the missing youth and asked
    for the public's help in locating him.
    Ark's family mobilized friends and
    volunteers to search for him. They did not believe he was suicidal. "It's
    important for us to find him before he hurts himself," said Natalya. Fliers and
    posters with his photo and description were circulated throughout Manhattan
    and Staten Island. The searches mainly concentrated on Brooklyn, Greenwich
    Village, Staten Island and the East Village and parks; areas where they
    knew skateboarders loved to hang out. "We put posters all over the places he
    might appear," said Natalya. "We can't think the other thing. We can't.
    Sometimes you have those horrible images that he's lying somewhere. It's
    impossible. There would be a body. People don't just disappear. Maybe if he sees
    the poster he'd realize how much we need him. It's really hard to be without
    him. Someone's going to see him. He's a cute boy."
    His older sister has
    created a web site page about Arkadiy, please visit:
    New York Police Department (NYPD) continued its search throughout the city for
    Ark, also focusing on known skateboard areas. Hundreds of people were
    questioned, but there were no reported sightings of the missing youth.
    Authorities in the NYPD Missing Persons Division have classified Ark as a
    missing and endangered person. Arkadiy Tashman was last seen wearing a green
    baseball cap, gray hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. He has
    flowing ash-blond hair and a pierced right ear. He speaks fluent Russian and
    English. He is an avid skateboarder and might be located in popular places
    frequented by young skateboarders, in the Manhattan or Brooklyn areas of New
    York. Anyone with information on this case should immediately call the New York
    Police Department's Missing Persons Squad (212-473-2042) or (800-346-3543).
    You can print a poster of Arkadiy at

    Once again, the blog for Arkadiy is
    MySpace page for Arkadiy:

    Any info please use our tip lines.
    or report Here:National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)



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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    You might be a member of the Taliban if.....

    You might be a member of the Taliban if.....

    * Jan 17, 2008 at 9:31 AM
    * Post a comment

    H/Tto Domestikdiva

    10. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to alcohol

    9. You own a $300 machine gun and a $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.

    8. You have more wives than teeth.

    7. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.

    6. You can't think of anyone you HAVEN'T declared Jihad against.

    5. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry ammunition in your robe.

    4. You've never been asked, "Does this burka make my ass look fat?"

    3. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.

    2. You've never uttered the phrase, "I love what you've done with your cave."

    1. You wipe your butt with your bare left hand, but consider bacon unclean.


    If you talk boys into blowing themselves up but think Youtube videos are bad for them.

    If you make students learn the Koran in a foreign language, ( Arabic ) but
    but don't instruct them in its meaning.

    Let you children behead men with a knife but think TV is dangerous for them.

    If you kill children but LOVE goats.

    Don't know where the Durand line is.

    Are a brave fighter but hide under a bush if you hear something in the sky,
    and take chldren into battle with you.

    If you would kill over a cartoon but think blowing up a Mosque is OK.

    You might be Taliban if you have no HONOR, but hide Bin Laden in the name of honor.



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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Background Attack on Serena Hotel

    By Wahidullah Amani in Kabul

    As Kabul reels from a violent attack on the luxurious five-star Serena Hotel, the Taleban are in jubilant mood.

    "We have said that we will show the world the weakness of the Kabul administration," crowed Taleban spokesman Zabiullah Mojahed in a telephone interview with IWPR. "If we can carry out an operation like this right at Karzai's feet, what is to stop us from reaching any target we choose?"

    The Serena is a stone's throw from the presidential palace; a mere 50 metres separates the scene of the attack from Karzai's residence.

    Details of the attack are still in dispute, but the outlines are clear. At a little after 6 pm on the evening of January 14, four armed men in police uniforms approached the heavily fortified gate of the Kabul Serena Hotel.

    One of them opened fire, killing a guard. When a second guard returned fire, the gunman detonated his explosive vest, killing himself.

    In the ensuing confusion, at least two others entered the compound, gaining access to the hotel lobby. There the second man blew himself up, blasting ball bearings throughout the area and killing or wounding several people in addition to himself.

    A third man ran to the spa area, where foreigners were working out in the gym or relaxing in the sauna. Along the way, he sprayed bullets at anyone he saw, gravely injuring a spa worker, a Filipina who managed the facility. The woman later died.

    It is not clear whether the fourth man actually entered the Serena, although the Taleban spokesman claimed that he was following behind the others with a video camera.

    "Our people in the hotel fired their guns until they ran out of bullets," said Mojahed. "One of our men was filming, but he left the camera at the hotel."

    The Taleban spokesman boasted that the attack killed 35 people, both foreign and Afghan.

    The official tally was more modest. According to Amrullah Saleh, head of Afghanistan's National Directorate for Security, NDS, six people died in the attack, including the Afghan guard, three Americans, one Norwegian journalist, and the Filipina spa worker, whom he incorrectly identified as French.

    The United States embassy has confirmed that one American died; the nationalities of the others is not known. Other reports have listed seven dead.

    People evacuated from the hotel described pools of blood, lifeless bodies, falling plaster and bullet holes. The hotel was cordoned off, with guests and visitors evacuated. The NDS took command while police patrolled the perimeter.

    Much of the capital was in lockdown mode on January 15, as Afghan security forces briefed the press on the progress of their investigation.

    "Within 15 minutes of the attack, the security forces had established control," said NDS head Saleh. "We arrested the third attacker, and we have asked him a lot of questions."

    This third man, named as Salauddin, was in the process of shedding his police uniform and explosive vest when he was detained. He had, according to Saleh, changed his mind about committing suicide.

    The NDS was able to establish the identity of all four attackers, said Saleh. Based on Salauddin's testimony, the operation was planned by Mullah Abdullah, who is living in Miramshah across the border in Pakistan, close to the Afghan province of Khost.

    Abdullah recruited the men, who, in addition to Salauddin, were named as Faroq and Zaimullah - both of whom died in the attack - and a fourth man identified as Hamayoun.

    Saleh said Hamayoun was responsible for organising the assault locally, and it was he who furnished the explosives.

    According to the Taleban spokesman, he was also the one filming.

    By the morning of January 15, the NDS had arrested Hamayoun and raided a safe house in Kabul where the four were apparently holed up for two days prior to the attack.

    Saleh said his officers found a video camera at the house. He showed assembled reporters a clip showing Faroq, one of the suicide attackers.

    "I am doing this for Allah," said Faroq on film. "Not for any group or any person."

    The NDS chief said, "Now only one person is missing - this Abdullah. And we will try to find him and arrest him, too."

    On the evening of the attack, Norwegian foreign minister Jonas Gahr Stoere was attending a function at the hotel. He was unharmed in the attack, which appeared to target foreigners in general, rather than high-ranking diplomats.

    The Australian embassy is also located at the Serena. Staff have evacuated the facility and have announced that they are relocating.

    The NDS head insisted that the attack was a sign of the Taleban's weakness.

    "An enemy who cannot hold territory, an enemy who can find no refuge among the people, has no other recourse but suicide bombing. The Taleban cannot fight us face to face. So they continue killing people this way," said Saleh.




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    Taliban targets: people, cities.

    3. The authorities are concerned over reports that Baitullah is planning to organise other assassinations before the elections of February 18,2008. Amongst those allegedly figuring in his hit list are:
    Musharraf himself,
    Gen.Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani, the Chief of the Army Staff,
    Mr.Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, who was the Interior Minister at the time of the commando action in the Lal Masjid of Islamabad in July last,
    Mr.Amir Muqam, former Minister for Political Affairs,
    Maulana Fazlur Rahman, the head of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema Islam (JUI) Pakistan, and Mr.Nawaz Sharif, former Prime Minister. Sherpao has already escaped two assassination attempts last year and Muqam escaped one attempt. The authorities have already cautioned these persons about the likely threats to their security and advised them to reduce their public exposure.


    Taliban, LJ militants plan attacks in nine cities

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    * 300 militants assigned targets in settled areas

    By Azaz Syed

    ISLAMABAD: The Interior Ministry has warned law enforcement agencies that activists of the defunct Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ) and Taliban militants plan to attack eminent political and religious leaders and religious places in nine cities during Muharram, Daily Times learnt on Monday.

    “Yes, we have received these threats,” said acting Islamabad police Inspector General Nadeem Baloch.

    Two intelligence reports received by the ministry said attacks were likely in Islamabad, Peshawar, Bahawalpur, Vehari, Jhang, Hyderabad, Karachi, DI Khan and Quetta.

    A notification by the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) of the Interior Ministry said militants would try to attack Muharram processions, Imambargahs and Majalis.

    The intelligence reports say Senator Abid Hussain, Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid ex-MNA from Jhang Waqas Akram Sheikh and Allama Sajid Naqvi are likely targets. Three jackets meant for suicide attacks have been delivered to LJ activists in Jhang, they say.

    Militants: According to the reports, 300 militants from tribal areas, including local and Afghan Taliban, have been assigned targets and sent to the settled areas.

    Following the circulation of the notice to the home secretaries and the provincial police chiefs, law enforcement agencies are on high alert. District police officers have been directed to devise security plans to ensure peace during Muharram.


    REWARD: report terrorist in Secret.

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Credit Cards threat to National Security.

    Credit Cards and Terrorists
    By Dennis Lormel
    counterterrorism Blog
    As Imam Samudra sits on death row in Indonesia nearing his execution date for masterminding the Bali Nightclub Bombings in 2002, we should remember him not just as a murderous terrorist but also as a technology savvy computer expert. It's in that latter role we should be concerned about his legacy. He is a poster child for the epidemic credit fraud terrorists confront us with. The magnitude of this problem was reinforced by Younes Tsouli, also known as (aka) Irhabi or Terrorist 007,and his two associates, Waseem Mughal and Tariq Al-Daour. These three al-Qaeda linked individuals pled guilty in the United Kingdom (U.K.) on July 2, 2007, to inciting terrorist murder via the internet. Like Samudra, they did not merely use the internet as a terrorist propaganda, communications and recruitment tool; they masterfully used it as a mechanism to perfect their cyber fraud skills. We should be extremely concerned by this. It is a threat to our National Security.
    SOURCE: MORE.By Dennis Lormel, CounterTerrorism blog


    80% of CC fraud could be stopped tomorrow if the CC companys and credit agencys want to stop it.

    Life lock

    Has a product that guarantees to stop ID theft.
    The technology is available but in narrow use, and it works.
    A source of terrorism financing.

    So the technology to stop ID thefr is available.

    And the credit card cos. and credit agencys don't use it.
    Because it would cut into their profits.

    Credit card company's profit from ID theft.

    Time to reign in the lobbyists.

    Time for them to join the anti-terrorism band wagon.



    Awhile back we ran into 400 American Express CC for sale, with some free cards and info , we quickly notified owners and American Express, their security offices in Chicage and NY, neither were interested. Do they make a profit from stolen cards?


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Pakistan's army in control of the Swat Valley

    Jan. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan's army said it took control of the Swat Valley near Afghanistan after a three-month operation against pro-Taliban Islamic fighters.

    ``Troops have pushed out the miscreants from the Swat Valley to an adjoining isolated area'' in the mountains, Major General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the director-general of military operations, said at a briefing yesterday, according to the official Associated Press of Pakistan.

    Thirty-six soldiers and nine civilians were killed during the offensives, the general said, without saying how many militants died. More than 615 people were arrested, 100 of whom are still being detained, he added.


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    Ambush Americans and DIE

    "Tell the Insurgents were gona be here for an hour and come on out and shoot at us, they can come from either way, We don't care."




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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Intel and ops update


    Egyptian Liberal Authors: It Is Up to the Arabs to Bring Peace to the Middle East ( Now where have you heard that before. )


    Bin Laden: Saudis are main enemy in Iraq.

    Daily Times, Pakistan
    - Jan 16, 2008- 7 hours ago
    By Iqbal Khattak PESHAWAR: Tension between the Mehsud and Ahmedzai Wazir tribes is growing in South Waziristan after power supply to Wana was apparently ..





    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Terrorism Winding Down

    Terrorism winding down.
    ISI remnants, tattered and on the run, stealing payroll.

    Taliban taking a severe beating from Paki.

    Time is running out, members defecting, rejection by Ummah in Iraq.
    Terrorism is on the down hill.

    BAGHDAD — The U.S. military launched a series of major bombing attacks on Al Qaida in Iraq as detainees revealed splits in the organization and a desperate shortage of funds.

    U.S. fighter-jets conducted scores of sorties against suspected Al Qaida targets south of Baghdad. U.S. forces were also tracking Al Qaida operatives fleeing the Baghdad area.

    In all, more than 40 targets were struck southeast of Baghdad on Thursday, including the destruction of safe havens in Arab Jabour, Middle East Newsline reported.

    Officials said the operation has been facilitated by widespread resentment against the Al Qaida leadership. They said lower-level operatives have not been paid as senior commanders fled with money allocated for salaries.


    "during 2007, the security forces killed 1008 terrorists and miscreants, and arrested 1636 suspected terrorists, including 427 Taliban, 53 Al Qaeda operatives, 740 Baloch nationalist insurgents, 315 banned jihadi organisations' militants and 27 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorists operating as Al Qaeda troops in Pakistan ".
    50-plus Taliban militants killed in Pakistan.01.11.08
    12 Jan 2008, 1751 hrs IST,PTI
    ISLAMABAD: At least 41 militants were arrested on Saturday in northwest Pakistan's restive Swat valley, hours after the ultras carried out two pre-dawn attacks on security forces.

    The army said the militants were apprehended during a search and cordon operation at Kuza Bandai in Swat, where troops have been conducting a major operation since mid-November to quell the activities of pro-Taliban cleric Maulana Fazlullah and his followers.

    Weapons and ammunition were also recovered from the arrested militants, the army said in a statement.

    Nearly 300 militants have been killed in the Swat valley, just 160 kms from Islamabad, since the security forces launched their operation in November.


    Media arm decimated by death and arrest.

    Propaganda vids way down, rehash or mostly older videos,
    Trying to snach some credibility fro the jaws of defeat, by showing a shot/bomb and stoping video, so we can't see it was a miss/failure:

    Fatal error in terrorist paradigm.

    Muslims will not put up with this:

    Look at the last Two weeks: killing civilians, Muslims, children.

    1/14/2008 Pakistan Karachi 11 40 Three
    children are among eleven killed in a bombing by
    Islamic militants outside a textile factory.
    1/14/2008 Thailand Narathiwat 8 7 Islamists
    ambush and kill eight local soldiers in a vicious
    attack that leaves them beheaded, shot or blasted
    to death.
    1/14/2008 Afghanistan Kabul 6 6 Religious
    extremists attack a hotel with suicide vests and
    machine-guns, managing to kill six people in the
    1/13/2008 Algeria Medea 3 0 Islamic
    fundamentalists machine-gun three kids to death as
    they are gathering chestnust.
    1/13/2008 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic gunmen
    shoot a man in the back of the head as he is
    watching television.
    1/12/2008 Iraq Dhuluiya 6 0 Three children
    are among six killed when al-Qaeda gunmen invade
    two homes.
    1/12/2008 Somalia Baidoa 2 0 Two Red Crescent
    workers are killed by suspected members of an
    Islamic militia.
    1/12/2008 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A father is
    murdered by Muslim gunmen after dropping his
    daughter off at school.
    1/12/2008 Iraq Sulaimaniyah 1 0 Shia
    fundamentalists gun down a liquor store owner.
    1/12/2008 Afghanistan Kandahar 8 0 Taliban
    militants gun down eight Afghan police officers.
    1/12/2008 Afghanistan Helmand 1 8 A suicide
    bomber tries to enter a house, but is stopped
    short. He still manages to kill one adult and
    injure two children.
    1/11/2008 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Jihadis bomb a
    bakery, killing four people.
    1/11/2008 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 Islamic
    militants shoot an off-duty soldier to death in a
    1/10/2008 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 A pair of Jihad
    bombings leave five Iraqis dead.
    1/10/2008 Pakistan Lahore 24 80 A suicide
    bomber attacks a police post, killing two dozen
    police and civilians alike.
    1/10/2008 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist
    villager is murdered by Muslim gunmen in an
    unprovked attack.
    1/10/2008 Thailand Yala 3 7 Three men are
    shot to death by Muslim terrorists in three
    separate attacks.
    1/10/2008 Yemen Sa'ada 6 6 Six local soldiers
    are killed in an ambush by Shiite radicals.
    1/9/2008 Algeria Ait Yahia 4 2 Islamic
    fundamentalists kill four local soldiers in a
    landmine attack.
    1/9/2008 Philippines Jolo 2 0 Two off-duty
    cops are shot to death by suspected Islamic
    extremists, while jogging along a road.
    1/9/2008 Yemen Haidan 1 0 Shiite militants
    kill a tribal elder.
    1/9/2008 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 34-year-old man
    riding his motorcycle is murderd by Islamist
    1/8/2008 Iraq Madaen 2 5 A Fedayeen suicide
    bomber takes out two Iraqi policemen.
    1/8/2008 Somalia Dibiyada 4 7 Four civilians
    are killed during an ambush by Islamic militants.
    1/7/2008 Afghanistan Helmand 4 4 Taliban
    militants kill four Afghans with a roadside
    1/7/2008 Pakistan Chugmalai 1 3 Islamic
    militants attack a security post, killing a local
    1/7/2008 Iraq Hawija 3 0 A married couple and
    their young son are shot to death by Islamic
    1/7/2008 Iraq Baghdad 18 63 Eighteen
    innocents are are killed in two separate bombings,
    one a Fedayeen attack
    1/7/2008 Iraq Khanaqeen 6 0 Radical Sunnis
    abduct, bind and then murder five men. A carpenter
    is gunned down in a separate attack.
    1/7/2008 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 4 A
    suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills a local
    border guard.
    1/6/2008 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0
    Fundamentalists bomb a video shop, killing a
    security guard.
    1/6/2008 Iraq Baghdad 3 16 A Jihad car
    bombing kills three people and injrues sixteen
    1/6/2008 Iraq Baghdad 11 17 A Fedayeen
    suicide bomber attacks an Iraqi celebration of
    national unity, killing eleven innocent people.
    1/6/2008 Pakistan Wana 9 8 Nine tribal
    leaders are killed in two separate shooting
    attacks by Uzbeki Islamic extremists.
    1/6/2008 Iraq Muqdadiya 4 0 Islamic radicals
    kidnap and behead four people, tossing their heads
    out on a highway.
    1/5/2008 Iraq Muqdadiyah 6 3 Jihadis bomb a
    minibus, killing six civilians including women and
    1/4/2008 Pakistan Kurram 3 0 Fighting between
    Sunni and Shia leaves three people dead.
    1/4/2008 Thailand Yala 1 2 A 43-year-old
    villager is shot to death by Muslim militants.
    1/3/2008 Afghanistan Nimroz 7 12 A Fedayeen
    suicide bomber detonates in the middle of road
    construction crew, killing seven workers and their
    1/3/2008 Iraq Baghdad 6 11 Six civilians are
    killed in two separate Jihad attacks.
    1/3/2008 Iraq Khalis 6 3 Six Iraqi soldiers
    are killed inside a home by a bomb set by radical
    1/3/2008 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists gun down
    a 57-year-old civilian in the street.
    1/3/2008 Iraq Basra 1 0 A woman is shot to
    death by fundamentalists for unIslamic activities.
    1/3/2008 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 44-year-old
    Buddhist rubber tapper is murdered by Muslim
    1/3/2008 India Shopian 1 0 The Mujahideen
    abduct and execute a civilian.
    1/3/2008 Pakistan Kurram 6 11 Six people are
    killed in violence between Sunni and Shia.
    1/3/2008 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A local soldier
    dies from inuries suffered in a roadside bombing
    by militant Muslims.
    1/2/2008 Algeria Naciria 5 7 Islamic
    fundamentalists bomb a police station, killing at
    least five people, including a 10-year-old girl.
    1/2/2008 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Freedom Fighters
    shoot five children and their father to death in a
    minivan at point-blank range.
    1/2/2008 Somalia Afgoye 3 24 Islamists bomb a
    local market, killing three civilians.
    1/2/2008 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected
    Islamists storm an aid office, killing a local
    1/2/2008 Pakistan Kurram 11 13 Eleven people
    are killed in a sectarian clash between Sunni and
    1/2/2008 Iraq Baqubah 10 28 A female suicide
    bomber sends ten Iraqis to Allah.
    1/2/2008 Afghanistan Helmand 1 1 Taliban
    militants shoot a local soldier to death.
    1/2/2008 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two border
    guards are murdered by Islamic extremists.
    1/2/2008 Iraq Muqdadiyah 6 3 Sunni radicals
    gun down six civilians in a drive-by attack.
    1/1/2008 Iraq Tahwelah 2 0 Radical Sunnis gun
    down a Shia man and his 16-year-old son.
    1/1/2008 Iraq Baghdad 36 38 A Fedayeen
    suicide bomber wades into a funeral and detonates,
    killing thirty-six people.
    1/1/2008 Pakistan Kurram 2 5 Two people are
    killed in fighting between rival Muslim groups.
    1/1/2008 Pakistan Kahna 2 0 A young couple in
    their 20's is gunned down by family members for
    having sex.
    1/1/2008 Sudan Khartoum 2 0 A US diplomat and
    his driver are killed in a shooting claimed by
    Islamic militants.
    1/1/2008 Iraq Jalawla 5 0 Freedom Fighters
    abduct and murder an Iraqi policeman and four
    members of his family.
    1/1/2008 India Rampur 7 3 Lashkar-e-Toiba
    terrorists carry out an attack on a security base,
    killing at least seven people.

    The Ummah will bring al Qaeda and Taliban down in the END.

    USA gave them enough rope and they are hanging themselves.
    Now USA will hunt al Qaeda like the Jews hunted the Nazi.
    You can't hide forever.

    '' Honor, power and glory belong to Allah, to his messenger, and to the believers, but the extremist hypocrites know not. '' For, can a wolf ever guard a flock of sheep? Call the people towards Allah. Jihad against the munaafiqeen (hypocrites).

    Tâghût (Satan). So fight you against the friends of Shaitân (Satan). Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaitân (Satan the false Moujahedeen ). ] al-Nissa:76.

    Asking the Lord to accept. The overall objective of this bulletin : Brothers and sisters urged to publish this article to relatives and friends, and in the mosques, and every person standing on the Internet Through the printing and distribution of the bulletin, and read on boards and also through sent by e-mail and e-mail Different groups, and chat rooms. , and other ideas that have the positive impact.

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Paki: 300 militants assigned targets

    Pakistan remains an enormously valuable ally in the broad struggle.

    Taliban, LJ militants plan attacks in nine cities

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    * 300 militants assigned targets in settled areas

    By Azaz Syed

    ISLAMABAD: The Interior Ministry has warned law enforcement agencies that activists of the defunct Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ) and Taliban militants plan to attack eminent political and religious leaders and religious places in nine cities during Muharram, Daily Times learnt on Monday.

    “Yes, we have received these threats,” said acting Islamabad police Inspector General Nadeem Baloch.

    Two intelligence reports received by the ministry said attacks were likely in Islamabad, Peshawar, Bahawalpur, Vehari, Jhang, Hyderabad, Karachi, DI Khan and Quetta.

    A notification by the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) of the Interior Ministry said militants would try to attack Muharram processions, Imambargahs and Majalis.

    The intelligence reports say Senator Abid Hussain, Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid ex-MNA from Jhang Waqas Akram Sheikh and Allama Sajid Naqvi are likely targets. Three jackets meant for suicide attacks have been delivered to LJ activists in Jhang, they say.

    Militants: According to the reports, 300 militants from tribal areas, including local and Afghan Taliban, have been assigned targets and sent to the settled areas.

    Following the circulation of the notice to the home secretaries and the provincial police chiefs, law enforcement agencies are on high alert. District police officers have been directed to devise security plans to ensure peace during Muharram.


    REWARD: report terrorist in Secret


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