Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: 8/5/07 - 8/12/07

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    Saturday, August 11, 2007

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Friday, August 10, 2007

    check you local Mosque.

    Is your local Mosque a Saudi Arabian Wabbism controled?
    Are the Imans Saudi trained?
    Do they get money from Saudi?

    Wabbism approves:

    Sex with 9 yr. old girls OK
    Beating women OK
    Parents Encourage, train children to die in Jahid, suicide OK
    Teaching Extremism OK
    Violence OK
    Bomb Indian Biz, kill jews. OK

    Greenlane mosque debacle.

    British police have decided not to pursue charges against any of the Islamic hate preachers exposed by the Channel 4 documentary “Dispatches: Undercover Mosque.”

    Instead, they’re reporting Channel 4 to the media regulatory agency.

    Just when you think it can’t get any more insane.

    British police shoot themselves in the foot.

    Visit your local Mosque, ask questions. No matter what country you live in.


    Undercover video:


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    al qaeda using young teenagers, killing women,children

    From jahidist forum.

    Managed secret preparations of the youth movement Mujahideen-thanks to God-from the implementation of successive operations in the capital of Somali regions within Ethiopia and that last Sunday : 22 Rajab 1428 approved l :05-08-2007

    2- تم تفجير عبوة ناسفة داخل الكنيسة في مدينة (جكجكا) مما أسفر عن مقتل أكثر من 50 من عباد الصليب، تعفنت جثثهم في داخل الكنيسة ولم يتمكن أسيادهم من سحب أمواتهم من داخلها إلا بعد يومين، وجرح أكثر من مئة حيث كانت الكنيسة مكتظة بحكم اليوم الذي نفذت فيه العملية. 2 -
    has been an explosive device was detonated inside the church in the city (Jkjka) resulting in the killing of more than 50 worshipers of the Cross, rotted bodies within the church has been unable to withdraw their dead masters from within only two days later, and injured more than a hundred crowded church where ex today, which carried out the operation.

    3- في اليوم نفسه عمد المجاهدون إلى سوق خاص للأحباش وتمكنوا من تفجير عبوة ناسفة في وسط السوق مما أسفر عن مقتل 27 من الأحباش وإصابة أكثر من تسعين. 3-
    on the same day mayors struggling to special market for Al-Ahbash and were able to explode an explosive device in the middle of the market, which resulted in the death of 27-Ahbash and the wounding of more than ninety.

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    al Qaeda quits Islam

    If a Muslim kills a Muslim, kills a woman or child, bombs a Mosque or Market place, by his actions he has quit Islam, by action and deed, committing violations of Allah's word and the Koran, and may be killed him self for quiting Islam.

    Islam will take out al Qaeda.

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Thursday, August 09, 2007

    Huge cash withdrawls??? $131bn USD

    ECB injects €95bn to help markets

    By Gillian Tett in London, Richard Milne in Frankfurt and Krishna Guha in Washington

    Published: August 9 2007 12:59 | Last updated: August 10 2007 01:33

    The European Central Bank scrambled to head off a potential financial crisis on Thursday by pumping an emergency €94.8bn ($131bn) into the region's banking system after liquidity in the interbank market started to dry up, threatening banks' access to short-term funds.

    The cash injection was the biggest in the ECB's history, exceeding the €69bn provided the day after the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001. The ECB also made an unprecedented one-day pledge to meet 100 per cent of all funding requests from financial institutions.

    The ECB action followed a sharp increase in the rate at which banks are prepared to lend overnight to each other. It was designed to ensure that money markets continued to function.

    Brian Sack, senior economist at Macroeconomic Advisers, said: "What happened today raises more systemic risk issues. It had a feel of liquidity problems similar to some of the past episodes like 1998...I am not saying it is as intense as 1998, but it certainly looked like that."

    The Dow fell 2.83 per cent, while the UK's FTSE lost 1.83 per cent, Germany's DAX index fell 2 per cent and France's CAC-40 fell 2.17 per cent.

    The ECB did not offer a detailed explanation for its move, which surprised markets, but simply said it was now seeking to "assure orderly conditions in the euro money market".

    The $24bn injected into US markets by the New York Fed came in two scheduled open market operations

    The total is roughly double the normal amount the Fed lends to the markets, but is not remarkably high and suggests the Fed is not in outright crisis fighting- mode.

    Some traders warned that market unease was unlikely to dissipate soon. Edwin Rood, global head of money markets at ABN Amro, said: "The underlying problem cannot be addressed directly by the ECB."

    Related to "sub-prime" loans and closing of 3 funds or something else?


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Behind al Qaeda's mask

    Islam is fighting against oppression and repression and aggression and submission of the al Qaeda jihadist imperialist aggressors and their vile war of imperial aggression and colonization, the Caliphate
    Do these victims look American?

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Shiite Pilgramage to the Shrine of the Seventh Imam

    Shiite Pilgramage to the Shrine of the Seventh Imam

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    America's view of Islam

    A Letter from an American Airlines Pilot

    hat tip Jawa

    August 07th 2007

    This was sent to me from a friend and I wanted to share it with you all.


    By American Airlines Pilot - Captain John Maniscalco

    I’ve been trying to say this since 9-11, but you worry me. I wish you didn’t. I wish when I walked down the streets of this country that I love, that your color and culture still blended with the beautiful human landscape we enjoy in this country.

    But you don’t blend in anymore. I notice you, and it worries me. I notice you because I can’t help it anymore. People from your homelands, professing to be Muslims, have been attacking and killing my fellow citizens and our friends for more than 20 years now. I don’t fully understand their grievances and hate, but I know that nothing can justify the inhumanity of their attacks.

    On September 11, nineteen ARAB-MUSLIMS hijacked four jetliners in my country. They cut the throats of women in front of children and brutally stabbed to death others. They took control of those planes and crashed them into buildings killing thousands of proud fathers, loving sons, wise grandparents, elegant daughters, best friends, favorite coaches, fearless public servants, and children’s mothers.

    The Palestinians Celebrated, the Iraqis were overjoyed as was most of the Arab world. So, I notice you now. I don’t want to be worried. I don’t want to be consumed by the same rage and hate and prejudice that have destroyed the soul of these terrorists. But I need your help. As a rational American, trying to protect my country and family in an irrational and unsafe world, I must know how to tell the difference between you, and the Arab/Muslim terrorist.

    How do I differentiate between the true Arab/Muslim-Americans and the Arab Muslim terrorists in our communities who are attending our schools, enjoying our parks, and living in OUR communities under the protection of OUR constitution, while they plot the next attack that will slaughter these same good neighbors and children?

    The events of September 11th changed the answer. It is not my responsibility to determine which of you embraces our great country, with ALL of its religions, with ALL of its different citizens, with all of its faults. It is time for every Arab/Muslim in this country to determine it for me.

    I want to know, I demand to know, and I have a right to know, whether or not you love America? Do you pledge allegiance to its flag? Do you proudly display it in front of your house, or on your car?

    Do you pray in your many daily prayers that Allah will bless this nation, that He will protect and prosper it? Or do you pray that Allah will destroy it in one of your Jihads? Are you thankful for the freedom that only this nation affords? A freedom that was paid for by the blood of hundreds of thousands of patriots who gave their lives for this country? Are you willing to preserve this freedom by
    also paying the ultimate sacrifice? Do you love America?

    If this is your commitment, then I need YOU to start letting ME know about it.

    Your Muslim leaders in this nation should be flooding the media at this time with hard facts on your faith, and what hard actions you are taking as a community and as a religion to protect the United States of America.

    Please, no more benign overtures of regret for the death of the innocent because I worry about who you regard as innocent. No more benign overtures of condemnation for the unprovoked attacks because I worry about what is unprovoked to you. I am not interested in any more sympathy. I am only interested in action.

    What will you do for America - our great country - at this time of crisis, at this time of war?

    I want to see Arab-Muslims waving the AMERICAN flag in the streets. I want to hear you chanting “Allah Bless America ” I want to see young Arab/Muslim men enlisting in the military. I want to see a commitment of money, time, and emotion to the victims of this butchering and to this nation as a whole.

    The FBI has a list of over 400 people they want to talk to regarding the WTC attack. Many of these people live and socialize right now in Muslim communities. You know them. You know where they are.

    Hand them over to us, now!

    But I have seen little even approaching this sort of action. Instead I have seen an already closed and secretive community close even tighter. You have disappeared from the streets. You have posted armed security guards at your facilities. You have threatened lawsuits. You have screamed for protection from reprisals. The very few Arab/Muslim representatives that HAVE appeared in the media were defensive and equivocating.

    They seemed more concerned with making sure that the United States proves who was responsible before taking action. They seemed more concerned with protecting their fellow Muslims from violence directed towards them in the United States and abroad than they did with supporting our country and denouncing “leaders” like Khadafi, Hussein, Farrakhan, and Arafat.

    If the true teachings of Islam proclaim tolerance and peace and love for all people, then I want chapter and verse from the Koran and statements from popular Muslim leaders to back it up. What good is it if the teachings in the Koran are good, and pure, and true, when your “leaders” are teaching fanatical interpretations, terrorism, and intolerance?

    It matters little how good Islam SHOULD BE if huge numbers of the world’s Muslims interpret the teachings of Mohammed incorrectly and adhere to a degenerative form of the religion.

    A form that has been demonstrated to us over and over again. A form whose structure is built upon a foundation of violence, death, and suicide. A form whose members are recruited from the prisons around the world. A form whose members (some as young as five years old) are seen day after day, week in and week out, year after a year, marching in the streets around the world, burning effigies of our presidents, burning the American flag, shooting weapons into the air. A form whose members convert from a peaceful religion, only to take up arms against the great United States of America, the country of their birth. A form whose rules are so twisted, that their traveling members refuse to show their faces at airport security checkpoints, in the name of Islam.

    We will NEVER allow the attacks of September 11, or any others for that matter, to take away that which is so precious to us: Our rights under the greatest constitution in the world.

    I want to know where every Arab Muslim in this country stands and I think it is my right and the right of every true citizen of this country to demand it. A right paid for by the blood of thousands of my brothers and sisters who died protecting the very constitution that is protecting you and your family. I am pleading with you to let me know.

    I want you here as my brother, my neighbor, my friend, as a fellow American.

    But there can be no gray areas or ambivalence regarding your allegiance and it is up to YOU, to show ME, where YOU stand. Until then. “YOU WORRY ME!”

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    al qaeda "blaster belts" making:

    From a password protected site:

    They are giving instructions on making "blaster belts" suicide belts for al Qaeda.

    "Hawks Jerusalem"
    08-08-2007, 09:50 AM08-08-2007, 09:50 AM
    At the outset we must point out that the process of unpacking and installation of belt Blaster need for more than one person as is the case in any other case
    وذلك يرجع إلى الطريقة الفنية التي يحتاج لها تصميم الحزام ولانه يتضمن في أجزائه إلى عدة وسائل متنوعة منها :0
    This was due to the way it needs technical design belt and that it contains several parts in a variety of means, including : 0

    الحامل أو القاعدة والتي هي عبارة عن عدة جيوب تصنع لحشو المواد المتفجرة فيها وكذلك قنوات شبكة التوزيع الكهربي والوصل بين

    الطرفين الأيمن والأيسر من الحامل والتي هي عبارة عن قنوات تمر من خلالها الأسلاك الكهربية

    Pregnant or al-Qaeda, which is a manufactured several pockets of fillings explosive channels, as well as electric distribution network and the link between the right and left sides of the pregnant, which is a channel through which electrical wires

    وكذلك نقطتي التجميع والتي تكون الأولى نقطة الأمان والتي يتحكم فيها الكهربائي ودورها في الحزام أنها هي التي تحافظ على سلامة الاستشهادي من تشغيل العبوة قبل الوصول إلى الهدف المراد ضربه
    As well as assembly points and be the first point of safety and controlled by electric and role in the belt that they preserve the integrity of the martyrdom operation of the package before reaching the target blow

    ونقطة التجميع الثانية هي نقطة تشغيل الحزام الناسف لتفجيره
    The assembly point is a second operation to detonate the belt Blaster

    وكذلك نود هنا لنشير إلى أن عدد الأشخاص الذين يعملون على تركيب الحزام الناسف ثلاثة
    We would also like to point out here that the number of people working on the installation of belt Blaster three

    الأول فني الخياطة وهو الوحيد القادر على تفصيل الحامل والجيوب وعمل قنوات الشبكة الكهربية وكافة الأقسام التي يحتاجها التصميم الفني الأول للحزام
    The first is a technical sewing it is the only capable of breakdown pregnant and pockets and channels of the network of electrical work and all sections needed by the technical design of the first belt

    مع العلم أن الوحيد الذي يعطي مواصفات أقسام الحزام الناسف لفني الخياطة هو الكهربائي الذي سيعمل على توزيع الأسلاك الكهربية الخارجة من الصواعق وتجميعها في نقطة أمان ونقطة التشغيل وأي خطأ منه يحدث خلل يؤدي حتما إلى كارثة آثارها كبيرة جدا كلنا غني عن ذكرها لا نه يعرف ويتوقع ما سيحدث عند انفجار الحزام في مكان ما قبل الهدف أو عدم انفجار الحزام في مكان التنفيذ والأمثلة الواقعية كثيرة خاصة في العمليات الأخيرة
    Knowing that only gives specifications sections of the belt Blaster Technician is the electric sewing, which would distribute electrical wires emerging from lightning and assembled at the point of safety and operational point of any fault occurs imbalance inevitably lead to disaster raised very large all goes mentioned not out and know what is expected happen when the explosion belt somewhere before the goal or not the explosion of the belt in place of performance and realism many examples especially in the recent operations

    أما دور خبير المتفجرات هو الذي تكمن الخطورة كلها في عمله واعداده ويجب أن يكون خبيرا على مستوى عال في المتفجرات من حيث شكليتها ونوعيتها ونوع الجيوب التي ستحملها من حيث الحجم و القوة الكهربية التي تحتاجها العبوة لتنفجر بالإضافة إلى انه
    The role explosives expert who is dangerous all the work and preparation must be experts at a high level in terms of explosives Cklitha, quality and type enclaves will bring in terms of size and electrical power needed by the packaging to explode in addition to that,

    هو الذي يحدد عدد الجيوب ومقاساتها وذلك يرجع إلى حجم الأصابع المراد حشوها في جيوب الحزام الناسف
    Who determines the number and sizes smaller enclaves, due to the size of fingers to be packed in pockets belt Blaster

    ونختم درسنا الأول هذا والذي هو عبارة عن فكرة أساسية عن الحزام الناسف على أمل اللقاء في الدرس الثاني والذي سيكون إن شاء الله موعدنا معه يوم السبت القادم وذلك لان المخطط الذي وضعته أن تكون طريقة التعليم عبارة عن مراسلات بيني وبين كل من يود الاستفسار حول نقطة ما على مانشر في الدرس الأول وأنا الآن بانتظار رسائلكم واستفساراتكم وبعد أن تتضح النقاط كاملة أحدد موعد الدرس الذي يليه ولن أجيب على أي استفسار حول أي درس انتهت مدة المناقشة فيه وسأعتبر من يستفسر مني عن درس انتهى الاستفسار حوله مطرود من الأكاديمية ومن ثم كل نهاية مرحلة سيكون هناك اختبار الإجابة عليه عن طريق المراسلات الخاصة وأهمية هذه الدروس هي أنني أريد تخريج فوج كبير من مهندسي الأحزمة الناسفة السليمة
    I studied and concludes that, which is the fundamental idea of Blaster belt in the hope of meeting the second lesson, which would be to God here with him next Saturday, because the scheme set to be the way education is a correspondence between myself and all of my inquiry about the point Mansher in the first lesson and I am now waiting for your letters and queries and after waiting a full set points later next lesson will not answer any questions about any lesson outgoing debate, I shall take it from me inquiring about lesson ended inquiry around expelled from the Academy and then the end of each phase will be there test answered through private correspondence and the importance of these lessons is that I want the graduation of a large batch of explosive belts sound engineers

    واللـه ولي التوفيقGod is reconciling
    الأكاديمية العسكريةMilitary Academy
    قسم الأحزمة الناسفةSection explosive belts
    دورة الشهيدThe Martyr
    قيس عدوانQais aggression

    Time to close shop boys.

    UPDATE site closed

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Wednesday, August 08, 2007

    competitive intel = counter terrorism

    This counter-terrorism effort brought to you by our Competitive Intelligence Section.
    Internet Anthropologist Competitive Intelligence can protect your products, company your reputation.
    We monitor the WWW for any mention of your product or company.
    And we have extraordinary methods for tracking libel and slander against you and yours. Contact us in the right column.




    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    everybody knew this, here is proof, GIMF SPOOF

    Stolen from Dr. Rusty "John Doe" Shackleford at Mypetjawa.

    GIMF al qaeda's media arm has been doing creative cuts and edits, to turn black into white.
    Here is an example.

    Insurgent view:

    What happened:

    AH-64 footage showing 34 Iranian-made rockets and 46 rocket launchers arrayed against FOB Hammer. They were disarmed before the enemy could use them. Includes Pilots' audio.

    FYI--The 34 Iranian made missiles that are set up by the insurgents in the beginning of their video are never fired. Our guys dismantled them long before that, and the insurgents were captured. How do you think we got their video?



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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Coalition Forces Kill 30 (Iranian ) Cell Terrorists,

    As Iraqi and Coalition Forces approached the objective location, they observed two armed men in tactical fighting positions assessed to be early warning operatives for the individual targeted in the operation. Responding appropriately to the immediate threat, ground forces engaged the two armed men, killing them. While in the objective area, ground forces raided a concentration of buildings and detained 12 suspected Special Groups Cell terrorists. Ground forces received sporadic small arms fire throughout the course of the operation.

    During the course of the operation, the assault force and the overhead aerial support observed a vehicle and large group of armed men on foot attempting an assault on the ground forces. Responding appropriately to the threat of the organized terrorist force, close air support was called and engaged the terrorist vehicle and organized terrorist force, killing an estimated 30 terrorists.

    Building upon a series of coordinated operations efforts that began with the raid in al Amarah in June, Coalition Forces continue to attack the supply chain of illicit materials being shipped from Iran. Intelligence reports indicate that the targeted individual in last night’s raid acts as a proxy between the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force and the Iraqi EFP network. Reports also indicate that he assists with the facilitation of weapons and EFP shipments into Iraq as well as the transfer of militant extremists to Iran for training.

    “Coalition Forces continue to gain momentum against the illicit movement of lethal materials from Iran. Iranian-supported militia extremists and terrorists are seeking to destroy the future of Iraq and we’ll continue to capture or kill them and dismantle their organizations,” aid Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesman.

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    China blackmailing USA, China threatens suicide

    China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales

    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
    Last Updated: 9:54am BST 08/08/2007

    Two officials at leading Communist Party bodies have given interviews in recent days warning - for the first time - that Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (£658bn) of foreign reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from the US Congress.

    Shifts in Chinese policy are often announced through key think tanks and academies.

    Described as China's "nuclear option" in the state media, such action could trigger a dollar crash at a time when the US currency is already breaking down through historic support levels.

    China holds over $900bn in a mix of US bonds.

    Xia Bin, finance chief at the Development Research Centre (which has cabinet rank), kicked off what now appears to be government policy with a comment last week that Beijing's foreign reserves should be used as a "bargaining chip" in talks with the US.

    "Of course, China doesn't want any undesirable phenomenon in the global financial order," he added.

    He Fan, an official at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, went even further today, letting it be known that Beijing had the power to set off a dollar collapse if it choose to do so.

    "China has accumulated a large sum of US dollars. Such a big sum, of which a considerable portion is in US treasury bonds, contributes a great deal to maintaining the position of the dollar as a reserve currency.

    China dumping USA bonds in a Nuclear financial strike would cause a WORLD WIDE stock market crash, as the dollar is a world wide reserve currency.

    The US dollar is the only currency big enough, (volume) to settle world trades on a daily basis.

    Dumping the Dollar would be financial suicide for China.

    Something simmilar happened in 1987, Black October.

    The Black Monday decline was the second largest one-day percentage decline in stock market history. By the end of October, stock markets in Hong Kong had fallen 45.8%, Australia 41.8%, the United Kingdom 26.4%, the United States 22.68%, and Canada 22.5%.

    "the crash was a result of a dispute in monetary policy between the G-7 industrialized nations, in which the United States, wanting to prop up the dollar and restrict inflation, tightened policy faster than the Europeans. The crash, in this view, was caused when the dollar-backed Hong Kong stock exchange collapsed, and this caused a crisis in confidence. Jude Wanniski stated that the crash happened because of the breakup of the Louvre Accord, a monetary pact between the US, Japan, and West Germany to keep currencies stable. Just prior to the crash, Alan Greenspan had said that the dollar would be devalued.

    ( That Monday Japan started dumping US bonds, which triggered the crash, I was a stockbroker at the time and watched it happen. )

    ...This is the old MAD paradigm, Mutual Assured Destruction, China dumping US bonds, world financial


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Tuesday, August 07, 2007

    almedad: DOWN, back UP, empty. not a forum.
    Gone down between 6pm and 7 pm EST.

    moved to Googles Blogger:

    They had announced the closure yesterday.
    no archives??

    Ink swords, science and the work of Jihad


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Terror websites, take down or leave up? Answer.

    Alas the eternal question:
    whether it be better to suffer the AQ web sites
    or by opposing them end their command and control, make them deaf, take down the web site.
    The terrorist websites are what allow the terrorist to grow, recruit, as long as there is even a small cadre of AQ.
    Kill the websites and you kill their command and control.

    If we had recognized the dangers poised by the Internet we could have KILLED the websites right away.
    Without the Internet AQ would have died long ago like so many others. But who Knew?

    AQ is hunting on line for the 1% who will kill, out of a Muslim population of 1.5 billion.
    He will always find them, one percent of any population on earth is psychotic, sociopath.
    The demographic is always there, always will be.

    Imagine for a moment your web site gone, gone and all copies, backups gone from the servers.
    Only backup is what you may have personally.

    That is the case many AQ web masters find themselves in.

    But they are far more than webmasters.
    Actually independent contractors, originally unwanted, unappreciated.
    Not completely trusted by AQ or the Taliban.
    The most recent hostage video was not released on the web site.

    The first terrorist websites were developed without any input from AQ.

    A webmaster recognized the communication engine inherent in a web site and the media
    theater that could made for propaganda.
    At this point in time their reputations are still at stake, they put much of themselves into the sites, hours and hours.
    Taking one down does much damage to moral and reputation. And AQ view of the Internet.

    The first webmasters built the web site and posted everything he could find, quotes, vids, messages, built a forum
    and let AQ post what they wanted. The first webmaster had to convince AQ the benefit of the WWW
    by demonstration.

    AQ are not webmasters, kill the webmasters and AQ will wither.

    Kill their command and control, the websites.

    I have no idea what intel is being collected from these websites.

    I do know they are learning it fast, They built a volunteer net for DOS attacks.

    And to finally burn the top hacker publicly.

    We were able to track their response to that post and discovered
    their IT experts were in Islamic computer science Grad schools in India.
    And we burned them also.

    We recently discovered a post indicting they wanted more "JEW" websites to attack
    They are preparing to become active again on some level.
    We have deployed some of the very best botnet expert civilians in USA on that.

    Question of balance, civilians cannot balance this, the data is lacking at our level to make decisions.

    They will be as good as we are at cyberwar in 5 years.

    We have had the benefit of Intel collection, vs shutting them down for 6 yrs now.

    WE have a trained cadre of "experts" that can chase down and using their surfers
    get the terrorist web sites shut down? mypetjawa etc. 20 so far.

    There is a case to be made for loosing the dogs of war, killing the websites.

    The paradigm speaks to "terror websites" finally moving to friendly servers
    in safe terrorism sponsor countries. Which could be attacked without legal ramifications.

    Which would evolve into a cyberwar.

    Cyber war is inevitable, question becomes when.
    Now, when we have all the advantages or later when they have the technology also?

    If they would use a Nuke, cyberwar is a weapon you would not disabuse them of.

    The best time to kill the websites is when AQ is going down, in trouble. NOW?

    We have picked up a couple of post hating the shutting down of their websites.
    The pain that has caused them, the users.

    The webmaster finding another host, re up loading everything, all wasted unneeded time.
    Loss of data not backed up and re-uploading any backups they do have.
    Destruction of their creations. Loss of face, reputation, and so many places for security
    holes. And out of circulation for weeks sometimes, and forcing them to fewer and fewer sites.

    Their IT skills and their development of cyber warfare abilities
    parallels Irans attempt to develop Nukes.

    We have to stop it.

    Taking out webmasters is one way to slow them.

    It seems best to NOT leave the websites up.


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Virtual al Qaeda, Taliban, GHOSTS

    al Qaeda and the Taliban have been so whittled down, killed and arrested they are operating on a ghost cadre. They are using the Internet to make themselves look whole, fuctional.
    If it wasn't for the Internet one would realize AQ real status.

    Binny is dead. GONE.

    IAI is a Ghost, just a virtual group run by an Egyptian, not even an Iraqi.

    Fake group leaders:
    Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, kidnapper and murder of the Koreans, FAKE.

    Not Abdullah Mehsud, just Noor Alam: FAKE leader.

    AQ weak tired:

    Jahidists top hacker BURNED:

    and al qaeda's most recent video is a JOKE.

    AQ is a ghost.

    When will the Insurgents realize this?

    All the evidence is there.


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    Virtual Taliban: Again.

    At least two people had telephone interviews with domestic and foreign media under the name of Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, the purported Taliban spokesman, according to a voiceprint study Monday.

    Bae Myung-jin, a professor at Soongsil University's phonetics institute, examined nine interviews of Ahmadi disclosed through the media between July 21 and Aug. 2 and found six out of them were made by the same person, with the other three from a different person or persons.

    ``The comment that the alleged Ahmadi made with the foreign press on July 26 about one hostage's killing and the comment disclosed by AIP on Aug. 2 about safety of the remaining 21 hostages were from different people,'' Bae said.

    Virtual taliban AGAIN..


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    Monday, August 06, 2007

    al Qaeda's new leadership

    And most important notice the field of depth in the photo, Gaddahan is first.

    An indication of the NEW al Qaeda leadership.
    OBL is looking AWAY,
    Zawahiri is in the BACKGROUND,
    and in the FOREGROUND the heir apparent: Gaddahn.
    The NEW al Qaeda leader.

    O'samma is quite faded,
    Zawahiri less faded,
    and Gaddahn very clear....

    Its not a surprise, al qaeda's media arm is full of young, Internet
    savy, power hungry jahidists
    and Gaddahn is closer to their age and is not computer illiterate, and
    would cooperate with them 100%.

    Hell al Qaeda can't even run their own Jihad,
    they have an American do that for them..

    One way or the Other an American will be telling al Qaeda what to do.


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    Islamic Forums closing Jahid sections.

    Islamic Forums closing Jahidist sections for fear entire forum may be forced to close.

    لظروف خاصة بأمن الإدارة، فقد تقرر إغلاق الشبكة إلى إشعار آخر من تاريخ 7 أغسطس وإلى أن يشاء الله ..

    Because of special circumstances, the security administration, it was decided to close the network further notice of the date and 8-7 to Allah ..

    Pressure from Mypetjawa
    is succeding... way to go Guys...


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    New al qaeda video a JOKE, admission of faliure.


    the high quality links for the english version don't work atm

    Password is : fdv908

    Ok they have a video in three languages, arabic, english and urdu,
    And the English files don't work, to 600+ different locations.

    AQ must think this is important.

    Look at who they chose for the cover pic.
    A dead man Binny,
    Dead man walking: al Zawahiri

    And a boy toy chub: Gaddahn ( with make up, a kiffer living among them )
    Zawahiri stills refuses to be on screen with the american Gaddahn, no public display.
    Its a kitchen list of complaints, threats and cartoon of car blowing up.

    And most important notice the field of depth in the photo, Gaddahan is first.
    An indication of the NEW al Qaeda leadership.
    OBL is looking AWAY, Zawahiri is in the BACKGROUND, and in the FOREGROUND
    the heir apparent: Gaddahn. The NEW al Qaeda leader.

    Hell al Qaeda can't even run their own Jihad,
    they have an American do that for them..

    al Qaeda keeps looking for softer targets as they are running out of men.
    Now they threaten embassies.

    1 hour, 17 minute video waste of time.

    They are loosing it and trying to remain relevant.
    This video is just sad. Well done, but no content, all flash.

    Their demand is "Stop the Crusade and leave the Muslims alone."
    Ole binny should have thought of this before he did 911.

    And a lengthy whine from a suicide bomber that took the easy way out.
    Seems it was a very IMPORTANT suicide bomber, but not important enough
    to send a camera to film his suicide, they had to make a cartoon about it.

    The video continues to glorify Muslim killing Muslim, women, children and bombing Mosques and market places, an abomination to Allah and the Koran.

    They should consider surrender and then USA would pull out.

    All this hoopla and then this 1 hour and 17 min whine.
    Gaddhan came to limelight in 2004 when he threatened in one such video, "Allah willing, the streets of America will run red with blood." 2 years later and no blood in streets, Gaddhan not a reliable source.

    An analysis of the attacks carried out in the past two years reveals a curious fact. In 43% of the bombings conducted last year and in 26 of the 57 bombings traced in this study up to June 15 this year, the only death caused by the bombing was that of the bomber himself. This means that, astoundingly, about 90 suicide bombers in this two-year period succeeded in killing only themselves.

    There was one period in the spring of 2006 (February 20 to June 21) when a stunning 26 of the 36 suicide bombers in Afghanistan (72%) killed only themselves. This puts the kill average for Afghan suicide bombers far below that of suicide bombers in other theaters of action in the area (Israel, Chechnya, Iraq and the Kurdish areas of Turkey).

    Such unusual bomber-to-victim death statistics are, of course, heartening both for coalition troops.

    Expected more.
    Full video here

    This is AQ Begging for suicide take the EASY way out.

    Request continues to go unheeded, for good reason.


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    simulate possible operation against Iran

    The maneuvers beginning Monday, Aug. 6, in waters off Guam include the simultaneous deployment of three carriers and their air and naval strike groups: USS Stennis, USS Nimitz and USS Kitty Hawk, altogether 30 warships, 280 warplanes and 22,000 soldiers and sailors. The exercise is commanded by Adm. Robert Willard, Pacific Fleet chief.

    DEBKAfile's military sources report: This will be America's last major combined sea-air war game before during Bush presidency which ends in Jan. 2009 and last opportunity for drilling large-scale combined units should the president decide on a military operation against Iran.

    To indicate that outside eyes were not desired, foreign observers who attended the Pacific exercises last year were not invited this year. US military sources in the region said that invitations to officers of regional nations to watch the drills would have had to include Malaysia, which has close ties with Iran.

    According to DEBKA-Net-Weekly's military sources, the exercises will be held in conditions resembling as closely as possible those in Iran and practice assaults of the kind that may be executed against the Islamic Republic.

    When he spoke of the drills, Willard may well have been describing the realities expected to prevail in a real-life offensive against the Islamic Republic..

    Valiant Shield, he said, will "include the complexities of operating three aircraft carriers in the same area while at the same time adding in the operations of another component – the fighters, bombers and tankers of the US Air Force."

    He said the exercise will not detract from the Navy's "real world" missions in the Persian Gulf but help drill the Navy and its crews [for that real world.]

    Valiant Shield's commander's words may have been meant to answer the sharp criticism coming from Persian Gulf governments.

    "Washington may be sending the USS Enterprise Strike Group to the Persian Gulf. It has not yet arrived. The other two American carriers, Nimitz and Stennis, have gone to take part in an exercise far away in the Pacific."

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    New AQ video, JOKE

    the high quality links for the english version don't work atm

    Password is : fdv908

    Ok they have a video in three languages, arabic, english and urdu,
    And the English files don't work, to 600+ different locations.

    AQ must think this is important.

    Look at who they chose for the cover pic.
    A dead man Binny,
    Dead man walking: al Zawahiri

    And a boy toy chub: Gaddahn ( with make up, a kiffer living among them )
    Zawahiri stills refuses to be on screen with the american Gaddahn, no public display.
    Its a kitchen list of complaints, threats and cartoon of car blowing up.

    al Qaeda keeps looking for softer targets as they are running out of men.
    Now they threaten embassies.

    1 hour, 17 minute video waste of time.

    They are loosing it and trying to remain relevant.
    This video is just sad. Well done, but no content, all flash.

    Their demand is "Stop the Crusade and leave the Muslims alone."
    Ole binny should have thought of this before he did 911.

    And a lengthy whine from a suicide bomber that took the easy way out.

    The video continues to glorify Muslim killing Muslim, women, children and bombing Mosques and market places, an abomination to Allah and the Koran.

    They should consider surrender and then USA would pull out.

    All this hoopla and then this 1 hour and 17 min whine.
    Gaddhan came to limelight in 2004 when he threatened in one such video, "Allah willing, the streets of America will run red with blood." 2 years later and no blood in streets, Gaddhan not a reliable source.

    An analysis of the attacks carried out in the past two years reveals a curious fact. In 43% of the bombings conducted last year and in 26 of the 57 bombings traced in this study up to June 15 this year, the only death caused by the bombing was that of the bomber himself. This means that, astoundingly, about 90 suicide bombers in this two-year period succeeded in killing only themselves.

    There was one period in the spring of 2006 (February 20 to June 21) when a stunning 26 of the 36 suicide bombers in Afghanistan (72%) killed only themselves. This puts the kill average for Afghan suicide bombers far below that of suicide bombers in other theaters of action in the area (Israel, Chechnya, Iraq and the Kurdish areas of Turkey).

    Such unusual bomber-to-victim death statistics are, of course, heartening both for coalition troops.

    Expected more.
    Full video here

    This is AQ Begging for suicide take the EASY way out.

    Request continues to go unheeded, for good reason.


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    Sunday, August 05, 2007

    Taliban wear women's Make up..LOOK

    Azzaz al Amriki
    Adam Gadahn

    bOY TOY FOR Ayman al Zawahiri


    LOOK SO FAT....


    In an Internet video released over the weekend, a bomber known as Abu Othman pledged to attack embassies, which he said are used to spread moral degradation and encourage women to display themselves and wear make up. WHAT DOES HE THINK ABOUT MEN WEARING MAKEUP?


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    Paradigm ERROR, culture shift.

    Paradigm ERROR, culture shift:
    Gadahn was charged with treason in the United States last fall and has been wanted since 2004 by the FBI, which is offering a $1 million reward for information leading to his arrest or conviction.

    A Muslim turning a wanabee american Muslim, Gadahn: is a violation of the Koran, turning a Muslim over to a keffier? Not gonna happen.

    B UT:

    A million USD reward for a DEAD, Gadahn, is a different STORY.


    He would just have to notify USA where the body is to collect the cool million USD.


    aq cadre, sick of keiffer Gadahn, an american living among you.


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    Iranian Hero's of the Ummah: Martyr

    Hanging Martyr of the Iranian Revolution, HERO.
    bonafide Persian Mujahideen.

    UPDATE:OCT 2012

    #Iranians do NOT leave RIALS in bank,if bank fails,U loose,
    Regime can freeze accounts,or force U exchange for 
    NEW near worthless Rials2 G

    Some Iranians turned away from banks as banks don't have cash to cover deposits, G

     #IranCrisis #Iran 
    If banks refused U your money pls tweet

     Some Iran banks liquidity problems, stress test Ur bank, withdraw all your funds for day, check liquidity, B 4 2 L8...G

    مردم ایران حمایت های مالی
    “Chi mikhad beshe?” IRANIANS TAKE FINANCIAL COVER 

    UPDATE: 05.30.09
    From our source with the Iranian resistance:

    " this moment ( today ) this regime has lost all popularity and is hated and mistrusted by all people, even in the ill iterated sections such as the far fetched villages...people have released the truth about it: it is a religious tyranny which only is in power because of force and strict suppression. without this u can be sure people will not stand a day under this rule
    They have realised that it has been incapable of solving under-problems of the society they are not fooled like the western intellectuals that there might be a some saviour from inside this regime in a tempered so called elections.LOL
    That's why the students give up their lives such as the one u see in the clip to deliver the truth about the elections...none of the candidates make a difference...and they don't believe in them..."


    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Why is this Hero smiling at his
    own Hanging?

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket( Photobucket USELESS, G )
    Whom did he kill?
    "Judge moghadass who has been killed by two young
    Iranians was one of the torturers and one of the authors
    of the executions of 88 !!
    Really it shows that none of their crimes will not be
    without respond
    and the brave young Iranians will answer them as
    their deserve

    look at this picture and look how he is proud !
    there is no fear in his face
    because he believes in freedom"

    Our informant:
    "they had killed the manwho was a known person
    as far as genocide is concerend ..
    with a knife!!
    and during 2 years of imprisonment they had not
    "repented" as expected...and even so just before
    being hanged they had saids that they do not
    regrette what they had done..."

    He goes on:
    "another youth
    killed another mullah
    some weeks ago
    and he is going to be
    publicly executed too"

    Farsi website:

    One of them escaped, "and tried to get help from a
    counsulate - think the US-
    but they turned him into the Interpole and then to
    Iran" Where he was hung.

    Once Again USA steps on its own D***.

    The revolution is turning fatal for some
    in the Regime.

    Iran does fear them,
    In the official news
    they changed the cause of death
    from stabbing to shooting.

    Shooting is a much more serious charge,
    it implies armed resistance.

    Iran hangs 29, video

    stolen Iranian elections see above.

    He is a bonafide Persian Mujahideen ,
    martyred, Salute. G


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    Virtual Taliban

    Abdullah Mehsud:
    one of the most powerful leaders of the Taliban in South Waziristan, the most powerful commander in the tribal agency.

    One of the suicide attacks targeted Sherpao in his home district of Charsadda in the Northwest Frontier Province. The Pakistani government had a warrant out for his arrest but failed to execute it until today.

    When they came to arrest him, he hugged a grenade, commited suicide, rather than fight.
    They knew the Government had a warrant for him, and he had no body guards, put up no fight.

    This most powerful leaders of the Taliban, and the tribal agency just blew himself up rather than go back to Gitmo or fight the cops that came to arrest him. No protection, no emergency exit plan, just another virtual leader, an actor, of the virtual Taliban.

    Abdullah Mehsud. Click image to view.
    Not Abdullah Mehsud, just Noor Alam....

    Abdullah Mehsud:


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