Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: 7/29/07 - 8/5/07

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    Saturday, August 04, 2007

    URGENT:New Secret sniper team active today area of Hor Rajab-Yusufiyah

    The promise of victory looming on the horizon and strikes Mujahideen increasingly powerful enemies, and the increasing vulnerable, defeat and betrayal
    وهذه ضربات إخوانكم من رجال سرايا سعد بن أبي وقاص وهي غيض من فيض ضربات المجاهدين .واليكم ما قام به إخوانكم رجال السرايا في قاطع جنوب بغداد
    These strikes your brothers of the men Serai Saad bin Abi Waqqas is the tip of the iceberg strikes Mujahideen. You and your brothers his men in the house categorically south of Baghdad

    26 – 7 قام احد رجال سرية القناصة إحدى تشكيلات سرايا سعد بقنص عنصر مما يسمى بمغاوير الداخلية في منطقة هور رجب - اليوسفية7-26, one of the men formed a secret sniper Saad Al Beguens element of the so-called commando personnel in the area of internal Hor Rajab-Yusufiyah

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    Iraqi Footbal *** video

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    Who owns the Middle East?

    Man and his Governments, time line.

    Who owns it, some have claimed parts were stolen by other nations and should be returned.

    On that basis do we go back 100 yrs or a 1,000 years?
    Ummm the ones that posses it now?

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    Man and HIS GOD, time line

    If you'd like to see this larger, go here.
    Man and HIS GOD, how HE grows.

    Hat tip Jawa

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    Don't mess with "Misfits", Raining hell fire...

    Picked wrong guys to mess with.

    Here al Qaeda , come on boy.


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    Loading DOWN

    Down, problems?,, and This terrorist websites (same website in fact) were hosted by an American internet provider until late Wednesday July 18 2007 when it was suddenly shut down and now it is hosted by a Malaysian internet company called TIME Telecommunications Sdn Bhd IP address : contact e-mail:



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    Brothers in Arms

    "love and darkness and my side arm"

    "Brothers in Arms"

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    Friday, August 03, 2007

    : Effects of guilt and the bad deeds:المـجـــــــــــــاهــد

    Effects sins and bad deeds on the struggling :

    إن الحمد لله , نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره , ونعوذ بالله من شرور انفسنا , وسيئات اعمالنا , من يهدهِ الله فلا مضلّّ له .
    Praise be to Allah, and Nhamdeh Nstaineh and Nstgfarh, Naum Allah from the evils of ourselves and our evils, from Ehdeh God is misleading him.

    ومن يضللْ فلا هادي له , واشهد ان لااله الا الله , وحده لاشريك له .
    It deceives wandering, I certify that god but God and the unity of Asherick him.

    واشهد ان محمدا ً عبده ورسوله , وصفيه وخليله , بلّغ الرساله , وأدّى الامانه , ونصح الامه , وجاهد في سبيل الله حق جهاده حتى اتاه اليقين , صلى الله عليه وعلى اله وصحبه والتابعين لهم باحسان وسلم تسليما ً كثيرا ً .
    I certify that Muhammad Abduh and His Messenger, narrative and the mistress, the letter, and led the secretariat, advised the nation, and fought for the sake of God right struggle until Attah certainty, and blessings be upon him his family and his companions and followers Charitably and handed them much recognition.

    إما بعد :
    After :

    فأعلم – أخي المجاهد نصرك الله - :
    Know-brother struggling Nasrk-God :

    أن من اعظم الامور خطرا ً على المجاهد هو الذنوب والمعاصي , فأن ضررها على القلوب , كضرر السموم على الابدان .
    One of the greatest things is a threat to the struggling sins and bad deeds, the damage to the heart, damages the poison frightening.

    و هل في الدنيا شر وسببه الذنوب والمعاصي ؟
    Do evil in the world and caused sins and bad deeds?

    فما الذي أخرج ادم وحواء من دار النعيم والبهجه والسرور الى دار الآلام والاحزان والمصائب؟
    What drove Adam and Eve from Dar Bliss, joy and pleasure to Dar pain and the grief and calamities?

    وما الذي اغرق اهل الارض كلهم حتى علا الماء فوق رؤوس الجبال ؟
    What flooded the land so loudly all water over the heads of the mountains?

    وما الذي سلّط الريح العقيم على قوم عاد حتى صاروا عبرة للامم الى يوم القيامه ؟
    What highlighted the wind fruitlessly folk returned even became a lesson for the United till the Day of Judgment?

    وما الذي ارسل على قوم ثمود الصيحه حتى ماتوا عن أخرهم ؟
    What sent the nation Thamud Scream even died on the last?

    وما الذي رفع قرى قوم لوط الى السماء فجعل عاليها سافلها ؟
    What lifted villages sodomites to heaven Making confounded them?

    وما الذي ارسل على قوم شعيب سحاب العذاب كالظلل فأمطرهم نارا ً تلظّى ؟
    What sent the nation Shuaib Sahab doom making their religion Famtarham Nara If?

    وما الذي اغرق فرعون وقومه في البحر ونقلت ارواحهم الى جهنم فالاجساد للغرق والارواح للحرق ؟
    What Pharaoh and his drown in the sea and transported to their lives hell for Valajdzisad sank life for burning?

    وما الذي اهلك قوم صالح بالصيحه حتى خمدوا جميعا ً ؟
    What decimated folk favor cry even Khamdoa all?

    وما الذي سلط قوما ً أولي بأس شديد على بني أسرائيل فجاسوا خلال الديار ؟
    What first brought folk vehement for the Children of Israel they went through homes?

    الجواب :
    Answer :

    انها الذنوب والمعاصي .
    It sins and bad deeds.

    Muslim killing Muslim, killing women children, bombing Mosques and Market places.

    Allah said: "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter." 33:Al-Maeda .

    Allah said : (Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work
    righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion -the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: 'They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. 'If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked.) 55,AlNOOR.

    Moslems created the al Qa'ida and the Mujahideen Shura.

    Only Moslems can stop the al Qa'ida and the Mujahideen Shura

    Asking the Lord to accept. The overall objective of this bulletin : Brothers and sisters urged to publish this article to relatives and friends, and in the mosques, and every person standing on the Internet Through the printing and distribution of the bulletin, and read on boards and also through sent by e-mail and e-mail Different groups, and chat rooms. , and other ideas that have the positive impact

    Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allâh, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of the (false moujadeem), Tâghût (Satan). So fight you against the friends of Shaitân (Satan). Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaitân (Satan the false Moujahedeen ). ] al-Nissa:76.

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    Taliban seeks safety Guarantees

    Aug 03, 2007 10:45 AM
    Amir Shah
    Associated Press

    GHAZNI, Afghanistan – The Taliban sought guarantees of safety from the UN mission in Afghanistan should their delegation hold talks with South Korean officials in government-controlled territory over the hostage crisis, a purported militant spokesman said Friday.

    The offer came as Amnesty International said it directly appealed to the Taliban to free 21 South Korean hostages, warning the militant movement that holding and killing captives is a war crime.

    Qari Yousef Ahmadi, a purported spokesman who claims to speak for the Taliban, said the militants are ready to negotiate about the freedom of the captives with South Korea's ambassador to Afghanistan anywhere if the UN mission guarantees the militant delegation's safety.

    "The Taliban are ready to meet them in Kabul, other cities or other country, but only under one condition and that is that the UN guarantees their safety," Ahmadi said, speaking on a phone from an undisclosed location.

    Officials from the UN mission in Afghanistan were not immediately available to comment on Ahmadi's offer.

    Some good possibilities here: G

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    Thursday, August 02, 2007

    Robot Swords

    First Armed Robots on Patrol in Iraq

    By Noah Shachtman EmailAugust 02, 2007 | 1:32:43 PMCategories: Drones

    Swords Robots have been roaming the streets of Iraq, since shortly after the war began. Now, for the first time -- the first time in any warzone -- the machines are carrying guns.

    After years of development, three "special weapons observation remote reconnaissance direct action system" (SWORDS) robots have deployed to Iraq, armed with M249 machine guns. ( SAW, leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq Abu Musab al-Zarqawi fumbling with the weapon ).The 'bots "haven't fired their weapons yet," Michael Zecca, the SWORDS program manager, tells DANGER ROOM. "But that'll be happening soon."

    The SWORDS -- modified versions of bomb-disposal robots used throughout Iraq -- were first declared ready for duty back in 2004. But concerns about safety kept the robots from being sent over the the battlefield. The machines had a tendency to spin out of control from time to time. That was an annoyance during ordnance-handling missions; no one wanted to contemplate the consequences during a firefight.

    So the radio-controlled robots were retooled, for greater safety. In the past, weak signals would keep the robots from getting order for as much as eight seconds -- a significant lag during combat. Now, the SWORDS won't act on a command, unless its received right away. A three-part arming process -- with both physical and electronic safeties -- is required before firing. Most importantly, the machines now come with kill switches, in case there's any odd behavior. "So now we can kil lthe unit if it goes crazy," Zecca says.

    As initially reported in National Defense magazine, only three of the robots are currently in Iraq. Zecca says he's ready to send more, "but we don't have the money. It's not a priority for the Army, yet." He believes that'll change, once the robots begin getting into firefights.

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    Paradigm intel: says target is Musharraf

    CAIRO, Egypt — Web sites usually used by Islamic militant groups announced a new, major Al Qaeda video would be released soon.

    "Coming soon God willing? Wait for the big surprise," said an Internet banner Thursday next to a Web animation that shows photos Al Qaeda chief Usama bin Laden and some of his key deputies, along with pictures of U.S. President George W. Bush and Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan.

    The advertisement for the forthcoming video was signed by As-Sahab, the multimedia branch of Al Qaeda, and was expected to be an important release on a major recent attack, two U.S.-based terrorism monitoring groups said.

    AQ and the Taliban have the most forces in Patki, Patki has killed and captured more AQ than any one else, partly because that is where most of them are.

    Assassination of Musharraf could lead to an attempted coup, or civil war.

    They have threatened him many times.

    And he is a target of convience, they don't have to send troops any where they are already there.

    If the attack doesn't kill Musharraf, he may change his mind on going after AQ along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

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    Have the Taliban Forgotten Muhammad's Teachings?

    Have the Taliban Forgotten Muhammad's Teachings?
    In spring 1994, the residents of the village of Singesar near Kandahar in southern Afghanistan visited a man called Mohammed Omar. They complained to him that a local warlord had kidnapped two teenage girls to his camp and raped them several times.

    Omar called about 30 young men under his influence. Armed with just 16 rifles, Omar and his followers raided the warlord's camp and set the girls free. Soon afterwards the warlord paid for his crimes with his neck, hanged from the barrel of a tank.

    Omar is Mullah Omar, the supreme commander of the Taliban, an armed political force in Afghanistan. The young men who followed him and rescued the girls were the Taliban.

    Thirteen years later, where is this heroic Omar and the Taliban who rescued the girls from their kidnappers? Twenty-three Korean aid workers, including 18 women, were kidnapped by the Taliban, who claim to be dedicated to "protecting and respecting women."

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    Wednesday, August 01, 2007

    Key figures about Iraq since the war began

    Key figures about Iraq since the war began in March 2003


    _Confirmed U.S. military deaths as of Aug. 1, 2007: 3,647

    _Confirmed U.S. military wounded as of August 1, 2007: 27,104

    _U.S. military deaths for July 2007: 77
    Confirmed al Qaeda killed over 6,000

    _Deaths of civilian employees of U.S. government contractors as of June 30, 2007: 1,001

    _Iraqi civilian deaths: Estimated at more than 66,000, with one controversial study last year contending there were as many as 655,000. According to Associated Press figures, there have been at least 2,024 Iraqi deaths in July 2007.

    _Assassinated Iraqi academics: 327.

    _Journalists killed on assignment: 112.


    _Stepped-up military operations are costing about $12 billion a month, with Iraq accounting for $10 billion per month, according to U.S. congressional analysis.

    _Total cost to the U.S. government so far is more than $447 billion. A January 2007 study by Linda Bilmes of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government put the total projected cost of providing medical care and disability benefits to veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan at $350 billion to $700 billion.


    _Prewar: 2.58 million barrels per day.

    _July 22, 2007: 2.06 million barrels per day.


    _Prewar nationwide: 3,958 megawatts. Hours per day (estimated): four to eight.

    _June 30, 2007, nationwide: 4,230 megawatts. Hours per day: not available.

    _Prewar Baghdad: 2,500 megawatts. Hours per day (estimated): 16-24.

    _June 30, 2007, Baghdad: Megawatts not available. Hours per day: 8.1.

    _Note: Current Baghdad megawatt and hours per day figures and current nationwide hours per day figures are no longer reported by the U.S. State Department's Iraq Weekly Status Report.


    _Prewar land lines: 833,000.

    _March 13, 2007: 1,111,000.

    _Prewar cell phones: 80,000.

    _March 13, 2007: 8,720,038.


    _Prewar: 12.9 million people had potable water.

    _June 30, 2007: 15.4 million people have potable water.


    _Prewar: 6.2 million people served.

    _June 30, 2007: 11.5 million people served.


    _July 19, 2007: Approximately 2 million people. An estimated 750,000 have been internally displaced since the beginning of 2006. Displacement continues at a rate of about 100,000 a month.


    _Prewar: 500,000 Iraqis living abroad.

    _July 30, 2007: More than 2 million in neighboring countries.


    Sources: The Associated Press, State Department, Defense Department, Department of Energy, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, The Brookings Institution, Iraq Body Count, The Lancet, Iraqi ministries of health and education, U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq, U.N. High Commission for Refugees, Committee to Protect Journalists, Harvard University, Economist Intelligence Unit, National Priorities Project, International Telecommunication Union, The Brussels Tribunal, USAID.


    AP researchers Julie Reed and Rhonda Shafner in New York compiled this report.

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    CYBERWARS's Pearl Harbour

    "Server not found"


    "Connection timed out"
    For Weeks:

    Map By major ISP's.

    no bombs, rootkits, explosions, hacking or announcement of war.

    The Internet is designed to survive a nuclear attack to a few countries.

    If a Continent or two are taken out by nuclear attacks the Internet will automatically rout around the missing pieces.

    A DOS attack , as we know it now, targets a single URL, floods it with traffic
    so visitors cannot get in.

    A bot attack form a botnet, thousands of zombie computers attacking the one URL.

    But suppose a Government with millions of zombie computers flooded a high volume Internet hub, and the hub above it and below it.

    Ok now pick out a thousand of the key hubs to flood, with millions of botnets.

    Now the traffic will try and work its way around the blockage and over welm some of the Internet shortcuts.

    The effect would be some of the hubs would go down, and some would turn high speed T1 lines into dialup speeds.

    The cascading effects could take out land line phones, cable TV, automated radio stations, back up banking transactions, close down shopping carts...

    The traffic on the outer rings, and short cuts between hubs would also be flooded by the traffic routing around the blockages.

    Are there a Million botnets out there?

    As a nation state someone could create 100,000 bots a day test 1,000 of them and let the rest sleep. No one would ever know about the sleeping botnets till they came on line.

    Wait for the traffic to route around the blockages then take out another 1000 hubs, based on traffic patterns, for maximum effect.

    The Internet could not be shut down, but the traffic making its way through the internet could be cut down this way by many many factors.

    Black nodes are "MIL" 1998

    Map of the Internet - leading to PA&A services Global Nodes:

    Our current measurement system does not account for "sleeper bots", only active bots. Close up, your PC would be at the end of one of those white lines.

    Think your PC is slow now??

    USA is not ready for this, nor does USA have this offensive capability.

    Lots of work to do.



    DDOS on DNS: Stopping Internet blackouts

    Writing in National Journal’s Technology Daily, Andrew Noyes discusses the possibility of a massive Internet blackout caused by a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack on the backbone infrastructure of the ‘Net.
    This type of high-tech ambush, which occurs when multiple compromised systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted server to make Web pages unavailable, could be devastating for global online communication, said Susan Crawford of the Internet Corporation for Names and Numbers.
    The most significant attack in recent years came on Feb. 6, when six of 13 root-zone servers were slammed by an army of “zombie computers,” which were compromised by hackers, the Cardozo Law School professor said at the think tank event.
    October 22 2002 Nine of the internet's 13 "root DNS" servers are disabled in a massive attack by a bot herder advertising his services.
    2006 Peer-to-peer communication protocols pass command of the botnet between compromised PCs to evade bot hunters. Automated retaliatory attacks start on anything trying to find or interfere with a botnet.
    Chinahas .75M zombie computers’ in US19 Sep 2007 by google soft
    Chinahas .75M zombie computers’ in US. A former senior US information security official says there are nearly three-quarter million personal computers in the United States taken over by Chinese hackers. ...
    Tan Dailin lets out an audible gasp when he is told that he was identified in the U.S. as someone who may have been responsible for recent security breaches at the Pentagon. "Will the FBI send special agents out to arrest me?" he asks. Much as they might want to talk with him, though, FBI agents don't have jurisdiction in Chengdu, the capital of China's Sichuan province, where Tan lives.
    SOURCE: time inc


    Hackers we have taken out: Here

    The useful future of Cyber warfare.

    WWW Terrain Map

    Worst CASE:

    Internet status check

    RED ALERT new WWW attack paradigm

    Internet Anthropologist available for Blog interview, Phone consult: or lecture.

    UPDATE: 12.17.07
    The suspicion remains that botnet time was rented to attack Estonia from Russian trans-national criminal syndicates and when this time ran-out the attacks fell-off. Since January 2007 numerous computers have been infected by a virus known as, Storm Worm, giving the criminal syndicates controlling the virus and hence the computers, processing power estimated beyond the power of the worlds top ten supercomputers. There is clearly an argument for using these botnet systems for more than just spam. It is not yet true to say that the next conflict will be fought virtually on computers alone but it may be rehearsed there.


    UPDATE: 12.18.07
    A senior Estonian official recently said for the first time that the cyberattacks earlier this year against his country's government and commercial Internet infrastructure were carried out using a network of computers infected with special hacker software that had been rented from a criminal syndicate.

    Jaak Aaviksoo, the Estonian minister of defense, told a Washington audience last month that the botnet that attacked Estonia was "rented for that purpose and rented (from) clearly illegal groups that have hijacked a number of computers worldwide."

    UPDATE: 12.18.07

    Ridentem dicere verum quid vetat....

    FSB ( Russia ),


    New threat matrix.

    The Strategy Page describes how China assembled a force few have heard about. In idyllic 1990s, the Chinese Defense Ministry established a research organization called the "NET Force" geared towards conducting information warfare. NET Force was soon joined by an irregular civilian militia; the "Red Hackers Union" (RHU). "Starting in the late 1990s, China assembled what has now become 30,000 Ministry of Public Security employees manning the Golden Shield Project (also known as The Great Firewall of China), and monitor Internet use throughout the country."

    Infection and Survival

    The initial infection of botnet client machines was done via worms, but soon the botnets began replicating themselves. Most botnets have the ability to self-update. The bot herder will issue an update command, and all his little troops will download and run new versions of themselves. This update mechanism is even more efficient than Windows update, and it's certainly frightening. Some viruses have also been known to disable antivirus software, and most users would never even notice. If a virus can successfully disable all defense mechanisms and then install undetectable bot client software, it's sure to survive.

    The botnet itself is also a worm, because many bots have the ability to spread. They will try a fairly large arsenal of exploits against computers on the same network, or possibly even across the Internet. Bot clients updating themselves were primarily used as a mechanism to distribute new exploit code at first, but then something marvelous happened, and the first self-preservation behavior documented occurred recently: bot clients began DDoS'ing any computer that attempted to detect them by scanning. ( This cause the first massive attack against the NODES. It was an accident G)

    Botnets have been dubbed "IRC Botnets" in the past, but this isn't completely accurate any longer. Some newfangled botnets still use IRC to communicate, but they do it over SSL. This essentially means that you cannot detect their presence. Furthermore, the old IRC model of "connect to a server" just isn't feasible. A distributed system that's dependent on a single server is useless, especially when that single server is a huge takedown target. Many a botnets were abandoned in the infancy stage of botnet evolution. We could see this with network anomaly detection tools quite easily: clients would appear as a TCP scanner when they unsuccessfully tried connecting to home-base over and over again.

    At this point only one thing comes to mind: peer-to-peer applications. P2P networks have successfully thwarted the MPAA/RIAA, so it should work for botnets as well. Especially with their ability to replicate and attack back, they should be unstoppable. Indeed, there have been many reports of p2p botnet activity. Throw SSL in the mix, and they certainly are undetectable and unstoppable.

    Let's think about this for a moment. If bots have the ability to self-update, self-preserve, and massively execute large parallel jobs at the command of a single person, what do we really have here? This is not just a tool for spamming and other ills; this is a living, breathing ecosystem.


    The result is that millions of business and home computers – some estimates put the figure as high as 300 million – have been taken over by global gangs of cyber criminals. They're being used every moment of the day for extortion, to spread child pornography and, most commonly, to spew out billions of unsolicited e-mails. It can – and has – brought down the internet for an entire country.

    The problem is getting so bad, and accelerating so rapidly, some experts believe 2008 could even be the year the internet meets its Armageddon. On Christmas Eve and Hogmanay, unusually heavy botnet activity was reported, leading to speculation that a major attack was brewing.


    Updated: 01.25.08

    Malware Increased by 6 Orders of Magnitude from 2006 to 2007



    Another free security utility: Trend Micro’s RUBotted
    ZDNet Blogs - Jan 11, 2008
    RUBotted monitors for remote command and control (C&C) commands sent from a bot-herder to control your computer.

    PandaLabs: Half a Million Computers Infected with Bots Everyday
    IT News Online Staff

    According to data compiled by PandaLabs in its annual report on malware activity in 2007, around half a million computers are infected by bots everyday.

    Bots are programs that go resident on a computer awaiting commands from their creators, who can take complete control of the infected system. Once they have control over several hundred computers, cyber-crooks can hook them all up to create botnets.

    The report said that approximately 11% of computers around the world are part of these botnets, and they are responsible for 85% of all spam sent.


    Couple a huge bot net attack with a physical cable attack:
    ( Internet failure hits two continents: Story Highlights: Extensive Internet failure has affected much of Asia, the Middle East, north Africa )
    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: 1.08 (CNN) -- Large swathes of Asia, the
    >> Middle East and north Africa had their high-technology services
    >> crippled Thursday following a widespread Internet failure which
    >> brought many businesses to a standstill and left others struggling to cope.

    Update: 3 cables cut in two days.

    DHS cyber storm test misses key TESTS. instant issues not pertinent.??


    Is the Russian Business Network protected by the Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (FSB)? ( Internet Anthropologist hypothesised about this months ago.)


    American Teen with 400,000 bots.


    New class of WMD bots

    There are defensive options, and offensive options, we have NOT discussed here.
    Out of the Box solutions. Email me for details.
    barb.andrews at

    ISIS tried this through a Islamic News APP

    Tactical Internet Sys analyst.

    Botmaster owns up to 250,000 zombie PCs (9 November 2007)
    Alleged CastleCops DDoS botmaster busted (3 October 2007)
    FBI logs its millionth zombie address (13 June 2007)
    Florida 'botmaster' charged with Akamai DDOS attack (24 October 2006)
    Botnet master jailed for five years (9 May 2006)
    Bot herder pleads guilty to 'zombie' sales (24 January 2006)
    Suspected bot master busted (4 November 2005)

    35 million bots and counting, 03,07.09

    18-year-old alleged botnet king appears in New Zealand court

    DHS gives itself a 'C' for cybersecurity

    Marshal says six botnets are responsible for 85 per cent of spam

    Paki takes down youtube

    DARPA Drops $38M on Virtual Satellite Network

    AT&T says cyber pearl harobr possible.


    . .

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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Al-jinan group back up to no good was hosted on a U.S. server, although the name server was hosted by Ibtekarat, a Web hosting company out of Beirut. This setup allowed the bad guys to create cross-jurisdictional confusion and the site was operating for over four years without any apparent interference from law enforcement.

    Dos group active again, our informant says they are seeking Jewish sites to attack, again.

    India's IT Jahidist participation is big secret, took oath of secrecy...

    They have made a break thorugh shssssss. With the secret program.


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    Searchin for Zawahiri on his day off

    searching for Zawahiri

    Searchin for Zawahiri on his day off... in Patki.

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    Tuesday, July 31, 2007

    Big risk, careful balance

    Big Risk:

    Paki, Boss there doesn't want USA attacking AQ in Waziristan, and he doesn't want to attack AQ either.

    If he is killed, over thrown or elected out of Office, USA could face an nuclear armed Islamicofascist state.

    So with the risks of being ousted/killed Pervez Musharraf elects not to attack AQ.

    What is this Paradigm?
    How is it balanced?

    The public part of this agreement is AQ and the tribal chiefs won't do anything, or go over border into Afghan, and Musharraf leaves them alone.
    The unspoken part is they won't try and over throw him either.
    If AQ or Taliban try insurgency to over throw him then he is going to go after them with everything he has.
    This is the "DEADLOCK", both side know what will happen if either goes for the other, and we have a stalemate.
    The interesting part is the Afghans tribal chiefs doesn't want Taliban or AQ in Afghan either.

    "an al-Qaeda network that has implanted itself brutally in Waziristan through the assassination of more than 100 tribal leaders during the past six years."

    So we have al Qaeda subjugating the Tribal areas in Waziristan thru force and murder, because it had no Government oversite in Patki, and its is to distant and
    difficult to get to.

    They terrorize the indigenous tribes and bribe and negotiate a seize fire with the Government, Patki.

    So Musharraf is opposed to anything that would upset this balance.
    UNLESS he were sure USA could take out AQ and Taliban with out reservation.

    USA is focusing on a work around for this Paradigm.


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    Pace University bows to Muslims

    Man arrested for hate crime for Qur'an desecration

    Sharia thoughtcrime comes to the U.S.: a man throws a Qur'an into a toilet, and has now been charged with a "hate crime." The unindicted co-conspirators of CAIR are, of course, involved.

    "Hate-crime arrests in Quran desecrations at Pace University," from AP (thanks to LGF):

    NEW YORK (AP) _ A 23-year-old man was arrested Friday on hate-crime charges after he threw a Quran in a toilet at Pace University on two separate occasions, police said.

    Stanislav Shmulevich of Brooklyn was arrested on charges of criminal mischief and aggravated harassment, both hate crimes, police said. It was unclear if he was a student at the school. A message left at the Shmulevich home was not immediately returned.

    The Islamic holy book was found in a toilet at Pace's lower Manhattan campus by a teacher on Oct. 13. A student discovered another book in a toilet on Nov. 21, police said.

    Muslim activists had called on Pace University to crack down on hate crimes after the incidents. As a result, the university said it would offer sensitivity training to its students.


    PUTTING ANY HOLY BOOK IN A TOILET IS WRONG, but not illegal, its freedom of speech just as burning the flag, which is also wrong but not Illegal.
    ( personally I want to know who wants to burn a flag... keep them on the radar. )

    Pace University president is a coward for giving into this pressure and it will follow him thru his career.

    Islam makes its point, Allah heard it also.

    Pope Benedict gave a speech last year linking Islam and violence,

    Muslims around the world protested against Bendict's speech, with churches set ablaze in the West Bank, Italian nun was also gunned down in a Somali hospital.

    Islam made its point, Allah heard it also.

    What is Islam doing to kill Binny, al Qaeda, stopping the Muslim killing Muslim, women, children, bombing Mosques and market places?

    Islam killed over a cartoon, Pace University lacks integrity, intestinal fortitude.
    They are more concerned about being politically correct than rights in the Constitution.

    I hope people will contribute to his defense fund.
    What he did was bad, but not illegal.

    Pace University bow a little lower, a little slower, bow your heads in shame.
    This action will taint your graduates and alumni.

    CAIR should be calling for Stanislav Shmulevich's release.
    Putting a Koran in a toilet is offensive,
    But it did not intimidate Muslims.
    Killing someone over a cartoon, now thats a HATE crime.


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    Eye for an Eye.

    From Jihadist forum:
    "(Hafiz / Muhammad Yusuf) - 29/7/2007

    منذ اليوم الأول وضعنا شرطين للإفراج عن الأسرى الكوريين لدينا.
    Since the first day of our conditions for the release of prisoners Koreans have.

    الشرط الأول: على حكومة الاحتلال في كوريا الجنوبية سحب جميع قواتها من أفغانستان بحلول نهاية العام الحالي
    First condition : the occupation government in South Korea to withdraw all its troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year.
    الشرط الثاني: مبادلة 23 من أسرانا لدى العدو في مقابل 23 أسير كوري لدينا.
    The second condition : swapping 23 of our prisoners of the enemy, compared to 23 Korean prisoner to us.

    لقد طلبت منا الإدارة العميلة في كابل قائمة بأسماء الأسرى الذين نريد مبادلتهم فقدمنا قائمة بأسماء 8 من أسرانا ليتم مبادلتهم مع 8 من الأسرى الكوريين لدينا.
    I have asked our administration in Kabul client list of prisoners who want to target a list of € 8 of our prisoners to be exchanged with 8 prisoners Koreans have. ولكن الإدارة العميلة في كابل لم تلتزم بما تعهدت به وتعمدت خلال الأيام الماضية التلكؤ والتأخير وعدم الجدية للوصول لحل لهذه الأزمة.
    But the puppet administration in Kabul did not abide by its commitments and deliberately over the past few days reticence and delay and lack of seriousness to reach a solution to this crisis."



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    Terrorist training in Second Life

    With the game taking such a sinister turn, terrorism experts are warning that SL attacks have ramifications for the real world. Just as September 11 terrorists practised flying planes on simulators in preparation for their deadly assault on US buildings, law enforcement agencies believe some of those behind the Second Life attacks are home-grown Australian jihadists who are rehearsing for strikes against real targets.

    Terrorist organisations al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah traditionally sent potential jihadists to train in military camps in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Southeast Asia. But due to increased surveillance and intelligence-gathering, they are swapping some military training to online camps to evade detection and avoid prosecution.

    Rohan Gunaratna, author of Inside al-Qaeda, says it is a new phenomena that, until now, has not been openly discussed outside the intelligence community.

    But he says security agencies are extremely concerned about what home-grown terrorists are up to in cyberspace. He believes the dismantling and disruption of military training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan after September 11 forced terrorists to turn to the virtual world.

    "They are rehearsing their operations in Second Life because they don't have the opportunity to rehearse in the real world," Gunaratna says. "And unless governments improve their technical capabilities on a par with the terrorists' access to globalisation tools like the internet and Second Life, they will not be able to monitor what is happening in the terrorist world."

    Kevin Zuccato, head of the Australian High Tech Crime Centre in Canberra, says terrorists can gain training in games such as World of Warcraft in a simulated environment, using weapons that are identical to real-world armaments.

    Zuccato told an Australian Security Industry Association conference in Sydney that people intent on evil no longer had to travel to the target they wanted to attack to carry out reconnaissance. He said they could use virtual worlds to create an exact replica and rehearse an entire attack online, including monitoring the response and ramifications.

    "We need to start thinking about living, working and protecting two worlds and two realities," he says.

    Intelligence analyst Roderick Jones, who is investigating the potential use of the games by terrorists, says SL could easily become a terror classroom.

    Mr Jones says streaming video can be uploaded into SL and a scenario can easily be constructed whereby an experienced bomb-maker could demonstrate how to assemble bombs using his avatar to answer questions as he plays the video.

    The bomb-maker and his students could be spread across the world, using instant language translation tools to communicate.

    "Just as real-life companies such as Toyota test their products in SL, so could terrorists construct virtual representations of targets they wish to attack in order to examine the potential target's vulnerabilities and reaction to attack," Jones says.

    One of the most useful tools available is theability to transfer SL money between avatars, funds that can then be translated into real currency.

    Intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the US and Australia are so concerned they have established their own reality world games in a bid to gain the same experiences as the virtual terrorists.

    Community representatives are relied on to report suspicious or inappropriate behaviour to the owners or the SL authorities, just as in the real world.,23599,22163811-2,00.html

    Hmmm now we need agents in SL.


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    sub launched JET??

    What is OSF?

    Photo shop?


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    Monday, July 30, 2007

    CYBER WAR General

    One of my agents brought me a story about some Gov. agency and contractors working on definitions for cyberwar.

    Anyone get me an email addy for my input for what our cyber troops and capabilities and objectives should be.

    I have some definite ideas on how I would run a Cyber WAR department.

    USA would own the Internet like the Air Force owns the air.
    And I would post a body count.

    General Gerald
    Supreme commander of USA Cyber Forces

    I think I just wet myself,
    Nope just tea I spilled.

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    Internet Jahidist feel the PAIN


    Quote "We are pleased to offer Release 4 of the series is blessed
    النسخة الكاملة من موقع تنظيم القاعدة في بلاد المغرب الإسلامي
    The full version of the site of Al Qaeda in the Maghreb, the Islamic

    أسباب إصدار هذا الإصدار
    Reasons for the issuance of this Release

    أي إخوتي مما لا شك فيه إننا نخوض حربا إعلامية مع أعداء الله تستخدم فيه جل الوسائل وتستنفر فيها جل الطاقات
    Any brothers There is no doubt that we are fighting a war briefing with the enemies of God using bulk methods and mobilize the bulk energies

    ( The current offensive by Mypetjawa and Internet Haganah and Freepers are having an effect on Al Qaeda, which they admit. Are "bulk methods" and "bulk energies" even legal under the Geneva convention??)

    وما ضرب المواقع الجهادية إلا واحدا من أساليب أعداء الله من المرتدين أو الكفار الأصليين
    What beaten jihadist sites only one of the methods of the enemies of God apostates or infidels people ( Rusty they are calling you a "infidels people" )
    وإعطاب روابط إصداراتهم
    The glitches links outputs
    لذا كان لزاما علينا نصرة إخواننا بما مكن الله لنا
    Therefore, we must support our brothers, including God enabled us

    لذا إخوتي كانت فكرة إصدار الإصدارات الماتعة والاسطوانات الجامعة
    Therefore my brothers, the idea of issuing releases Almatah and CDs University

    فكانت فكرة تمكين نسخة جامعة كاملة من موقع الإخوة في تنظيم القاعدة في بلاد المغرب الإسلامي
    The idea was to enable the full version from the site of the University of brothers in the Al Qaeda in the Maghreb, the Islamic
    والتعديل عليه بإضافة الإصدارات السمعية أو المرئية أو المقروءة للاضطلاع عليها مباشرة عند التصفح ودون الحاجة إلى التحميل أو الاتصال بالشبكة
    The amendment by adding issuances audio, video or print them directly to undertake when browse and without the need for downloading or connectivity
    فلله الحمد الذي يسر لنا خدمة الجهاد وأهله
    Praise Allah who enabled us service Jihad and lovers

    Well they don't need the interent anymore,.....

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    Ossama's school days

    Sultan and Mohammed Abdel Rahman

    Binny before the "Mohamed " complex set in.:

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    dos group active again.

    Dos group active again, our informant says they are seeking Jewish sites to attack, again.

    India's Jahidist participation is big secret, took oath of secrecy...

    They have made a break thorugh shssssss. With the secret program.




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    Ayman Al Zawahiri, boy toys.

    Ayman Al Zawahiri, boy toys.
    Hmmm interesting preferences:


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    al Qaeda 's IT mentors/advisers in India

    al Qaeda 's IT mentors/advisers seem to be in India, we are monitoring 4 people.

    People of interest, in supporting al Qaeda's wana bee hackers.

    Current efforts involve tracking connections between these persons.

    And developing evidence and proofs. BREAKING...


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    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Islam made its point, Allah heard it also.

    Pope Benedict gave a speech last year linking Islam and violence,

    Muslims around the world protested against Bendict's speech, with churches set ablaze in the West Bank, Italian nun was also gunned down in a Somali hospital.

    Islam made its point, Allah heard it also.


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    Sunday, July 29, 2007

    Cutting Costs, Bending Rules, And a Trail of Broken Lives

    Cutting Costs, Bending Rules, And a Trail of Broken Lives
    Ambush in Iraq Last November Left Four Americans Missing And a String of Questions About the Firm They Worked For

    By Steve Fainaru
    Washington Post Foreign Service
    Sunday, July 29, 2007; Page A01

    BAGHDAD -- The convoy was ambushed in broad daylight last Nov. 16, dozens of armed men swarming over 37 tractor-trailers stretching for more than a mile on southern Iraq's main highway. The attackers seized four Americans and an Austrian employed by Crescent Security Group, a small private security firm. Then they fled.

    None of the hostages has been found, eight months after one of the largest and most brazen kidnappings of Americans since the March 2003 invasion.

    The attack and seizure have spotlighted Crescent's low-budget approach to private security and raised questions about whether the company was vulnerable to such an attack. Another missing guard, Jonathon Cote, now 24, a former Army paratrooper from Buffalo, N.Y., described Crescent as "ghetto" because of its relatively low pay, its minimal hiring standards and what he and other guards described as management's willingness to bend rules and cut corners.

    "I've worked for a billion companies, and this is the worst I've ever worked for," said Brad Ford, a former Crescent guard who now works in Afghanistan for another security firm. "I couldn't believe how they were getting away with all the stuff they were getting away with."

    On Nov. 16, Crescent's trucks pushed into Iraq without any of the firm's Iraqi guards, leaving the ill-fated convoy severely undermanned. The company also had not filed paperwork with the ground-control center in Baghdad that monitors nonmilitary convoys, according to those authorities, who still do not list the Crescent hostages among their casualty figures for killed, wounded and missing because the convoy was unregistered. That oversight limited Crescent's communication with the command center responsible for coordinating the military's emergency response to attacks on civilian convoys.

    Security experts described the lapses as unconscionable. "It's insane. I don't know how you could sleep," said Cameron Simpson, country operations manager for ArmorGroup International, a British firm that protects one-third of all nonmilitary convoys in Iraq. ArmorGroup normally assigns 20 security contractors to protect no more than 10 tractor-trailers.

    Picco said the team leader that day, John Young, 44, an Army veteran and carpenter from Lee's Summit, Mo., made the decision to leave a team of Iraqis behind without the company's knowledge and went into Iraq with just seven Western guards to protect the 37 trailers. "I think complacency set in," Picco said. "Why would you leave a complete team behind?"

    Two weeks before they were abducted, three American employees of Crescent Security Group spoke to Washington Post reporter Steve Fainaru about their work as private security guards in Iraq.

    Barred From Bases
    Crescent moved its operations to Tallil Air Base after the November kidnapping of five of its security guards. In March, the Army barred Crescent personnel from U.S. military bases after inspections found forbidden alcohol and weapons in the company's quarters.

    Last Nov. 16, armed men ambushed a convoy of 37 trucks protected by five private security vehicles near Safwan, in southern Iraq. The gunmen kidnapped four American guards and one Austrian, who worked for Crescent Security Group, a company that is now defunct. The five men are still missing.

    But Andy Foord, a Crescent guard from Britain who was left bound inside a truck as the kidnappers fled, said in an interview that none of the Iraqi guards had reported for work that morning. He said Young informed Crescent's operations center in Kuwait City that the undermanned convoy intended to proceed into Iraq. "They knew, because John called them from the Iraq border," Foord said.

    Several former Iraqi employees of Crescent were spotted among the kidnappers, according to Foord and a written report by Jaime Salgado, another guard who was left behind and later freed. Foord said he believes the attack was set up by an Iraqi interpreter who had advance knowledge of the mission.

    Crescent is "blaming these boys, and they're not here to answer about it themselves," said Sharon DeBrabander, the mother of Young, the missing team leader. "I don't think that's right. They're covering up their butts, that's what they're doing."

    Picco should be under indictment.

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    Al qaeda's franchise failing.

    Al qaeda's franchise failing.

    The Franchise has suggested procedures, and Strong recommendations.
    And an Internet Library.
    Online self training, and Feel Good articles.

    But you can't run a world wide McDonalds like that.
    McDonalds world wide have the same bones, ideas, food.

    But Al Qaeda's franchise is still just a mom and pop food shack
    that put up an al Qaeda sign.
    It's still mom and pops food.
    The latest terrorist attack failures in England are a good example.

    AQ don't have the cadre.
    Some of al Qaeda is virtual, FAKE.

    In Iraq the USA army is doing an amazing job.
    AQ has:
    suicide bombers,
    Sniper teams,
    Motar and rockets,
    10,000 troops for sneak attacks, hit and run.
    road side bombers, IED's, Shaped Charges.

    And the USA Army is still able to maintain a 2 to one kill ratio, even when most attacks are ambushes.

    And AQ is picking when, where and how to attack, and still loosing.

    AQ is whittled away everyday.

    If they loose Internet recruitment, they would wilt to nothing.


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    Secret Americn ops team?

    Photos of a suposed American ops team on Jihadist web site?
    Anyone with info please contact us.


    (734) 619-0424
    or use form in box at the right..


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