Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: 9/14/14 - 9/21/14

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    Thursday, September 18, 2014


    US can hit 20,000 targets in 24 hrs.

    If you join #ISIS or are in ISIS now; bring your "Salat al-Janazah" with YOU, G 

    10 B-2’s x 80 500lbs JDAMs/sortie. 

    Between 50 and 60 B-1’s and BUFF’s x 100 JDAMs/sortie =
    6800 aimpoints/sortie. 

    This does not include F-15E’s
    or any other platform.

    This formation is called Elephant walk.
    Add the rest of the Air Force, and USA can hit 20,000
    targets in 24 hrs, some hardened targets 20 or 30 times.

    Round the clock bombing from DIEGO GARCIA
    switching out the crews.
    “US bombers are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets
    in Iraq and Syria in a few hours" .

    #ISIS photoshopped mag is no substitute for Mil force, soon you will learn difference, suckered recruits will bare the brunt, G

    Americans in #ISIS to be targeted heavily in "systematic campaign of airstrikes" STEEL RAIN " GOT MY OK, G

    Test #ISIS recruiters, see if they won't tell you ANYTHING to get U to join, they get paid for every recruit they SUCKER, G

    #ISIS HAS NO MUSLIM Scholars, recruiting GULLIBLE & NAIVE, no concept of carnage,annihilation,decimation,apocalypse coming,G


    Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: BLESSED BE ISIS SYRIA, IRAQ

    If you are WRONG in suicide bombing ; NO VIRGINS, YES TO HELL, Allah has STANDARDS, G retweet please. #NOvirgins4U

    I welcome sources:secure,encrypted,cloaked communications chan.will be set up for U  #ISIS

    War Anthropologist

    Terrorist Names SEARCH:

    Monday, September 15, 2014

    Defeating the Terrorist Paradigm

    ( PREVIEW, close to done,G )
    We often think of the terrorist as a one
    dimensional being, kill him and his terrorism 
    We view them as extremists, insane blood-lust,
    crazy. stupid barbarians. 
    Almost sub-human, degenerates beyond reasoning.
    That view tends to get in the way when USA tries
    to 'win their hearts and minds'.

    USA culture is tops, the worlds civilians love 
    American culture, movies, music, fashion,
    etc, Coke Cola is usually the lead.

    So what happens between love for American
    culture and "Death to America"?

    America is caught between watching genocide
    and sending in troops.
    Logic dictates one can't just stop genocide
    you have to fix the problem that caused the
    "The civilians need a working government
    and infrastructure to protect them".
    And USA has seen this need and tried 
    it in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    USA gave countries back to the people
    and let them set up a government even
    paid billions to build an infrastructure.
    Both Afghan and Iraq failures.   

    Moslems are unhappy with their lot,
    they tried going back in time to when 
    'things' worked; Taliban back to 1700.
    They tried civil uprisings 'Arab spring'
    in 4 or 5 countries.
    And violence Al Qaesa and ISIS to break
    free and have a better life.
    None of these venues have worked.
    The Monarchies both Sunni and Shia
    face the same problem as China.

    Loss of power and in China's case 
    a move towards democracy but all
    fear a revolution.

    There are two successful models
    for beating an entrenched power.

    Mahatma Ghandi throwing off Englands 
    control in India, and now India has a probe
    on the way to Mars.

    And Martin Luther King getting equal
    rights for blacks, now USA has a black

    In both cases it was done from the inside out
    and from the bottom up.

    England tried to force a government
    on America and we all know how that turned 

    These experiences may indicate a stable Government
    can't be imposed from the outside.

    USA may have been trying to install plumbing
    with hammer and nails, good intentions but
    doomed project.

    But USA has good tools for war.
    And when somebody gets to far out of line 
    can impose a good pounding.
    Stop genocide, mass killings, like USA
    is doing with ISIS. 
    And 50 countries have joined in to
    pound ISIS.

    Anonymous is fond of pointing
    out one can't kill an idea.
    But one can expose a bad idea or lie.
    And it may not be necessary to kill ISIS.

    Follow @GeraldAnthro 
    1,700,000 twitter impressions yr 
    1,157,714 Blog page views=  121,187emails 

    Muslims need a way to make Government
    work for them.
    Need to see a method that will work.
    The Shia Government in Iraq created
    ISIS in the way they treated the Sunni's.

    When it comes to War USA is tops,
    when it comes to building infrastructure USA is
    very good also.
    Winning Hearts and minds USA isn't so good.
    Building infrastructure isn't Winning Hearts and 
    minds and sometimes USA confuses the two.

    The main thing USA is faulted for, "collateral
    damage" is one of the great advances of last century.
    In WWII  "collateral damage" was an objective
    for both axis and the allies.
    There wasn't any concern about 'Winning Hearts and 
    minds' or "collateral damage" civilians were targeted. 
    Bomb the enemy population into submission, but US
    Military has advanced to trying to minimize 
    "collateral damage". 
    No more carpet bombing civilians like in WWII.

    The terrorist are trying to Bomb the enemy population into submission.
    The new tactic is to try and 'behead' the enemy population into submission. 
    An attempt to violate cross culture civility to the extreme,
    beheading civilians, terrorism carried to the extreme.
    Attempt to TERRORIZE the World.

    Muslims make up about 1.6 billion people on earth.
    If 1% are psychotic that would equal 1.6 million Muslims. 
    And there are no where near 1.6 million terrorists.

    That points to Muslims as 'GOOD PEOPLE'. How is one converted into a terrorist?
    The terrorists are sending a loud message thats
    hard to ignore, beheadings, suicide bombers etc.
    The message is loud but unclear.
    The world hears them but uncertain what they want. 
    It would seem the terrorist are unhappy with ALL 
    MidEast Muslim countries.
    If there was a "terrorist Caliphate" Taliban (NW) or 
    ISIS (Iraq), then there would be a STATE to 
    counter-attack, which would give the world
    some leverage in confronting ISIS or Taliban.

    Imagine being so angry you strap a bomb to
    yourself and blow yourself and everyone around you
    to HELL.

    How do you get into a head set where suicide sounds
    like a good idea? Those are the hearts and minds the 
    world needs to win.

    How are the terrorist winning these hearts and minds
    but the USA fails? Even when American culture is liked?

    Every post on twitter or in forum or in social media
    is an advertisement.
    The more secret they become the more they limit recruiting,
    Forcing them into a few big groups/sites makes it easier to track.

    Not dissimilar to Coke or Pepsi advertising.
    Of course you or I are much to smart to fall for 
    advertizing, so how could it influence people to
    become terrorists?  

    Advertizing has influenced sane logical educated
    people to pay $1 for a bottle of water that has less than
    2 cents of water in it?
    It cost the bottlers about 2 cents for the water in the
    bottle, and you and I both geniuses pay $1 for
    2 cents worth of water.

    Advertising works. 

    Part of the problem is the way Muslims teach
    religion, wrote memory, they memorize the Koran
    piece meal, they don't teach what the scriptures mean.
    So Holy men can move the umahs mind around like 
    a heard of cows.
    The "Holy men" decide when jihad means internal
    struggle and when jihad means strap on a bomb.

    Another trap terrorist use to force compliance
    is all a Martyrs sins are forgiven, so they are
    seduced by 76 virgins and all the FREE sinning
    you can do before you become a martyr.
    And the terrorist have private orgies, drugs,etc lined up.
    For FREE sinning. 
    But if you don't follow through, don't become
    a martyr then NO virgins and the sins you did
    are no longer FREE, you will answer to Allah
    for all the FREE SINS.
    Talk about peer pressure.

    The lone wolves operate under a different paradigm.
    Many are lacking critical thought. and no concept 
    of checking sources. 
    They hear/read it and believe it, "well if its in the news paper
    it must be true or they would get sued" that morphs
    into "its on the internet it must be true".

    In school we are conditioned to believe what we read
    in text books, that may carry over to reading in general
    to some extent.
    If what we read makes SOME sense on some level,
    we are predisposed to believe it. Even if the logic is based
    on false 'FACTS' and no basis of reality.

    Back when US was invading Iraq, I was almost recruited.
    Not to the terrorist cause but the first steps to some

    I distinctly remember the two or three days of confusion.
    I had been surfing the Terrorist sites. 
    One of my favorite sites for war info and observing the
    Other was "Infovlad Forum".

    There were a lot of bad guys on there and they were
    approachable, one could talk to them.

    My second visit there I read a post about the English
    SAS, and how they had been found in possession 
    of IED's, and dressed like Iraqis. It had a link
    and story to a news site, which I read several times.
    I was very surprised and confused. SAS planting

    My recruitment: to the Dark side.

    This is where terrorist get into their heads, 'win their 
    hearts and minds'.
    Enough advertizing and we are paying $1 for 2 
    cents of water, or on our way to becoming terrorist.
    Now one needs to be predisposed toward terrorist 
    action,any one of these; 
    anger, religious zealot, revenge, young 
    inexperienced, mentally slow, etc.
    Or develop those feelings from "advertizing".

    Infovlad's Clearinghouse , Wana be Jahiddie hang out.
    Bill, an associate spent many great hours testing out 
    anthropological hypothesis there.

    From the very basic, how much "flame" does it take to drive
    member off forum, to can one person effect jahiddie morale.

    The answer is yes, they HATED Bill, he had his own
     "I hate Bill" section.

    I've written AI artificial intelligence programs that will
    work in responding to jihadis, would pass a 15 min Turing test
    wrote it back in 1990's.

    So the jihadi advertizing can be countered,
    with AI programs.

    The jihadi recruiting propaganda are actual lies
    and conspiracies and mis-interpreting the Quran 
    and vulnerable to the truth as offense. Fact and
    Source checking.

    2 cents worth of water for $1 dollar.

    Coke Cola made $30 BILLION DOLLARS
    last yr.

    targeting key countries. Suni's, poor Muslims would cut 
    recruitment way down. Focused on Quran,logic, etc. 

    Add the WAR, infrastructure, culture to this
    and you have a much broader paradigm.
    Many more options.

    In general that is some of the ways they terrorists

    Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: BLESSED BE ISIS

    Can use Quran against them.

    If you are WRONG in suicide bombing ; NO VIRGINS, YES TO HELL, Allah has STANDARDS, G retweet please.#NOvirgins4u

    If you join or are in ISIS now; bring your "Salat al-Janazah" with YOU, G

    ISIS FEAR ALLAH, And fear Fitnah which affects those of you who do wrong,know that Allah is severe in punishment." Qur'an 8:24-25

    They are enemies,so beware of them.May Allaah curse them! How are ISIS denying (or deviating from) Right Path." (al-Munaafiqoon, verse 4)

    Yea Allah, we seek Your help against them.ISIS We seek Your protection against their evil, guide them towards what is Haq.

    indeed you have appointed Allah your surety. Verily, Allah knows what you do."
    (The Noble Qur'an 16:91)


    terrorism has become a business,with a turnover of billions of dollars. Criminals began to make money on terrorism.

    I welcome sources:secure,encrypted,cloaked communications chan.will be set up for U  #ISIS #ISI

    Forming Islamic Caliphates - ISIS & Boko Haram, G


    ISIS selling cheap oil to its enemies …Al Baghdadi, PSYCHOTIC ,SOCIOPATH SERIAL KILLER, JUST CRIMINAL NOT MUSLIM, G

    photoshopped mag is no substitute for Mil force, soon you will learn difference, suckered recruits will bare the brunt, G

    " deriding employment and wages as “modern day slavery."you can steal, rob, black mail, extort, take hostages, sell drugs, for income"

    Grand Mufti head of the Council of Senior Religious Scholars, Sheik Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheik "terrorist groups were Islam’s number one enemy"

    #ISIS deserve punishment according to Islamic law.Grand Mufti head of Council of Religious Scholars, Sheik Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheik

    #ISIS HAS NO MUSLIM Scholars, recruiting GULLIBLE & NAIVE, no concept of carnage,annihilation,decimation,apocalypse coming,G

    #ISIS " deriding employment and wages as “modern day slavery."you can steal, rob, black mail, extort, take hostages, sell drugs, for income"

    #ISIS members deserting like rats from sinking ship, US AIR FORCE coming, G 

    Get popcorn out, when it starts gona be lots of wana be #ISIS martyrs,"systematic campaign of airstrikes" STEEL RAIN " is what its called, G

    The level of violence GUARANTEES in #ISIS =EPIC FAIL, Who in leadership wants revolt & failure of Caliphate? @BarackObama very reluctant, G

    If you are WRONG in suicide bombing ; NO VIRGINS, YES TO HELL, Allah has STANDARDS, G retweet please.#NOvirgins4U

    USA has to rework it's terrorist paradigm.

    Internet Anthropologist
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