Do you have an alternative?
"Privacy policy" subject to change
without rhyme or reason.
We are like mindless zombies.
Ahh yes Facebook: let me give
you my address, and list of all my friends,
let me include photos of my friends and tag
them all for you.
Relationships? Oh yes check my email,
everything I'm doing and who with is
in there.
My thoughts, sure here they are on twitter.
What I think, and about what and when.!/Geraldanthro
Porn, sure in the Browser history.
And My ISP logs every site I connect to.
Google has my phone records, even recordings
of some calls, my spread sheets and all the papers
I've wrote, all my search words for the past 10 yrs,
Copies of my emails, blog, even my music choices,
and videos I watch on youtube.
Money: Credit cards carefully track every penny spent,
and even debit cards are connected back to you.
There will be no presidential candidates at some specific
date in the future.
The Internet never forgets, saves everything.
Mr. candidate is it true that when you were 14 you
called a bad juggler in clown face paint, a Mexican ass
in a Youtube comment? and used 14 "Z"s in spelling
Our entire lives are being slowly placed in the cloud,
for all eternity. There is no privacy.
The good part is we are all human, every one
at some time or other has watched porn on the
Internet, smoked a dubie, ETC, including all the Feds.
They can't put everyone in jail, but they can be
petty and use the low hanging fruit to prosecute
almost anyone.
There is not much one can do about it,
You could quit the WWW and your beloved PC.
Stop your world wide connections and relations
pull into your shell and become a hermit.
But now the FBI has legal paperless search warrants.
In most cases don't even need a warrant, just an email
with the force of law forcing your unprivate data out
of the cloud, even forbidding those charged with
securing your data from disclosing the Feds have
even seen your data OR asked for it.
So we stumble along with false expectations and
assumptions about "PRIVACY" in America.
We are all naked, its just a question of who
"THEY" want to look at.
And currently we have no way of correcting bad
data, or of even knowing "THEY" have looked
at your data.
Now if we apply the Lulzsec paradigm to this
circumstance, we are looking at hackers secretly
creating "BLACK LISTS" no one even knows
about. If a hacker falsifies your "private" data
in the cloud, changes your interests stored in the
cloud to something unsavory, YOU would never
know, and could be circulating secretly with the
force of law prohibiting anyone from telling you.
And the Feds believing it, even acting on it.
I've been writing on the lack of security on
the WWW, and now I'm pointing out there
is No privacy either.
So if you are on the WWW and love your
computer, embrace the lack of privacy,
run your life accordingly.
I can't foresee a paradigm where we get
our privacy back from the Government or
For the Government its addictive, now to control:
Terrorism, Crime, later who knows how it will be
corrupted? But Law Enforcement is not going to give
privacy back to you.
For Corporations it means profits, EXAMPLE:
Google knows exactly which ads to place on the web pages you
visit to the tune of $ 9 billion this
Intimately knowing YOU is very profitable and highly desirable and addictive.
We know how much time you spend
on "Tube" About your Affairs,
and that little SECRET.