Paki and Taliban colusion.
Is the Pakistan Government on the verge of take over by the Taliban?
The Paki Army has 250,000 troops on the border with India.
And the Paki Army may have had a hand in the latest terrorist
attacks on India.
The Taliban are a hundred miles or so from the capital.
Could the 50,000 Taliban terrorist take on the Paki 500,000
equipped Army and defeat the Paki Army?
Is the threat to the Paki Government real or a ruse
to collect Billions in US anti-terrorist funds?
The wild card in all this is the Paki Army,
Will the Army accept the Taliban as rulers of
Paki? Will the Army pull a coup and seize control of
the Paki Government?
Or would the Paki Army stand aside and let
the Taliban take control of the Government.
The Paki Governmment has ceded over 50%
of Pakistan to the Taliban.
Is the Taliban threat real in Paki or is it just
part of the Great Game to extort Billions out
of the USA using the Nukes as a red herring?
If the Taliban were to seize control of the Paki
Government it might simplify the policy of USA
towards Paki and their proxy army the Taliban.
If the Taliban take control of the Paki Government
they would not be considered as allies.
And would open the way for inserting ground troops into Pakistan
and take on the Taliban directly.
A second Iraq operation, not desirable but eminently
simpler policy to deal with.
No more safe havens for al Qaeda or the Taliban.
And all of Paklistan would be an open fire zone
against the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Paradigm Intel points to a ruse by the Paki Government
to extort billions of USD for alleged anti-terrorist funding.
The call is ripe with danger for an erroneous decision or error,
regarding the real threat of the Taliban to Paki.
Right now the Taliban have a Government sponsored safe
haven in Pakistan, if they could seize control it
would end their status of any safe havens.
Some thing smells in Pakistan the Paradigm doesn't
play out logically.
The Paki Government makes noises about the eminent
threat of the Taliban but does nothing.
And Paki feigns helplessness and incompetence.
While setting on 250,000 troops on an unthreatened border.
Paradigm Intel says Paki actions indicate they don't
view the Taliban as a real threat.
If the Taliban does take control it will simplify
American policy towards Pakistan.
The question of Nukes is problematic.
But can be dealt with.
Internet Anthropologist
Let the Taliban burn up Paki.
I just learned my estimate of
the size of the Paki army is not
500,000 but 700,000.
If the Paki Army can't beat the Taliban
with 50,000 terrorist, with an Army of
700,000 trained equipted Paki troops
they let the Taliban burn Paki.
No training, no funds, till the top
3 heads are on sticks, Binny,
big Z and Omar.
.If they can't do the Taliban
with 700,000 troops,
USA can't help with that level of incompentency.
Rebuttal from Source Inside the Belt Way:
".........Rashid has the best inside contacts in the Paki government but minimal access to the military. He is a nationalist Punjabi that is correctly concerned about the spreading control of the Pashtuns. I generally give his reports good marks.
Pakistan is essentially bankrupt, we have agreed to cover the military payroll there that is our main leverage and the reason there has been no takeover. The Paki military is huge but very little is combat effective, maybe 10%. It would be at best compared to our National Guard. 30% of the active duty officer corps have full time jobs in business and government. The rest manage parks, rental properties, nearly all the golf courses, polo and cricket grounds, that are all owned by the Army.
When fighting is needed they have "paramilitary" forces which are like our SWAT teams, local police that are paid mercenaries for quick reaction forces because the regular army can't fight.
About 20% of the Paki Army are Pashtun, the rest are Punjabis that are generally scared to death of all Pashtun, even their comrades.
All in all a very unstable environment."
In your hypothesis the Paki army can generate
an army of actual Military Troops numbering
around 70,000, ie 10%.
Thats not enough troops to do the Taliban.
Paki is part of NATO, that would seem to be
a possible soultion to raise enough troops
to "DO" the Taliban.
Your hypothesis further supports the use
of drones as a key weapon against the
70,000 Army troops against 50,000
insurgents gives an edge to the
insurgents, the deciding factor
maybe how ISI weighs in.
So far they haven't been able
to find the key 3.
Big Z
Paradigm Intel suggest ISI
elements are supporting
the Taliban.
Paradigm Intel will further spotlight
Paki's intent based on the Armys
actions after they recieve the
"Emergency Funding".
Is the big push on the Taliban
a floor show to gain the funding,
or a real recognition of the Taliban
threat. Actions and time will point
to the truth.