Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: Coporate protection:

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    Saturday, November 01, 2008

    Coporate protection:

    Coporate protection:
    By Gerald; Internet Anthropologist Think Tank
    Nov.1, 08
    InternetAnthropologistTT at gmail dot com

    I just read the speech and the author is doing genius work.
    In the areas he spoke about he had clear, out side the box
    action programs and cutting edge paradigms.

    Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence

    Dr. Donald Kerr.

    In reviewing his speech he made several key points.
    His central theme was counterintelligence.

    He had a remarkable insight into the sub prime debacal.
    "It's harder today in this interconnected world that we're all part of. We like to think we're
    networked without boundaries. I think we've all just seen in the last few weeks that
    globalization really has happened. We only need to watch what's gone on in the financial sector
    to be reminded of that.
    And those who would point back at the United States and say, well, if you hadn't securitized all
    of those sub-prime loans, none of this would have happened around the world. Well, each
    morning we wake up and find out other people bought into the same things, did the same things,
    were driven by the same urge for high returns, and began to disregard the connection between
    value and risk in ways that they shouldn't have.
    Now, do we know how to fix it? That I don't know."

    We do know remove sub-prime deretivates from the money markets. G

    He stated; "Henry Ford once said, "There's nothing new, only the history you don't know." And when you
    focus on computer security and cyber attacks, that's probably a place where Henry Ford is right;
    we don't know the history there yet."

    And he pointed out some of our high risk areas.
    "But in fact our economy has subtly changed over the
    last two decades. And where we were once a manufacturing economy, we're today in fact very
    much a service economy. I'm not sure what the balance is today; there's still a lot of
    manufacturing in the United States, but in fact an awful lot of the value added in our economy
    today is in services and in information that we haven't foreseen before.
    It changes the game when we think about threats because we're not thinking about protecting
    high-value facilities in the same way we were. And in fact, you could argue some companies
    don't have high-value facilities and fixed assets; what they have is intellectual property."

    Unprotected assets:
    Kerr continues: "tell me what counterintelligence
    really means in the 21st century, that what we need to do is think about the changes in our
    economy, how that's reflected in our society and how that in turn leads us to think about how to
    best protect the most vital assets of our country.
    Have we crafted the right strategies to do that? I'd say it's work in progress. What are the most
    dangerous threats that we're going to face in the next three to 10 years? We're still getting a
    picture of that. If you had asked, for example, 12 months ago would we have had a financial
    crisis as we're having today, I don't think any of us in the room – well, maybe there's at least
    one person – would have predicted that, but I certainly wouldn't have."

      Paradigm Intel, and inductive reasoning indicates the possibility of a Global monetary cash flow problem. Currently focused on short term liquidity, it has the momentum to spread.""
    He says;
    "So it's fine to focus on government capabilities, but we also have to focus on those out there in
    our economy perhaps tied to university research programs, tied in some cases to large companies
    that take equity stakes. Or, looking into the audience I can't help but mention our own In-Q-Tel
    within the intelligence community, where we in fact take equity stakes in companies developing
    technical products that can be used for intelligence purposes. We are not writing contracts to get
    them to do a special project for us; we're in fact taking an equity stake to be the first user in the
    marketplace and be two or three years ahead of the competition in taking advantage of that.
    We have a responsibility, however, to help those companies, either the ones that we take an
    equity stake in, or those that are just out there in the U.S. economy protect the most valuable
    resource they have, their ideas and the people who crate them. I think that's going to put a new
    face on counterintelligence over the next few years as we realize that the real value added in the
    U.S. economy is in fact not just within the government sector but in fact within the private sector
    where in fact it's supported significantly more than by government R&D investments."

    He focuses on a key initiative:
    "It's an important problem, and we're going to make a lot of progress protecting .mil and .gov.
    And we just took care of maybe 2 percent of the most important information that's out there.
    The rest of it's out in .com. So how do we think about that? How do we make available what
    we learn trying to protect .gov and .mil, to that broader set of folks who need to protect their
    valuable information as well?"

    Maybe a civilian counterintelligence service, one that can monitor the entire WWW for any interest in 
    the .com. Some one who has demonstrated the ability to track al Qaeda cells and their actions .
    That can take out cyber attacks before they happen , A think Tank that can track and trace Taliban terrorist hackers ,
    That has bot surveillance units , That has an expert OSINT collection capablities, and can operate in the gray areas of the Internet.
    And not violate anti-hacking laws.

    A counterintelligence service that can tell your Corporation who is surveilling, tracking you, what countries and groups
    show an unwelcome interest in your company, A type of world wide recon for your company.G
    We, Internet 
    Anthropologist Think Tank does all this very well. Counterintelligence for your company.

    Kerr points out, "Well, it seems today if a lot of the assets of the company are tied up in intellectual property – if
    you will, intellectual capital"

    Internet Anthropologist Think Tank can provide a "Trip Wire" that covers the world, and gives you an early warning system, advance notice of unwanted interest in your company.

    Internet Anthropologist
    Tactical Internet Systems analyst 

      InternetAnthropologistTT at gmail dot com

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