Why is Micro Soft on the cusps of loosing its market
The obvious answer is security.
MS OS doesn't offer security.
There are new exploits every month,
the OS leaks like sieve.
Even outside vendors have made an entire industry
trying to secure their OS.
And it has never been done.
They lost the browser market because
of security issues and their operating System
will be the downfall of MicroSoft,just as
Walmart over took Sears.
The browser war is an attempt to secure the
interface to the WWW because the OS isn't
MS hasn't revised their core paradigm
since its inception.
They had the only OS and it was theirs.
They still think the MicroSoft Operating
system we BOUGHT belongs to them.
While it has many bells and whistles
it is Obtuse, you go to the Start button
to turn it off.
Indexer runs whether you want it to or not.
Explorer.exe runs for 30 min + at boot up.
And the cursor jumps around like I'm spastic.
Hidden security programs are hidden and very difficult
to use and not centralized.
You practically have to be an insider to know where
they are and what they do.
Netstat -B for example doesn't run unless you
disable some security, but they don't tell you that.
They discovered 6,000,000 Java attempted intrusions.
FROM your system, were you notified, NO.
They won't upgrade illegal MicroSoft OS opening
those illegal system to bot farms, no tickee,
no patatchee, to the risk of the rest of us.
And their security systems "silver light"
and "defender" do not report to you, has any one ever
got a warning of infection from their programs?
Security logs, MS maintains them on your PC, but you need to
set up your own logs to vies anything, and they are
OBTUSE, NO instructions, and user abusive.
The logs that you can find the OS will not allow
you to view them even with administrator privileges.
The OS has outstanding research and security systems
all out of reach of the average user.
MS is still operating like they are the only
Operating System available.
Our paradigm forecast indicates a new more secure
OS in the future which MS will ignore at its own peril.
Unless you are a geek you can't use the security and
forensic programs built into MS OS.
Which makes them useless to the average user.
And the update patches are another example of
who they think owns your system. URGENT patches for
MS software not even on my system.
Having to redo "authenticate" valid MS OS is another
example of wasted time effort and space.
They upload reams of code to my pc like they own
my hard drive, and recently without my permission.
The lack of security and privacy on the WWW is in a major
part MicroSofts doing, or lack of doing.
But their impudence and arrogance will lead to
the down fall of MS. ie Sears.
The US Government doesn't need stronger walls, they
need a better OS than MS offers.
MS does not have security as the priority, but a secondary
or even tericary goal.
Security is an add on not a built in for MS.
The lack of competition has dulled MS's edge,
and live too comfortably as THE fat cat.
Labels: Operating system