Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: al Qaeda attack in 3 cities, EXCLUSIVE

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    Thursday, September 24, 2009

    al Qaeda attack in 3 cities, EXCLUSIVE

    al Qaeda attack in 3 cities, EXCLUSIVE

    From forum; posted yesterday, G

    Data reported by one of our advance Recon squads.

    Praise be to God dearest Islam and Muslims and humiliated polytheism and the polytheists, and prayers and peace be upon mujahideen commander, oversaw the prophets and messengers, and his family and his companions and followers all.

    My brothers in Allah Akram has a vision of God, I hope from God that had been made and will soon be
    It is that the three major strikes of the Mujahideen in three major cities and major (and God knows)
    The success of the strikes according to the method and timing schedule
    And get great hubbub in the territory of the infidels

    God grant us the Mujahideen, we attached the certificate in your way along that the whole thing in your hand
    O Iarahman Iarahim
    Iahi Yakyiom
    Ya Ya Samad one
    Iahanan Ya Mannan
    There is no god but You Glory to you from the evil-doers
    O according to the mujahideen in their strikes
    Carry out God, Osama
    Carry out God, Osama
    Carry out God, Osama
    Good in your hand you are all things


    My brothers in Allah Akram has a vision of God, I hope from God that had been made and will soon be
    وهي حصول ثلاث ضربات كبرى للمجاهدين في ثلاث مدن رئيسه وكبرى (والله اعلم) It is that the three major strikes of the Mujahideen in three major cities and major (and God knows)
    ونجاح الضربات حسب الطريقه والتوقيت المحدد لها The success of the strikes according to the method and timing schedule
    وحصول هرج ومرج كبير في اراضي الكفار And get great hubbub in the territory of the infidels

    اللهم الحقنا بالمجاهدين وارزقنا الشهاده في سبيلك ان الامر كله بيدك God grant us the Mujahideen, we attached the certificate in your way along that the whole thing in your hand


    ( Paradigm Intel doubts authenticity of threat,
    but in view of current events, USA, Germany... .G )

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