Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: spotted secret scram jet

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    Monday, August 16, 2010

    spotted secret scram jet

    Just pick up on one of the US new supersonic scram drone jets,
    Horizon to horizon in 2 min.
    NO contrail, couple of small clouds,
    and I could see nothing in the sky,
    no plane, no dot nothing
    Just a very faint engine that became
    louder and louder, till it was over head,
    still I could see nothing,
    it was to high to see with the naked eye.
    but it went horizon to horizon in less than
    two min.
    Most jets with contrails you can see
    may take 30 to 45 min to cross the sky.
    This took 2 min. About 7pm EST
    Mach 10 three times faster than its predecessor, the SR-71 

    I was tracking a sound, not a visible object,
    I could hear it but it was so high I could not see it.
    There was a distinctive Doppler effect,
    As the sound started very faint then quite loud,
    and faint again with shifts in frequency.
    The arch of sound wasn't 180 degrees,
    it was about 40 degrees at first sound,
    and ended 40 degrees from other horizon.
    About a 100 degree arch of sound.

    30 min of jet flight condensed down to 2 min.
    Thats fast.

    Lets see if there is a strike in ME with in 3 hrs?

    Internet Anthropologist



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