Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: Christmas Memories

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    Saturday, December 12, 2009

    Christmas Memories

    Christmas Memories

    Lots of warm Christmas memories house full of
    people, 15 to 20, huge feasts, midnight Mass.

    One year I got a 22 riffle. but no ammo.
    I had to play poker with dad to win ammo.
    That took a couple of months before I could
    do any target practice.

    Dad always had a lot of confidence in me.
    I got a kit to turn lead into molten metal and
    poured into molds to make toy soldiers, I was 8.
    Yes I got a few blisters but learned fast.

    Another year I went camping with Boy Scouts
    in 3 foot of snow for a week, it was actually alot
    of fun.

    And I got an erector set with a motor.
    It was a set of hundreds of steel girders
    6" to 12" long and thousands of little bolts
    and nuts. I spent hours building these huge
    mechanical monstrosities.

    And one year it was a chemistry set with 48
    jars of chemicals.
    I had one accident/explosion from the chems,
    and had to get 7 stitches in my thumb.
    Dad just wanted to know if I knew what went wrong.
    I did, and he was ok with it.
    It was the time of the atom.
    There was a little tube with magnifying lens in it,
    and if you held it up to your eye in the dark
    you could see a little spark???

    Getting my eye nuked at 10 yrs old maybe?

    Dad was a great outdoorsman, for a while he
    even ran a trapping line, and would run it at 4am
    before he had to go to work, and he took me with
    him for the first time on Christmas eve.
    We would skin the animials and streach the skin on
    looped stretchers to dry them.
    That eve he put war paint on my cheeks from the
    blood of the raccoon, he was so cool.

    It was a wondrous time of amazing gifts and memories.

    Little boy again.
    Merry Christmas




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