Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: New al Qaeda ENGLISH mag

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    Sunday, April 05, 2009

    New al Qaeda ENGLISH mag

    We are examining it now.
    Details to follow.

    The first English Jihad Magazine

    Very slick, propaganda pieces.
    New paradigm shift of significant orders.

    Bin Laden seems to have a column.
    Just NO way to tell if he is really writing it
    or it is Ghost written.

    All in English an Internet attempt to
    recruit English speaking Muslims.

    Probably based on the success of the 
    American Somalia operation.

    4 “Future Weapons,” EMP episode
    Objectives:...focus on domestic
    issues pertinent to the Muslim community in the West
    2. To clean the image of the Mujahideen
    3. Present well-researched and thought-out articles on relevant issues of interest

    Our Intel Paradigm indicates this was pulled together by
    a traditional military type with long history
    in hard copy type of operation.

    Not a WWW oriented person with experience
    with the Internet.

    70 pages.
    Written in poor english.
    Some articles are college level.
    cover Story  the predications of the Conquering of Rome Social HealtH economy BiograpHy overlooks the Ummah in America
    The emphasis for an idenTiTy in The sTorm of Kufr
    Staying in Shape without weightS
    obama’S QueStionable eConomiC StimuluS paCkage
    Guerilla Warfare, Abu Layth served as a pillar of Jihad in our Century
    The Warrior Trainer: The days of abu LayTh aL-Libi
    Looking at an attempt to take
    down all sites and upload links.
    36 down load links and 3 forums.
    CAUTION: They are using a redirect to track downloads.

    It's called Jihad Recollections and is a production of Charlotte, NC al Qaeda supporter Samir Khan's self-styled jihad media company,as-Fursan.   From Dr. Rusty Jawa Report.
    Excellent work.




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