Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: Spies Finally Forced to Share

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    Tuesday, October 07, 2008

    Spies Finally Forced to Share

    The country's spy agencies famously failed to share information before 9/11. It only took seven years. But now, the nation's spooks and security bureaucrats will have to start swapping data with their peers, if they want to get promoted.

    Starting this fiscal year, "information-sharing skills and behaviors" will now be part of performance appraisals," according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. "'Competencies' in this area will also be added for specific job categories."

    That goes for folks working in the "Central Intelligence Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; departments of Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, Justice, State and Transportation; and the offices of the Director of National Intelligence and Management and Budget."

    Spies were strongly encouraged to swap info before. But in the often-regimented world of civil service, have a specific requirement to share is a big deal. Of course, there's a right way to trade data, and a wrong way. Veteran spook Michael Tanji lays out how it should be done.

    UPDATE: "Phew, now all of our problems will be solved!" jokes former Navy counter-terrorism analystJim Arkedis.

    Note to current/future employers: Please ignore the following sentences.

    If I had a nickle for everything on my DoD [Department of Defense] yearly evaluation that inflated my job performance, I’d be a stinking millionaire.  [That's because] it’s in your boss’ interests to show her/his employees are doing a great job...

    To make sure we all looked good, essentially I got to write my own performance evaluation… I’d attend "strategic meetings" at the CIA, I’d detail the "excessive cross-agency product editing," I’d elaborate the "multitude of interagency conferences" I’d attended.

    Does this sound like information sharing to you? …It did to my boss and to her boss. Was it? Sometimes, on occasion.



    Our experience is they don't share, don't want even want to talk to each other.

    Most every branch has been penetrated form time to time and for reasons of Opsec they don't share.

    Now at some point way up the line the final work product is subimitted, and some sharing occurs at that time

    but no details and its a dumb waiter system, one way only.

    Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: USA's Intel system is a "Dumb Waiter."

    Even the CIA isn't interested in civilian information the form for submitting info in the CIA web site doesn't even work.

    The Intelligence agenys make noises about checking out all leads, but that has not been our experience.

    If USA does get hit I suspect there will be plenty of info/Intel about the hit that has been ignored and/or not shared. I sincerly hope our experience is misleading and wrong.

    They need an "Intel Dump", some place to post all info from the public etal, with all agency access, DB that can be mined, 

    matched up to agencys investigations.





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