Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: USA's Intel system is a "Dumb Waiter"

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    Wednesday, March 05, 2008

    USA's Intel system is a "Dumb Waiter"

    I had to read this 3 times.

    "Chertoff disputed the premise of the question, saying he didn't know what Stein meant using the term "harvesting," and that, anyway, the intelligence "products" don't specify where information comes from."

    the intelligence "products" don't specify where information comes from.
    don't specify where information comes from.
    Product user can't transmit feedback to originators.

    That's what he said,
    Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says"
    Intelligence Product user can't transmit feedback to originators.

    That just can't be right, it boggles the mind.
    That means an FBI agent in the field that gets terrorist IP's
    doesn't ever know the value of that IP or other technical Internet data he gets.
    It gets passed up the line anonymously.

    The Military Troops raiding the compound the IP has been traced to, where they
    capture al Qaeda PC with biographys, plans and members and connections can't
    put in a request for more.

    The civilian originator can read about the raid and capture, arrest and deaths of terrorist's
    in the news related to Intel reports they submitted, with IP's, technical data and geo location.
    And wonder why there is no financial consideration. ( Even with out of pocket expenses, $1,000 a month )

    And no feedback, no requests for more?

    The Intel delivery system is a DUMB WAITER.
    NO downline method of feedback.


    This paradigm pre-supposes the collectors know the value of the Intel they collect
    and will pursue valuable Intel.
    That hypothesis is false.
    It supposes everyone is Internet savvy, with the understanding and insight of a White hat.
    This is not the case.
    At the very least the system needs a method to push the rating of the value of the Intel back DOWN the line.
    Click on what "they" like and pass ratings back to field collectors for Intel pursuit.
    Intel collection based on feedback, value and use,
    Intel collection based on user targeted values.




    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    The einstein project.

    3:24 AM  

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