Iran circulating rumors of USA attack in April

Iran circulating rumors of USA attack in April
Started with this story:§ionid=351020104
Note the site looks similar to BBC site.
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March 30, 2008
Planning for Iran Attack?
Posted by Charles Featherstone at March 30, 2008 04:24 PMA couple of news sites I have never heard of are quoting the Jeddah-based Saudi newspaper Okaz (owner of the Saudi Gazette, a former employer) that Saudi Arabia's governing Shura Council has approved plans to deal with fallout from a U.S. nuclear attack on Iran.
The first piece appears at something called
Saudi newspaper Okaz claims that the government of Saudi Arabia is preparing the kingdom for the nuclear fallout which could reach the area if the US attacks nuclear installations in Iran.The news comes days after US Vice President, Dick Cheney’s visit to the country. Some experts claim the Bush Administration is on the brink of launching an attack against Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactors' and is warning neighboring allies.
Admiral William Fallon who was in staunch opposition to the White House rhetoric against Iran, was replaced recently fueling speculation the Administration was preparing for an attack.
The second story, citing the same source, appears at a web site called News Blaze:
Night Watch: RIYADH - It seems Washington used the recent visit to West Asia (Middle East) by Vice-President Dick Cheney to alert the House of Saud the U. S. has completed preparations for a missile-air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in April. PressTV reports the Saudi paper Okaz mentioned a meeting of the Saudi Shura Council after the Vice-President's visit in which the council approved preparations to counter "radioactive fallout" due to a U. S. attack on Iran. There has also been a recent deployment of a U. S. nuclear submarine in the Persian Gulf. That is why I suspect the real reason for the current three day visit by U. S. Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice to Israel is not to discuss the removal of road blocks in the West Bank but to alert Jerusalem.And Hersh with his perfect record of being wrong about Iranian attack conforms
the attack.
Playing with fire: United States attack on Iran canard
Periodically, we are victimized by headlines that insist that the United States is about to attack Iran. The attack has been in preparation for a long time. Here's Seymour Hersh predicting the attack in 2005. Seymour Hersh reported again that it was about to go down in the New Yorker on April 17, 2006. There's another such story here from February 2007. Here's a story from March 29, 2007, that insists that an attack is imminent. And here's another, closer to he source of the "information" - Russian intelligence. The indefatigable Hersh was at it again in October of 2007, with the same arguments and rumors. And the Russians are back at it again too. Now, almost a year to the day after the last Russian-inspired Iran attack fiction, they have once again published "intelligence" about U.S. military moves that are supposedly preparatory to an attack on Iran.
Add that to the Israeili actions:
Exclusive: Barak calls off German trip next week as Damascus raises war alarm
April 2, 2008, 3:16 PM (GMT+02:00)
Syrian troops
Israel’s security cabinet convened Wednesday, April 2, to examine the homeland’s preparedness for war. It decided to redistribute the bio/chemical warfare masks a few months after they were called in. DEBKAfile’s military sources disclose intelligence data indicating the possibility that Syria may transfer to Hizballah chemical or biological warheads known to have been developed for its war arsenal.
Ominous war signals are again flashing between Syria and Israel
April 2, 2008, 8:28 PM (GMT+02:00)
How real are they and how far are Iran and Hizballah involved?
Read the coming DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s exclusive forward insights to judge whether these sparks are a flash in the pan or the portents of a real conflagration.
Find out too how Iran exploited the Basra crisis for major inroads on southern Iraq and its oil.
Don’t miss these critical disclosures.
To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly click HERE
and this story at Jawa:
Massive War Drill In Israel Next Week
Tens of thousands of Israelis are to participate next week in a nationwide emergency drill that will simulate a massive missile strike on the country's population centers.The exercise was approved by Israel's security cabinet Wednesday and will be launched with a cabinet meeting conducted as if Israel was at war, and the sounding of air raid sirens throughout the land.
Sectors to be involved will include the Israel Defense Forces, all government ministries, local authorities and the educational services.[...]
Last week IDF officials reported that the Hizb'allah now has more rockets than it did before the last war, and that it is now equipped with missiles that can hit much deeper into Israel, even as far south as Dimona, the site of Israel's nuclear facility.
Before this was reported Iran called up its reserve troops fearing an Israeli air strike. Or could it be preparing for one of its own.
Israeli's to be kitted for non-conventional warfare
By Stable Hand at 05:36 PM
And you have the makings or a great rumor:
and filters down on the Internet to:
Russians have leaked a possible timeline for an attack on Iran. A 12 hour aerial bombardment will most likely start on or about 6:30 PM, Friday 5, April, our time (4:00 AM Saturday, 6, April, Tehran, Iran). No ground forces expected to participate. This is from a former adviser to Vladamir Putin (Russian President). Nuclear weapons will be used. Suspect that Internet services from the greater ME will be cut for a second time. There was a suspected rehearsal last month when cables were cut in 5 places.
We are searching for the Russian links:
Labels: Dick Cheney, IRAN, middle east, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, us
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