Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: What the Taliban really thinks about US

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    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    What the Taliban really thinks about US

    What the Taliban REALY THINK.
    I had sent some Info requests to the Taliban on
    Twitter, and I insulted them to see what response
    I would get, they sent a sock puppet to verbally
    attack me.

    This is a partial transcript.
    We were typing back and forth
    as fast as we could type so
    all of this is right off the top of both
    her and my head.
    And I apologize for both our spelling mistakes.
    There were only seconds between exchanges.
    I wanted to answer every tweet as soon as she sent
    it so they wouldn't get out of order.
    And I have big fingers.

    But it is a flow of thought,
    no opportunity for either of
    us to stop and compose a response.
    So I trust her thoughts as genuine.

    We have and did no operations against
    her I want to talk directly to the Taliban
    to better understand them.
    Looking for an information exchange.

    Analysis of this exchange I had with a pro-Taliban
    woman in Lahore Pakistan. little over an hour of exchanges.

    What the Taliban believe about America.
    Upon further consideration that is misleading.
    But we do have a valuable insight into
    what a Pakistani, probable Taliban supporter
    thinks. Again this is just one person.
    She is educated, which is an achievement in 
    and of its self in Pakistan.
    She has access to the WWW,
    and is computer literate.
    All of this would point to a person in the
    upper middle class, Pakistani educated,
    and not poor.
    Has a good vocabulary and reads and
    writes English.
    Her forceful opinions and willingness
    to confront me speak to growing up in
    an enlightened family. Leaning towards
    womens rights.
    No burka for her.

    She has been well exposed to the Taliban
    Infowar machine. 
    And unfamiliar with the real Taliban rooted
    in the 1700's.
    She would be very angry at loosing her 
    Music, movies or having to stay inside, wear
    a burka all the time and only go
    into public escorted by a male family
    And she has no idea that is the Taliban
    She represents Pakistan's hope and pride
    in its women, and has no idea she would
    be a Taliban target.
    They do not tolerate assertive women.

    And semantics also point to her being a female.
    Not a male posing as a female.

    She has not been exposed to critical thinking,
    and blindly follows the Taliban party line.
    As she just ignores any argument she doesn't
    have an answer for or disproves her paradigm.
    The Infowar has convinced her all non-Paki news
    is some how controlled by America and lies.

    Her anger is invasive and clouds her judgment.
    And she uses it to cover Taliban lies.
    I doubt she has had any personal exposure
    to Americans other than seeing American troops

    Her strong nationalistic feelings are underpinned
    by the Taliban propaganda.
    Produced by:

    Ahmed Quraishi

    Ahmed Quraishi

 ISI propaganda site.

    And she views her stand as pro-Pakistan,
    not pro-Taliban, although that description
    would not bother her.

    The Taliban have convinced her US is the 
    terrorist, as the Taliban have also convinced
    her they are not terrorists, and are her main
    source for news, both directly and indirectly.

    ISI also supports the anti-American sentiment
    through its influence on Paki media and TV,
    and the killing of 15 Paki news reporters. 
    ISI presents the anti-American propaganda
    as pro Nationalistic stance.
    "If you love Pakistan, then your hate America"
    And this is becoming persuasive in Pakistan.

    Since her world view is Taliban are not terrorist
    then US bombing and killing of them (and
    the collateral damage) marks the Taliban as
    innocents, dead civilians and US as the Terrorists.
    From what she has said I think she believes the
    propaganda blaming all the suicide bombings
    on US controlled al qaeda.

    The propaganda about al Qaeda has come about
    by the Taliban to explain away their suicide bombings
    of civilians and Mosques.
    Transferring the blame to US.
    This "al qaeda controlled by US" is so prevalent,
    and persuasive that they are able to deny OBL death.
    And the al qaeda admission of his death and even 
    his wives and kids statements, as US bought them off.
    And they just leave the admission of ISI that OBL is dead,
    alone as they have no answer.

    This paradigm allows the Taliban to continue to kill
    civilians and blame a US controlled al qaeda.
    Of course makes NO sense logically.
    But I suspect a Stockholm syndrome is at play
    as Pakistani s have been held hostage by the Taliban
    for years, thru terrorism.

    They use a considerable amount of "assumptive
    propaganda" which even the illiterate can understand
    intuitively. If 'a' and 'B' happen and US is present
    then it must have been them. They also use
    massive conspiracy theories, with circular arguments
    which work if your are a "believer", you just believe.
    All in easy to remember "sound bites".
    But won't stand up to critical thinking or logical examination.
    Which is discouraged, and quickly disabused from
    thinking about.

    The US Infowar has failed to inject the concept of truthfulness
    in world media, and training for critical thinking.

    One would think the critical aspects of world media
    towards the US would be proof in and of its self.
    But the Taliban play it as a great conspiracy.

    She has the capacity to think critically but refused
    to apply it in her angry mood.

    I think she is typical of many Pakistani.

    They believe:
    US are terrorists
    US has killed millions of people world wide.
    Korea, Japan, Iraq,Afghan, Paki, Yemen
    US is or soon to be starving, hunger joblessnes.
    911 was an inside job, US did it.
    US controls all media.
    OBL wasn't killed may 2
    US was faking OBL videos
    They only trust their own sites for news.
    OBL doa was Akbar Khan
    US has bought everyone off.
    al qaeda leaders and US the same.
    US is terrorist in Paki
    Taliban are not terrorist
    US killed Bhutto
    They support ISI and Mil.
    ZAB killed by US
    News they don't like is a lie.
    News that doesn't fit their paradigm is false
    OBL death a fake.
    al qaeda not terrorist
    US Gov lies about every thing.
    US people dying of hunger
    Webster, pieczenik their authority for 911 US did
    American secretary of state 911 inside job.
    OBL dead since 2001
    all terrorism due to US
    " I can bet am better educated than you. One proof is that i have my own views and you are only following your govts NEWS"
    US Gov has undue influence on citizens
    All Pakistans problems caused by US
    USA is the true terrorist

    I believe this is what they really think.

    It is in reverse order.
    It just the way twitter works.
    If you want to read in in the time line
    start at the bottom and read up.

    It was not easy to obtain the test,
    twitter is not set up to do that.

    She types "Geraldanthro" to send me tweet.
    and I type her name to send to her.
    So names are in a kind of reverse order.


    #Taliban @alsomood @alemarahweb Why use sock puppet

    MairaHashmi, talk to me. Are you Cowards? My guess is YES.

    thats why U sent her?
    Geraldanthro 28 mins
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    @alsomood @alemarahweb Why use a sock puppet MairaHashmi,

    talk to me yourselves. Are you Cowards? My guess is YES.
    Geraldanthro 32 mins
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    @Geraldanthro us cant stop being psycho
    MairaHashmi 47 mins
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    @MairaHashmi US will stop it, the easy way or the hard

    Geraldanthro 48 mins
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    @MairaHashmi Then stop your psychotic behavours and quit

    Geraldanthro 48 mins
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    @Geraldanthro yes, you must know that and stop drama
    MairaHashmi 48 mins
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    @MairaHashmi Just repeating the same thing over and over

    doesnt make it true, thats psychotic
    Geraldanthro 49 mins
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    @Geraldanthro get lost. it means am not interested in

    talking to you anymore.
    MairaHashmi 49 mins
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    @Geraldanthro ha ha ha ha #US the true #terrorist
    MairaHashmi 49 mins
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    @MairaHashmi Wher e U get scream?
    Geraldanthro 49 mins
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    @MairaHashmi If you harbor terrorist US will intrude
    Geraldanthro 50 mins
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    @Geraldanthro and without making one valid point I made

    you scream. Good me!
    MairaHashmi 50 mins
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    @Geraldanthro stop intruding
    MairaHashmi 50 mins
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    @MairaHashmi U havn't make even one valid point
    Geraldanthro 50 mins
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    @Geraldanthro Ok, now get lost! Stop intruding. (you wont

    b e able to do that I KNOW)
    MairaHashmi 51 mins
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    @MairaHashmi Your just not making any sense, no logic no

    connection to reality.
    Geraldanthro 52 mins
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    @Geraldanthro stop pulling your hair out! Yes, #Pakistanis

    and the world knows #US is #Terrorist state
    MairaHashmi 52 mins
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    @Geraldanthro ha ha ha ha ha typical #US approach. Pity

    you! tsk tsk
    MairaHashmi 53 mins
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    @MairaHashmi I didnt use caps, no one is screaming
    Geraldanthro 53 mins
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    @MairaHashmi I've come to the conclusion your just nutz
    Geraldanthro 53 mins
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    @Geraldanthro I know you are retarded. You dont have to

    scream. Patience!
    MairaHashmi 53 mins
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    @Geraldanthro huh! and I thought you have a slim chance of

    becoming intelligent. #US #Terrorists have killed millions

    of innocents! wake up
    MairaHashmi 54 mins
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    @MairaHashmi your retarded, delousional and psychotic
    Geraldanthro 54 mins
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    @Geraldanthro Finally I have been able to teach you

    something. Good. you are not hopeless. try harder, you can

    also become intelligent
    MairaHashmi 54 mins
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    @MairaHashmi US doesnt kill innocent only by accident
    Geraldanthro 55 mins
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    RT @Geraldanthro: @MairaHashmi Yes US controls all world

    news media.and is the blame for all Paki problems
    MairaHashmi 55 mins
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    @Geraldanthro Anyways, bye for now. I have better things

    to do in this world then to fight with you. As for you,

    keep intruding! #Terrorists
    MairaHashmi 55 mins
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    @MairaHashmi See you are delusional
    Geraldanthro 55 mins
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    @MairaHashmi Yes US controls all world news media.and is

    the blame for all Paki problems
    Geraldanthro 56 mins
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    @Geraldanthro Its what #US does usually. so I thought may

    be you are also planning the same sick game
    MairaHashmi 56 mins
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    @MairaHashmi no one said anything about killing U I think

    U are psychotic
    Geraldanthro 57 mins
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    @Geraldanthro its all US fed! Try using your brain for

    once. I know its difficult. your govt has left you

    MairaHashmi 57 mins
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    @MairaHashmi Its your terrorism they are suicide bomb U

    not US
    Geraldanthro 57 mins
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    @Geraldanthro Same goes for you. Only that you are killing

    people cant make others believe you are heroes. all world

    knows u are #Terrorists
    MairaHashmi 57 mins
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    @Geraldanthro Its just that you cant take it that

    #Pakistanis dont agree to #US #Terrorism. Its ok. Take

    some medicines it might help
    MairaHashmi 58 mins
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    @MairaHashmi U can beieve any thing U want doesnt make it

    Geraldanthro 58 mins
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    @Geraldanthro 95% of #Pakistan believes #OBL was not here

    and is dead since 2001. Off course its #US intrusion
    MairaHashmi 58 mins
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    @MairaHashmi U are not what I would call educated or

    knowledgeable, educated at a madrasa
    Geraldanthro 59 mins
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    @Geraldanthro Start crying then and send someone to kill

    me. thats all #US #Terrorists can do. isnt it?
    MairaHashmi 59 mins
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    @MairaHashmi Think the terorist just killed 90 yesterday,

    and your rid of terrorism
    Geraldanthro 59 mins
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    @Geraldanthro So that proves i am intelligent. #Pakistanis

    usually are. Unlike the dumb americans. check micheal

    moore on that
    MairaHashmi 1 hour
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    @MairaHashmi Where do you get this drivile? its lies.
    Geraldanthro 1 hour
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    @Geraldanthro We supported #US for sometime, but not now.

    We are free of the #terrorism, but you have to live with

    it. you have it in blood
    MairaHashmi 1 hour
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    @MairaHashmi Ha ha but your views are unrelated to reality

    thats not educated, that s stupid.
    Geraldanthro 1 hour
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    @Geraldanthro Killing millions in all parts of the world

    and you #idiots still think anyone else is spreading


    She types my name "Geraldanthro"
    to send me tweet.
    so where you see my name its her typing

    Where you see her name its me typing.

    I have eaiser format to read, email me for

    I wanted to thank  for the exchange
    she is very brave, and I learned alot about 
    what Pakistani think about US and maybe some Ideas

    how to work out our differences.




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