Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: More US Banking Crimes

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    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    More US Banking Crimes

    From front line
    "The Card Game": Video
    and the Banking Mafia.

    "The card issuers could do anything they want," Robert McKinley, CEO of, tells FRONTLINE of the industry's unchecked power over consumers. "They could change your interest rate. They could impose an annual fee. They could close your account." High interest rates along with more and more penalty fees drove up profits for the industry, Bergman finds, as the banks followed the lead of an aggressive upstart: Providian Bank. In an exclusive interview with FRONTLINE, former Providian CEO Shailesh Mehta tells Bergman how his company successfully targeted vulnerable low-income customers whom Providian called "the unbanked."


    The Government bailed out these criminals with Taxpayer money.

    Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: Criminal mafia coprorate banks ...

    460% interest rate, illegal in 15 states. Banking loan sharks.




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