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    Tuesday, July 01, 2008

    Ops and Intel up date: all Debka today

    Iran sets up 31 martial districts, prepares 320,000 graves for war dead

    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

    June 29, 2008, 10:31 PM (GMT+02:00)

    Iranian Army Brig. Gen. Mir-Faisal Baqerzadeh

    Iranian Army Brig. Gen. Mir-Faisal Baqerzadeh

    Iran has divided the country up into 31 military sectors as part of its stepped up preparations for war, DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report. Sunday, June 29, Brig. Gen. Mir-Faisal Baqerzadeh, head of the Iranian Army’s Foundation for the Remembrance of the Holy Defense and MIAs, said the 320,000 graves were to be dug for enemy forces in case of an attack on Iranian territory.


    Alleged Mossad spy sentenced to death in Iran

    DEBKAfile Special Report

    June 30, 2008, 10:42 AM (GMT+02:00)

    Exclusive: Photo of alleged Israeli spy on trial in Tehran

    Exclusive: Photo of alleged Israeli spy on trial in Tehran

    Ali Ashtari, 43, of Tehran, who was found guilty of spying for the “Zionist regime” for money, may appeal the death sentence.

    The Fars agency reports Ashtari "confessed" to being a salesman of telecoms equipment which he used to help the Israeli Mossad access information from Iranian officials.

    DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report Iranian official circles have beome obsessed with suspicions of Israeli and American undercover agents infiltrating to prepare impending attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities.


    Mysterious explosion at Iranian military facility

    DEBKAfile Special Report

    June 30, 2008, 6:45 PM (GMT+02:00)

    DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report that an explosion Monday, June 30, at Bidganeh near the town of Shahriar 40 kilometers east of Tehran occurred at a military installation, not a civilian building as Tehran claimed.

    At first, the Iranian authorities reported 15 people were killed, correcting this later to no casualties. The precise function of the targeted facility is not known. While Iran claimed the blast was caused by a gas leak, Western military sources are skeptical and believe the authorities are trying to cover up some sort of sabotage.


    US Fifth Fleet Chief: Iran will not be allowed to close Strait of Hormuz

    June 30, 2008, 10:06 PM (GMT+02:00)

    At a media briefing in Bahrain Monday, June 30, US Vice-Admiral Kevin Cosgriff warned that the United States and its allies would not allow Iran to hamper shipping in the Gulf and close the Strait of Hormuz which carries oil from the world’s largest oil exporting region.

    The US fleet commander was responding to a threat Saturday from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander, Ali Mohammed Jafari, that Tehran would impose controls on the Gulf and the strategic strait if Iran were attacked.


    Zemanta Pixie

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