US is using the wrong Paradigm to fight Islamic Terrorism.
US is using the wrong Paradigm to fight Islamic Terrorism.
The current paradigm is heavily reliant on COIN.
This paradigm is reactive and will never get ahead of
We have tested the world Islamic demographic using
two different methods, and came to the same result,
less than one per cent 1% are terroristic violent
But given the world population of Muslis 1%
is around 1.2 million persons world wide.
That is a big enough demographic to assure
that our grandchildren are still going to be
fighting a GWOT.
counter-insurgency operations is the threat
to privacy world wide, by developing the ability of States
to pry into every corner of civilians life's,
looking for insurgents. Currently a big part
of COIN efforts. One of the biggest losses
in this GWOT is the loss of personal privacy.
And the movement of this ability into policing
operations of civil law enforcement.
Running after this 1% is a loosing proposition.
The fault lies in Islam's method of teaching
Islam. One of the main tenants of Islam
is the memorizing of the Quaran.
There in lies its weakness, rather than teaching
an fundamental understanding of the religion,
they just memorize it. Leaving insurgents to
quote parts of the Quaran and bastardized
interpretations of its meanings.
And the ability to generate a 1% following
ad infinitum. Giving rise to the possibility
our Grandchildren will still be fighting a
And the loss of privacy and freedoms in the
quest for the 1% insurgents.
COIN does not address the fundamental
underlying problems generating the Islamic
insurgency, just the symptoms.
The current Islamic paradigm allows most
anyone. ie Taliban and the al qaeda cult to
interpret the Quaran for their own means and
ends. Generating a 1% following far into the
foreseeable future.
The current COIN paradigm addresses this
issue indirectly by trying to win local hearts and minds
in a inefficient Info War.
While the terrorist need to run an 1% demographic
Info war, just enough to continue the insurgency
they don't need to win ie 50%+, but just enough
to barely keep it going.
The worlds risk/reward ratio fighting the terrorist
far exceeds cost of the terrorist risk/reward ratios.
The COIN paradigm can't compete long term
against the insurgent paradigm, just in terms of
costs and man power. There is a difference of better
than 10 to 1, in effort and costs.
And the risks to Islamic Governments will become
very apparent when US withdraws.
Islam is shirking its responsibilities and its
sloth will be very costly to the Islamic regimes.
Internet Anthropologist
The curent USA paradigm is the most effective one so far.G
Islamic Education. The more people know about Islam, the less attractive they find extremist ideologies. Extremists rely on simplistic religious ‘proofs’ for their political positions. Muslims with more than rudimentary understanding of the Qur’an and Hadith (traditions concerning the Prophet Muhammad and his companions) recognize the simplicity and banality of these ‘proofs.’ This is not conjecture; former NII recruiters have told us that people with little religious education are the easiest targets and those frompesantren (traditional Islamic boarding schools) the most difficult.
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