Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: Consolidate lists

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    Monday, December 28, 2009

    Consolidate lists

    8 years after 911 and threat lists have not been consolidated?

    If the threat lists were consolidated it would be one of the
    most effective and least costly security methods available
    to make the public safe.

    Depending on what list the name appears on,
    they could have levels of responses.

    The NO FLY list,
    And the list with 500,000 names of possible
    suspects could be subject to physical search.

    This method could have prevented the Christmas
    wana be airline bomber from getting on the plane
    with explosives strapped to his body.

    And it would not cost billions to implement.

    This lack of coordinated lists to protect the
    public for 8 eight years is indefensible.

    The best solution is not always high tech
    and expensive.

    The ability to tag persons of interest for
    physical or even strip searches has been
    available for 8 years.

    This smells like a turf war, and if that is
    the problem its inexcusable.

    The Christmas bomber could have been
    intercepted in England as they had him on
    a NO ENTRY list.

    "NO ENTRY" but not a "BODY SEARCH"
    England passed the problem on to someone
    else to deal without warning.

    He was on a USA list and was not subject to
    a body search, because TSA didn't have
    access to that list.

    The perps stopping communication with
    his family is a classic method of radicalization
    terrorist use.

    The use of the liquid explosive and cutting
    off communication argues for a terrorist connection
    to Al Qaeda. And a take down of terrorist web sites.


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