Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: Global Campaign to assassinate Bush

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    Friday, January 11, 2008 Global Campaign to assassinate Bush Global Campaign to assassinate Bush

    "largest global information campaign entitled [unsafe region] from 6 to January 16"
    Here is the distribution of the new roles of the war coming to the region

    ويتوجه الرئيس الأمريكي إلى الشرق الأوسط في 8 يناير/كانون الثاني. President Bush will travel to the Middle East on January 8. وهي أول زيارة لإسرائيل يقوم بها بوش بصفته رئيس دولة وزيارته الأولى إلى الضفة الغربية. It is the first visit to Israel by Bush in his capacity as Head of State and his first visit to the West Bank.

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء لصواريخ القسام نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في فلسطين . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the Qassam rockets appeal of the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in Palestine.

    كما سيزور بوش أيضا الكويت As Bush also will visit Kuwait

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في الكويت . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in Kuwait.

    والبحرين Bahrain

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في البحرين . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in Bahrain.

    والإمارات The Emirates

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في الإمارات . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in the Emirates.

    والسعودية And Saudi Arabia

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في جزيرة العرب يا اسود الحرمين يا اسود القاعدة في جزيرة العرب هذا يومكم . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in the Arab Peninsula, any black-Haramain any black-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula, this Day.

    ومصر And Egypt

    هنا نوجه نداء للإستشهاديين نداء للعبوات و الأحزمة الناسفة نداء للمجاهدين الأبطال من أمة الإسلام في أرض الكنانة . Here we appeal to the martyrs at such an appeal to the explosive belts and devices appeal to the mujahideen heroes of the Nation of Islam in the land of Egypt.

    قبل عودته إلى واشنطن في 16 يناير/كانون الثاني. Before returning to Washington on January 16.

    Why is this site still up?

    Also posted on: In 5 different threads Doctors? again?

    Thanks for the TIP....Anonymous

    Other Threat, tracked to webmaster.
    .Bush's Secret Service security detail 1,500 men.

    .Secret tip line, with rewards.

    Update: this is from ISI, probably Abu Muhammad al-Mashadani, info minister or Abu Hamza al-Muhajir War minister.
    An org. almost dead, on its last legs, and on the run.
    al qaeda abandon unpaid troops, stealing payroll in Iraq.


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    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Your welcome for the link.

    He appears to be posting this to many many forums.

    The forum members seem confused by the post.

    One forum mod indicated he is from Algeria.

    Oops, probably shouldn't post his location publically.

    Sorry bout that. Not.

    10:33 PM  
    Blogger gerald said...

    He is in Kuwait, we have his IP, and this is a poor trick.
    After SawtAljihad saw our post he changed the authors name on the post from "SawtAljihad"
    to "OurLand48" and then posted it to these sites:


    11:57 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I hate to admit it, but it appears your better at this than me. :-)


    12:13 AM  
    Blogger gerald said...

    comments always welcome.
    Tips always welcome,
    leds always welcome.



    11:27 AM  

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