Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: What is Kimberly's point?

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    Thursday, November 01, 2007

    What is Kimberly's point?

    Hundreds of U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans commit suicide ( BS )

    By Kimberly Hefling, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

    "WASHINGTON - Hundreds of troops have come home from war, left the military and committed suicide.

    That is the finding of preliminary Veterans Affairs Department research obtained by The Associated Press that provides the first quantitative look at the suicide toll on today's combat veterans. The research reveals at least 283 combat veterans who left the military between the start of the war in Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, and the end of 2005 took their own lives.

    The numbers, while not dramatically different from society as a whole, are reminiscent of the increased suicide risk among returning soldiers in the Vietnam era.....SOURCE: MORE:"

    The numbers, while not dramatically different from society as a whole,

    The numbers, while not dramatically different from society as a whole,

    The numbers, while not dramatically different from society as a whole,

    So if they had not gone to war the suicide rate would be the same for this group....

    Which means there is NO Evidence that the WAR contributed to the Suicide RATE.


    It does give support to enemy propaganda on this subject.

    "The numbers, while not dramatically different from society as a whole, are reminiscent of the increased suicide risk among returning soldiers in the Vietnam era"
    Well what was it, were Vietnam's suicide RATE the same as for the public population?
    There is no INCREASE in the RATE???
    Sounds like al Qaeda spin...G

    And it misleads the public that only sees the headline.

    What happened to critical thinking among the news reporters?
    Do they read their own work? Where is the responsible reporting?
    When did it become "politically correct" for USA news to be anti-American?

    Kimberly I will gladly post your reply, maybe I'm missing something.

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